Funny thing is if cowboys lose or dont win SB, people will say they made the wrong choice.
But there is a possibility that both Romo and Dak will not win SB or get there, no matter which one is chosen, they will lose at some point.
I dont think either Dak fans or Romo fans have thought of that.
The sad thing is the one chosen, will get all the blame if they dont go all the way.
The other one will be the hero who could have done it.
Now if Tony had taken the team to 11-2, right where we are now, everyone would be estactic,
and just wanting to get past div round to championship game.
Instead we have 50% of fans mad or unhappy cause it was Dak who got us to 11-2.
Looking for anything to criticize him for.
If situation were reversed, and tony got hurt and Dak took them rest of way, then tony would get
most of the credit for getting to SB.
So if tony winds up taking over, will Dak get credit for the SB season or just Tony who only had to
play a few games?
Well who knows, like I said maybe it doesnt matter, maybe neither one can get us to SB and win.
But fans will always think the one that doesnt play is the one who could have done it, but really
that is just speculation.
I think some teams could beat Dallas no matter which QB plays.
Tony barely beat detroit, and had some funky ref calls help out, then lost to GB (2014) also with some bad ref calls.
So just playing tony doesnt guarantee anything. and same is true with Dak.
On top of that either qb needs his team mates to also step up and make plays, not mistakes, and the
coaches have to game plan etc, to give the team the best chance to win.
And the defense & ST has to do their part.
I know if Dak goes all the way, only half the Dallas fans will be happy about it lol.