These guys have to adhere to a rigid thought process in order to rationalize the evidence/information presented in this matter.
It's starts with a premise they won't ever consider abandoning:
Dez MUST be innocent or not responsible of any wrongdoing in any matter.
- They purposely take the narrow and completely baseless viewpoint that the photos in the article MUST be an exhaustive account of all the damage done to the property.
- They've concluded the only damage done was to the carpet and drywall and that there is no justification for the stated damages (~$60K).
- They refuse to acknowledge that additional damage may be done that can't be seen in the photos, such as damage to the flooring or subflooring and the scale of repair costs for a 6,400 SF house.
- FuzzyLogic continues to laughably claim (of course without any support of evidence) that the photos were leaked, but failing to realize these particular court docs are public record.
- They equate motive mongering (i.e. "West/Wells are just trying to do Dez wrong") as objective fact.
As to your point about exaggerated repair costs....they don't get that either. It was explained to them early on that is standard procedure in these types of property/damage law suits. You ALWAYS ask for the highest amount with hopes the judge awards the requested amount, or at the very least, a certain percentage below the amount. Only an idiot would come in with the lowest estimate.