Game Day Dallas Cowboys at Jacksonville Jaguars Postgame

The December fade is right on schedule. One & done in the playoffs, Jerry makes millions and the flimflam begins to sell us on the draft and changes for next season and why it will all be different. Maybe we get OBJ, which literally won’t matter at all, but the reality is Dak is just an okay QB, Zeke is worn out and the coaching on the Offense is average. Too much average to overcome.

Was a good run this season, some good games, but the underlying culture Jerruh has created just can’t be overcome.

got to agree with Trajan-----deep deep down every player is now lead is safe for us....we will find a way to melt down in most humiliating way
It’s absolutely poetic how I just know our season will end where it started, against Tampa Bay. Even more ironic it’ll end against the team where we all assumed the season was lost anyways once Dak got hurt. I just have seen this movie a million times and I know how it goes.

Are you saying Cowboy93 that we are LOSERS?.....well you would not be wrong
Pathetic performance not being able to play 60 minutes.

One of the most bad beat of the Jones's era.

Believe it or not, this is the culmination of his inept leadership and the culture that permeates from his lack of understanding on how build a championship caliber franchise "his" way. To put it in a "nice" way.

Purely pathetic.

I wish i could DISAGREE...BUT I CANT
CWR---- i totally hear you....we cannot avoid tough match-ups if supposedly we close to #1 offense and top #5 defemse.....its terrible not that we lost but how we lost.....same with Green Bay.....we had never lost a

game by leading 14 points 4th quarter in 195 such games going way back......there is something fundamentally wrong with this team.....people blame Noah Brown...but do you remember Ceedee lamb dropping

that super easy catch against Giants?.....we dont talk about that cause we won that game....Noah Brown is a good receiver who made a bad play at a crucial time so it is i bet every player

is lead is safe for us.....we will melt down and right before playoffs......and i was the super rah rah cheerleader....No way man...we wont be One and Done...or even 2 and Done we are going to

make some serious to be honest after sleeping on it......we are who we are.....a very super inconsistent team heading into last 3 games of regular season and playoffs......but check this out

who is to say freaky wierd stuff cant happen in playoffs and we win games maybe we should not win?......anything can happen....i guarantee no one thought last year that Cincy was almost going to win

Super Bowl???? NFL is inconsistent too.....back 30-40 years ago you knew who were the bad-*** teams and who were not....its different now.....anything can happen from any i am here

on Monday not a bit upset like i was yesterday.....Dallas is who they appear to be....super inconsistent....that does not mean impossible to make serious noise in playoffs....but the other teams have to play

inconsistent too......we have sustained too many injuries.....i hope we are not One and Done......and i will probably get all jacked up and rah rah rah....but that is what fans do

I still think we win our wildcard match up. Divisional round I just don't know. The important thing now is how we adjust the defense to these injuries and that we bet our OC to stop being cute and keep it simple. He screwed us badly this game. a BIGGER scheme of things. This lost is what Fate ordered. For other situations to fall in place.
I still think we win our wildcard match up. Divisional round I just don't know. The important thing now is how we adjust the defense to these injuries and that we bet our OC to stop being cute and keep it simple. He screwed us badly this game.

CWR----totally respect your view and reasoning....but if it was a guarantee if we went One and Done we get Sean Payton as coach would you want that? yes yes yes
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CWR----totally respect your view and reasoning....but if it was a guarantee if we went One and Done we get Sean Payton as coach would you want that? yes yes yes

I was in the camp of promoting Quinn to HC if we make an early exit.

Now I don't know. I also don't know how good Quinns' defense would be if it wasn't his sole focus. Of course now, I don't know how good it is at all. We have fallen off drastically from where we were earlier in the season. If he doesn't make some adjustments and get a handle on it, this defense may finish top 10, but nowhere near elite.

If it plays out to where it's a complete team collapse, then I'd be in favor of Payton. My only misgiving would be the potential asking price.

I would love to see what the offense looks like with a real coordinator, and getting rid of KM is worth the price of admission.

What I believe will actually happen is either a divisional round or conference championship exit, most likely divisional round. In either event, I think JJ retains MM. He will look at back to back 10+ win seasons and feel it signifies progress and justifies another year. I'm not saying I agree or not, it's just my expectation.
CWR----totally respect your view and reasoning....but if it was a guarantee if we went One and Done we get Sean Payton as coach would you want that? yes yes yes

We will be counting on at least a triple Plat this week.

Tbh as stupid as it sounds, I think we beat Philly. I also half expected the loss to the Jags...this eagles game is typical. They always love to show us what might have been. Lol
Could care less about the Christmas Eve game now .
I still intend to watch the game because I'm still a Cowboys fan and hey, I can always hope for a miracle.
Be that as it may, yes we're in the playoffs but I don't see us as a playoff team. The playoffs are supposed to be for good teams, and I expect us to be 1 and done.
But I'll still watch.
Done with Kellen Moore. That 3rd down deep ball literally cost Dallas the game. Force them to use their last timeout and it’s over.

It was an unbelievably stupid call. At the one time when you REALLY need a high percentage play call, Moore dials up a stupidly low percentage play call like that. Just unbelievable.
I mean how do you sell stupidity like that to the team owner unless the owner is stupid as well? *SMH* :facepalm:
Dak ain’t it, guys. It’s Christmas. I’m logging off. I’ll be at church next week, and won’t be able to see the game. But I’ve come to realize that watching the game, win or lose, has become more of a joyless chore. I long for the day I can stop watching.

This was a bad take on Dak based on this game. I don’t know if Dak is the guy anymore. He’s shaken my confidence. But this game wasn’t on him.

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