Video: Dan Patrick on Zeke Situation; some NFL owners want him punished

At this point I would be shocked if Zeke doesn't get a game or 2. Possibly more. Not for any single incident, but a pattern of behavior.

No single incident likely deserves a suspension. But put them all together into a single narrative and a suspension is likely warranted. At least in the opinion of Goodell.
Apparently, there is a man child (maybe Sloth, from The Goonies) chained in mamma's basement with only
a Cowboys zone message board to entertain himself between bowls of Rocky Road ice cream.
At this point I would be shocked if Zeke doesn't get a game or 2. Possibly more. Not for any single incident, but a pattern of behavior.

No single incident likely deserves a suspension. But put them all together into a single narrative and a suspension is likely warranted. At least in the opinion of Goodell.
I never thought Zeke would be suspended over the DV violence issue if all the evidence they had was what we already know but I agree that the pattern of behavior may result in a suspension. Any chance he had of getting off went out the window with the bar incident I'm afraid.

I just want to see the evidence. If Zeke did this than I have no problem with him being suspended but when she admits to wanting to set him up and have people lie for her than that's another thing . As for the rest Zeke does need to cool it for awhile. Let things settle down. He is a target. Don't really care about Mara and the others. They are all hypocrites anyway. Josh Brown anyone? They talk about caring about DV but they don't. It's all public perception that they care about. And that's what all this NFL investigating is really about. They want to look good.

I totally agree. Like politicians, they're all hypocritical and I wouldn't trust any of them, which is part of my point. Mara MAY be guilty of some of the accusations (still up to Goodell though) but no more then Jerry MAY be guilty of some of the accusations against him. So if people want to sit here and blame Mara for all the Cowboys problems with no evidence then so be it but don't get pissed, turn a blind eye, or make excuses/justifications to the accusations against Jerry (ie Blandino) or the players (ie Zeke's behavior).
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Apparently, there is a man child (maybe Sloth, from The Goonies) chained in mamma's basement with only
a Cowboys zone message board to entertain himself between bowls of Rocky Road ice cream.
Whew! For a second I thought you were talking about me but I'm entertaining myself on the couch watching The Open with a huge bowl of Pecos cantaloupe. I am definitely a man child though so you were close. Looking forward to an afternoon of Battlefield after golf and possibly an alcohol infused evening with my make believe "roomate" and "friends".
I do not know how much Mara is or is not involved in the goings on in Goodell's office regarding Elliott.

I do know that Mara did not push or force Zeke into his questionable behavior. Zeke...and Zeke alone is to blame for the predicament he is in today.
Whew! For a second I thought you were talking about me but I'm entertaining myself on the couch watching The Open with a huge bowl of Pecos cantaloupe. I am definitely a man child though so you were close. Looking forward to an afternoon of Battlefield after golf and possibly an alcohol infused evening with my make believe "roomate" and "friends".
Lmao!! Hell yeah, my kinda day! :)
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but a thought just crossed my mind. What are the chances the league investigated, found nothing, but decided to drag it out in the hopes that Zeke did other things that they could use to suspend him and make him another example of their supposed intolerance of domestic violence after botching numerous other cases. The investigation is apparently coming to an end right after he has been accused of other minor infractions which may allow the NFL cover to suspend him. Coincidence or by design?
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but a thought just crossed my mind. What are the chances the league investigated, found nothing, but decided to drag it out in the hopes that Zeke did other things that they could use to suspend him and make him another example of their supposed intolerance of domestic violence after botching numerous other cases. The investigation is apparently coming to an end right after he has been accused of other minor infractions which may allow the NFL cover to suspend him. Coincidence or by design?
I would say coincidence. No matter what anyone believes about the Brown case, that took 10 months. Regardless, even if it were true, Zeke was dumb enough to not stay out of trouble for a little while longer.

Honestly, if they suspend him I hope they lump it all together as "conduct detrimental to the league" or whatever other reason they come up with and get it over with. What would be a double whammy is if they suspend him for other incidents, then investigate the club incident and he gets another suspension further down the road. I guess it depends how far they want to purse the club incindent whether that hapoens or not.

Another thought, I guess they may just impose curfew or something else, like they did with Dez, and then continue to investigate the club incident because that could be pretty serious depending on what they find or if anyone comes forward.

Who the hell knows what they'll do, ask Mara ;)
I would say coincidence. No matter what anyone believes about the Brown case, that took 10 months. Regardless, even if it were true, Zeke was dumb enough to not stay out of trouble for a little while longer.

Well yeah, one would think it would take at least 10 months to investigate 20+ instances of domestic abuse. One instance where its blatantly obvious that the woman was lying should take until lunch to investigate. It's pretty apparent that this was dragged out for a long period of time on purpose.
Well yeah, one would think it would take at least 10 months to investigate 20+ instances of domestic abuse. One instance where its blatantly obvious that the woman was lying should take until lunch to investigate. It's pretty apparent that this was dragged out for a long period of time on purpose.
Dont try convincing him of any wrong doing by the league or any conspiracy or any bias. its not worthit.
Well yeah, one would think it would take at least 10 months to investigate 20+ instances of domestic abuse. One instance where its blatantly obvious that the woman was lying should take until lunch to investigate. It's pretty apparent that this was dragged out for a long period of time on purpose.
Here we go again. I don't believe the 20 accusations of abuse was made known to the NFL or Giants until after the one game suspension plus all we know so far is what has been made public. Just don't cry or be surprised if it takes 10 months for the NFL to investigate the club incident, plenty of shadiness there.
Here we go again. I don't believe the 20 accusations of abuse was made known to the NFL or Giants until after the one game suspension plus all we know so far is what has been made public. Just don't cry or be surprised if it takes 10 months for the NFL to investigate the club incident, plenty of shadiness there.

You don't believe that the NFL knew about the 20 accusations of domestic violence, despite a 10 month investigation? And yet you think that somehow the NFL will uncover something on Zeke? Ooooookay.

"Yeah, we've been investigating this guy for 10 months, haven't found anything. Suspend him for a game." Two days later the 20+ accusations are leaked, but the NFL had no idea about them. Right. I wonder how long the journalist or whoever found out about those accusations had been investigating Brown.
Dont try convincing him of any wrong doing by the league or any conspiracy or any bias. its not worthit.
Lol, yeah because I've always supported the league and Goodell. Perfect example of how, like with the Cowboys, you only read and believe what you want. Nice try buddy but I've stated several times I dislike Goodell, think the NFL needs more clarity, more consistency with on the field calls, officials, etc. I also admitted there may be bias but it goes both ways. Go troll someone else.
You don't believe that the NFL knew about the 20 accusations of domestic violence, despite a 10 month investigation? And yet you think that somehow the NFL will uncover something on Zeke? Ooooookay.
Are you familiar with the case? I'm no expert but it's definitely common knowledge the chief of police where the accusations took place wouldn't cooperate with the NFL and refused to release any of the records because it was still considered an open investigation. Like I said, I don't believe they found out until after the one game suspension when the police finally released it to the NFL.

Multiple people in a club and no one saw anything? The victim is "acquaintances" with Zeke and he gave the police false contact information after being knocked out and sent to the hospital with a broken nose. Now one of the witnesses and the victim can't be found. Sure pal, people get knocked out all the time in clubs and walk right out the front door with no one stopping them.

Yeah, it wouldn't suprise me if it would take 10 month to investigate if that's the route they decide to take which is also why I said above I hope they just lump it together with whatever else they came up with so it's not another ongoing separate incident with another possible suspension looming.
Here we go again. I don't believe the 20 accusations of abuse was made known to the NFL or Giants until after the one game suspension plus all we know so far is what has been made public. Just don't cry or be surprised if it takes 10 months for the NFL to investigate the club incident, plenty of shadiness there.

According to this article, the NFL knew of multiple instances of domestic abuse by Brown, but when a witness or the police were reluctant to talk, they wiped their hands and said, "Okay good enough." Meanwhile, there's a blatant lie by a jealous exgirlfriend about Zeke and the NFL is acting the the Linbergh baby got kidnapped. There is a double standard.
Are you familiar with the case? I'm no expert but it's definitely common knowledge the chief of police where the accusations took place wouldn't cooperate with the NFL and refused to release any of the records because it was still considered an open investigation. Like I said, I don't believe they found out until after the one game suspension when the police finally released it to the NFL.

The NFL knew about multiple instances of domestic abuse from Brown. That's a fact. ESPN found a letter from 2014 where Brown admitted to abusing his wife. If ESPN could find it, the NFL could have, especially in the course of a 10 month investigation. There was an incident at the Pro Bowl that the NFL was aware of. There was much more material for the NFL to sift through in Brown's case. It's no wonder that took 10 months. In Zeke's case, which just got closed today, there's overwhelming exculpatory evidence and no smoking gun like there was in the Brown case. There is no way this investigation should have taken that long. No way.
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Lol, yeah because I've always supported the league and Goodell. Perfect example of how, like with the Cowboys, you only read and believe what you want. Nice try buddy but I've stated several times I dislike Goodell, think the NFL needs more clarity, more consistency with on the field calls, officials, etc. I also admitted there may be bias but it goes both ways. Go troll someone else.
Wasnt trying to troll. I was just saying you have your opinion. Take a step off the hate ledge would ya. I agree with you on a lot of points lol. I was merely stating that you have your own opinion and not to bother arguing.

According to this article, the NFL knew of multiple instances of domestic abuse by Brown, but when a witness or the police were reluctant to talk, they wiped their hands and said, "Okay good enough." Meanwhile, there's a blatant lie by a jealous exgirlfriend about Zeke and the NFL is acting the the Linbergh baby got kidnapped. There is a double standard.
For whatever reason that link pulls up ESPN's website but a blank page with no article. Here are a few that say they didn't know of the 20 accusations. Reluctant to talk? They tried multiple times to get the chief of police to give them information and he wouldn't cooperate. Taking 10 months doesn't sound like they gave the "ole college try" and wiped their hands clean. I also agree the NFL screwed up the case but that isn't something specific to the Giants. There have have been multiple players with different charges and different punishments, some justified IMO some not. That is part of the reason I dislike Goodell and the NFL. But to sit there and say the Giants received preferential treatment and the NFL is targeting the Cowboys is absurd. I have a feeling if Zeke had kept his nose clean for the past 10 months it wouldn't even be an issue but he was too dumb to stay out of the spotlight for the wrong reasons and now it's Mara's fault and the NFL hates the Cowboys. Please.

Either way, I NEVER said I think Zeke is guilty of the DV charges based on what we know. I have said we may not know everything which is why it's taking so long. As another poster mentioned to me, Zeke may be "paying for the sins" of Josh Brown which I didn't deny. In other words, between Ray Rice, Hardy, Peterson and Brown the NFL is trying not to make another big mistake. Zeke isn't exactly a choir boy and he's done a few things that hurt is image in the meantime which may have contributed to the reason why it's taking so long.

Edit: If I seem to hate Zeke, I don't but he is really growing on my nerves. He's not only putting his career on the line, but more importantly to me, the team. I was skeptical about him ever since calling out Meyer and throwing him under the bus. His dad's comments were concerning as well along with the texts about beating the drug test. I have always thought the DV issue was BS and would be a non issue...until the mardis gras incident and now the club incident. He's trending for all the wrong reasons. Monday can't get here quick enough!
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Wasnt trying to troll. I was just saying you have your opinion. Take a step off the hate ledge would ya. I agree with you on a lot of points lol. I was merely stating that you have your own opinion and not to bother arguing.
Oh c'mon man! I can take the opposition, good thing I'm not running for a popularity contest lol, and I know my view points aren't going to be popular amongst a lot of fans but that's the beauty of freedom of speech. If you've ever agreed with any of my points I don't ever you recall saying so or even getting a like but yoi have called me out multiple times. No hate here, as I said, I know my viewpoints with regard to certain issues won't be popular :)
How very childish of these owners, I hope Jerry is one of them that doesn't participate in this childish behavior, I'd like to think he's above that...take the high road Jerry.

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