Help me understand ONE part of your conclusion.
You statistically evaluated the team's offensive scoring vs. All/Better opponents and from that analysis, concluded that Dak takes advantage of lesser opponents and doesn't elevate his performance against better opponents which results in an overrated Dallas offense (paraphrase).
Now this could be absolutely true, could be a major/minor contributor (most probable) or could be completely false.
Obviously a QB is a significant contributor to offensive point scoring. But this is true against any opponent, good or bad. But there are other significant contributors to offensive point scoring: Play calling, Field position, Injuries, Penalties, Turnovers, Rushing performance, etc in which the QB, has some, little, or no control over. These can also be affected to varying degrees based on the quality of the opponent. Were these factored into that particular conclusion?
You seem like a smart guy and based on my previous post, you can probably see where I'm going with this. I am not this Dak homer but football is far too complex to draw that particular portion of your conclusion from the analysis you did. I do agree balance is the key to any offense unless you have an elite QB and even those QBs need some help.
FWIW, You also mentioned the Cowboys 23 PPG average and the huge numbers against backups (bolded in quote above). You did remove the Philly game, correct? But I gotta tell you I have to give you credit for going through every NFL game from last year, determining when defensive backups were playing, then removing those points from your analysis like you did for the Cowboys offense