Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

we can only hope, but in all fairness, its a crap shoot.

Well history is a good indicator. If he was a troublemaker in college then he probably will be in the pros. We need to stay away from those guys. It's not cute, it's not edgy. I hope Jerry is thoroughly embarrassed by this.
BobbyBelt mentioned that there was talk last season that perhaps Joseph wasn’t the easiest player to deal with.
Letting him walk might be for the best
Don't get me started on that pos vick, different situation with the same punishment from me.

If this happens in the last couple of days, I would feel differently. This pos had plenty of time to do the right thing and is only forward because he was identified.

dont disagree. Im just a rules kind of guy, and they have a union. Does this warrant a lifetime ban? only if it says so in their contract.
Well history is a good indicator. If he was a troublemaker in college then he probably will be in the pros. We need to stay away from those guys. It's not cute, it's not edgy. I hope Jerry is thoroughly embarrassed by this.
agree. In this case, they knew the risk.
Well history is a good indicator. If he was a troublemaker in college then he probably will be in the pros. We need to stay away from those guys. It's not cute, it's not edgy. I hope Jerry is thoroughly embarrassed by this.
Randy Moss got in a little trouble pre draft also.
The two guys arrested are both from Baton Rouge, his hometown. Don't know how long he has known them but no charges have been filed against him yet.
I don't know. If there was proof that he was partying after the shooting then that would be pretty damning evidence, especially in a civil case. It would raise eyebrows if there was missing footage or footage of them in another club after 2:00 AM.
Clubs close at 2:00 AM in Dallas
So how do you feel about the young man who was shot and killed? does that register to you at all? How about his family? What do you think they think of KJ now?
Are you going to condemn them if they say KJ should do time? Or if they talk poorly of him?

The law will do the judging, and he may get off lightly if he testifys for immunity, but cowboys should release him,
as he is obviously a slime ball who has no remorse over what happened.
If you cant see that I dont know what to say.

and yet arrests made and its not KJ..

he did not influence, participate, force, or control the situation, got it..back seat while the two in front had control of vehicle and weapons and the trolls her want to blame KJ??

yet as of now hes simply cooperating with the police, so the victims will get justice..how do you feel about that? you act as if KJ had his hand up the arse of these two, controlling them like puppets and somehow wanted that to happen. Sometime you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time around the wrong people..

KJ deserves some latitude while actual FACTS come out.

Ray Lewis got to play full hof career after being involved in the exact yet worse Double homicide where he witness it didn't report it denied having any knowledge of it until he was forced to testify in court if go to jail..seems like KJ cooperated when the authority's asked him too..not later, so unlike ray A HOF an FN NFL legend Kj starting cooperating when he was asked to come in and tell his side.

so what Lewis its ok

KJ nor a super star so cut him , condemn him before hes allowed to defend his side?? sure go ahead everything black and white cut and dry and you for sure must have been there and know hes guilty?

again spare ne the holier then though attitude and the way people have already tried and convicted him with no facts..

Innocent until proven guilty and that takes very in depth investigation.

it's not being done by media and fans this is a fact,,the only thing fan and media do is convict him with opinion..thats understandable HUH pitch forks out before facts are concluded.. this kid deserves to be fried before a defense is investigated??
and yet arrests made and its not KJ..

he did not influence, participate, force, or control the situation, got it..back seat while the two in front had control of vehicle and weapons and the trolls her want to blame KJ??

yet as of now hes simply cooperating with the police, so the victims will get justice..how do you feel about that? you act as if KJ had his hand up the arse of these two, controlling them like puppets and somehow wanted that to happen. Sometime you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time around the wrong people..

KJ deserves some latitude while actual FACTS come out.

Ray Lewis got to play full hof career after being involved in the exact yet worse Double homicide where he witness it didn't report it denied having any knowledge of it until he was forced to testify in court if go to jail..seems like KJ cooperated when the authority's asked him too..not later, so unlike ray A HOF an FN NFL legend Kj starting cooperating when he was asked to come in and tell his side.

so what Lewis its ok

KJ nor a super star so cut him , condemn him before hes allowed to defend his side?? sure go ahead everything black and white cut and dry and you for sure must have been there and know hes guilty?

again spare ne the holier then though attitude and the way people have already tried and convicted him with no facts..

Innocent until proven guilty and that takes very in depth investigation.

it's not being done by media and fans this is a fact,,the only thing fan and media do is convict him with opinion..thats understandable HUH pitch forks out before facts are concluded.. this kid deserves to be fried before a defense is investigated??
thats fair. Lets see where it leads.
Looking for a bright side, maybe Kelvin can be our Ray Lewis?

Yeah, the media welcomed back Killer Ray Lewis with open arms.
Dead man? What dead man?
Bloody shoes in Lewis home? What bloody shoes?


This is the part of the bloody NFL that I loath. Forgive and forget commensurate with your athletic talent.

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