I guess the guy with the chain involved himself in the fight...but he didnt start it.
But does a fist fight warrant gun play?

Especially when the fight is over and everyone is going his way?
You bots have to always leave out important pieces of information. He wasnt the main instigator of the fight. Might even be able to say he was protecting his boy even if his boy started it.
Chill with the name-calling. I'm a former newspaper reporter who has covered criminal and civil cases. You don't
HAVE TO BE the main instigator in a civil suit. You just have to be responsible in some way. And if you have money, you have an automatic target on your back. KJ should have learned this at the NFL rookie symposium, if he wasn't sleeping or didn't have earplugs in listening to his latest rap single.
Criminal and civil suits are not the same. The burden of proof is different.
And exactly how are you protecting your boys when both parties go their separate ways and one party speeds by in an SUV and its occupants fire shots that kill members of the other party?
I assume we are talking about the guy throwing punches like a drunkard that was wearing a chain and a shirt with similar logo on front...but that guy didnt start the fight
Again, you aren't getting it. If you're in a fight and you fear for your life, yes, you may have some justification for pulling a gun and shooting someone.
If you're in a fight and you both discontinue the fight and you walk to your cars and your combatant walks to his and you decide to drive by your combatant's car and fire shots, how is that "protecting your boys"?
You're trying to give KJ the benefit of the doubt using ridiculous arguments, which pretty much means he really has no excuses.
What he needs to worry about now is his friends
flipping on him. He's "cooperating" with authorities. He'd better be worried about his friends offering him up as a sacrificial lamb. And based on what I know about prosecutors, they prefer the "big fish" over minnows ANY DAY!