That's always been the drill amongst FANS they convince themselves of things no rational fan could ever convince themselves of. Homerism is a powerful force and once someone is overtaken by it they lose all ability to reason and use logic.
The large group of fans that posts on CowboysZone are like any group of NFL fans on any forum on the WWW. A majority will look for the positives with everything their team does. They always hope for the best and see the upside in most of the situations and personnel moves. Some have a much more negative slant and criticize most of the moves their team made. Some are able to be pretty unbiased as they look at things and will see some moves as good and some as bad.
I have been on rival teams forums and it is much easier to see things clearly and see their moves for what they are. When you're emotionally invested in a team, I think a lot of people can't see things objectively. It is human nature.
I've noticed on the Commanders board that I visit sometimes how a player is great until he gets cut or traded and then, suddenly, he isn't worth a crap. The truth will typically lie in the middle. Jason Hatcher wasn't worth a crap until the Skins picked him up as a FA... then, suddenly he became a good player that Commander fans admired but didn't like in Dallas... and now they're glad he brought his considerable skills to Washington.
Every teams fans wanted Collins before he signed, and then after coming to Dallas, all the fans around the league started seeing why he really wasn't that talented and they're glad their team didn't waste their time with him, lol. Giants fans in particular decided quickly that Collins would have had zero chance to start on their talented OL.
It can be humorous really.
I bet if we looked at any of the 31 other team's message boards, we could find the evil twin of most of the posters here. There would be guys like us that we could classify just like we do many of the members here: They would have logical fans, emotional fans, "realistic" fans, Homers, negative Nancies, sock puppet trolls, etc.
To expect anything else on any NFL fan forum would be unreasonable.