From what I've learned, cable or directTV, everything still depends on where you live. Due to the competition, Comcast aren't quite the ***** they used to be.
I built a new, smaller house after my divorce 5 years ago...I went in myself before the sheetrock was put in and ran CAT5 wiring to every room, along with top coax cables...then I had to switch from dialup to cable because the phone company explained to me that the CAT5 wiring in my house meant nothing because the phone service delivered to my neighborhood was through older, above ground wiring, and my reception would never be of better quality until the phone company reran all their connecting lines.
So on to comcast basic cable and high speed internet service...a service that disconnects several times a year, sometimes for days at a time. You call the cable company, and despite having a long history of complaints, they won't send anyone to check outside until after someone checks inside your you stay home and meet with them, so they can tell you everything's fine inside...the problem for 5 years has been the lower quality signal being sent to my neighborhood...they do little things to boost the signal and I get my internet back, but the signal is always low.
That's why I refuse to switch to digital cable and pay more (all their great deals and incentives for digital cable, internet, and phone apply only to new subscribers, not those of us upgrading)...I refuse to pay more for digital when it all still runs through the same lines and boxes that currently send lower than ideal signals.
Competition is the only thing keeping me sane and now giving me people who at least act like they care...however, listening to those of you talking about DSL is making me consider dropping comcast altogether and going with directTV and DSL....the only reason I was holding back was I didn't think I could stand going back to slower internet after being spoiled by cable.
I guess I should learn more about DSL....I have 3 kids in college this year, so money has been tight...thanks for all the ideas in what started out as a bit@# thread