Darren Waller fumbled that ball


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Do refs "go under the hood" to review scoring plays? Not unless it's super close, right? If they can see it clearly they don't take all that time, do they? But yet they review them all.

Lol and this fumble/dropped pass wasn’t super close? Lmao. Yeah ok. This was as close as it gets and you know it. So don’t throw out bull crap questions like that.

the refs are trash. They sucked last night. That crew is known for sucking and known for being flag happy.

That’s what happens when a guy is gifted a job because of daddy rather than hiring officials based on merit.
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Just found video of the slo mo replay and the ball is out before the 3rd foot comes down. It's not a catch and correctly called incomplete. At 0:53 below.

I thought it was two feet. He did enough to make that a catch if he were on the sideline. No matter anyway.


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I just did answer the question.

the booth official can’t just chime in and overturn the call on the field unless it’s clear and obvious.

In that situation it’s supposed to go to review. BUT THEY DIDNT GO TO REVIEW. They just changed the call instead.

so your rules you posted don’t even apply here.

Don't know about that. As I stated with scoring plays, not all reviews go under the hood and unless they're reversed, none of them are announced as "reviewed" even though all are. It might have explained by McCarthy didn't challenge. In that clip I showed, they showed an official next to McCarthy holding up 3 fingers. Can't see what he said but to me the 3rd step portion of the rule was in play so he could have been telling McCarthy that the 3rd step didn't take place to make it a football move which is why it was incomplete.


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Don't know about that. As I stated with scoring plays, not all reviews go under the hood and unless they're reversed, none of them are announced as "reviewed" even though all are. It might have explained by McCarthy didn't challenge. In that clip I showed, they showed an official next to McCarthy holding up 3 fingers. Can't see what he said but to me the 3rd step portion of the rule was in play so he could have been telling McCarthy that the 3rd step didn't take place to make it a football move which is why it was incomplete.

Maybe Terry knows more about how the process works than you which is why he said what he said.

but you decided to reflexively argue it anyway so you could defend the referees who were horrible all night last night.


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Lol and this fumble/dropped pass wasn’t super close? Lmao. Yeah ok. This was as close as it gets and you know it. So don’t throw out bull crap questions like that.

the refs are trash. They sucked last night. That crew is known for sucking and known for being flag happy.

That’s what happens when a guy is gifted a job because of daddy rather than hiring officials based on merit.

If all they were looking for was a 3rd step then it was an easy call to make. That's what I saw when I looked for a replay of the slo mo. That's an easy call. Macauley says he "turned upfield" but can't do so until AFTER control and 2 feet happen per the letter of the rule. As I've been explaining, by Waller's 2nd foot, he is already going upfield so he can't then "turn" upfield. Watch the replay. By Waller's 2nd foot down, his head is already facing forward.


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If all they were looking for was a 3rd step then it was an easy call to make. That's what I saw when I looked for a replay of the slo mo. That's an easy call. Macauley says he "turned upfield" but can't do so until AFTER control and 2 feet happen per the letter of the rule. As I've been explaining, by Waller's 2nd foot, he is already going upfield so he can't then "turn" upfield. Watch the replay. By Waller's 2nd foot down, his head is already facing forward.

“easy call to make”.

that’s insane. I can’t even have an argument with you if you are trying to argue that was an easy call to make.

what a load of horse crap. You’re arguing so dishonestly at this point because your other point got blown out of the water. We are done here.


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Maybe Terry knows more about how the process works than you which is why he said what he said.

but you decided to reflexively argue it anyway so you could defend the referees who were horrible all night last night.

No, I'm defending a play where they actually DID get it right. There were indeed crappy calls, which of course will happen when you call 28, not including the declined ones. But bash them over the head when they deserve it, not as a pile-on whine. That's what I rail against.


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If all they were looking for was a 3rd step then it was an easy call to make. That's what I saw when I looked for a replay of the slo mo. That's an easy call. Macauley says he "turned upfield" but can't do so until AFTER control and 2 feet happen per the letter of the rule. As I've been explaining, by Waller's 2nd foot, he is already going upfield so he can't then "turn" upfield. Watch the replay. By Waller's 2nd foot down, his head is already facing forward.

“easy call to make”.

that’s insane. I can’t even have an argument with you if you are trying to argue that was an easy call to make.

Your argument has reached dishonesty at this point because your other point now rests on you saying that was an easy call to make. So you have to defend it by throwing that nonsense out there.


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No, I'm defending a play where they actually DID get it right. There were indeed crappy calls, which of course will happen when you call 28, not including the declined ones. But bash them over the head when they deserve it, not as a pile-on whine. That's what I rail against.

That officiating crew was horrid trash last night. And they also screwed the process up on the Waller play by not doing an official review.

you don’t just rail against the conspiracy theorists. You are now defending active trash officiating.
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“easy call to make”.

that’s insane. I can’t even have an argument with you if you are trying to argue that was an easy call to make.

what a load of horse crap. You’re arguing so dishonestly at this point because your other point got blown out of the water. We are done here.

Bro, it's an easy call if you know the rules. When running up field, the football move in question is 3 steps. How hard is it to look for that 2-second clip to see if a 3rd step happened before the ball came out? That's all I was looking for when I found that replay yesterday. It took seconds to determine.


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Bro, it's an easy call if you know the rules. When running up field, the football move in question is 3 steps. How hard is it to look for that 2-second clip to see if a 3rd step happened before the ball came out? That's all I was looking for when I found that replay yesterday. It took seconds to determine.

No it’s not an easy call if you know the rules. Nowhere on earth is it. That call was as close as it gets.

you’re full of crap because your other point relies entirely on it being a clear call. Which it absolutely was not.
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That officiating crew was horrid trash last night. And they also screwed the process up on the Waller play by not doing an official review.

you don’t just rail against the conspiracy theorists. You are now defending active trash officiating.

I call them as I see them and will fully admit when I'm wrong or if the call was wrong or right by the official no matter the team. They got stuff wrong yesterday, clearly. This was not one of them.


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I call them as I see them and will fully admit when I'm wrong or if the call was wrong or right by the official no matter the team. They got stuff wrong yesterday, clearly. This was not one of them.

Yeah whatever you say.


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No it’s not an easy call if you know the rules. Nowhere on earth is it. That call was as close as it gets.

you’re full of crap because your other point relies entirely on it being a clear call. Which it absolutely was not.

Yeah, sorry man. Control and 2 feet were never in doubt so you ONLY need to look for the football move of 3 steps. It doesn't get any easier than counting. Macauley says he turned up field but the rules literally say you can't turn upfield until AFTER control and 2 steps are established. By then, Waller's head and body are already headed upfield. So you just count his steps until the ball comes out. That's easy to me.


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Yeah, sorry man. Control and 2 feet were never in doubt so you ONLY need to look for the football move of 3 steps. It doesn't get any easier than counting. Macauley says he turned up field but the rules literally say you can't turn upfield until AFTER 2 steps are established. By then, Waller's head and body are already headed upfield. So you just count his steps until the ball comes out. That's easy to me.

Sure whatever you say man. Lol whatever you say.


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Think about this too...

The officials are taught to let a play continue when it’s a turnover, since turnovers are automatically reviewed.

How many times have you seen a QB get hit as he throws, making the ball flutter forward for a seemingly obvious incomplete pass... but the refs allow the play to be called a fumble on the field because that will trigger a review where they can make sure to get the call right?

The piece of **** refs decided against this line of thinking yesterday.

You know why?

Because they knew that if the call on the field was “Cowboys ball” and then it went to review, it would be mighty tough to rule that there’s indisputable evidence to overturn the call on the field.

So they HAD to change their “call on the field”.... to the INCORRECT CALL, MIND YOU... in order to screw us.

We got jobbed all game.


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Don't know about that. As I stated with scoring plays, not all reviews go under the hood and unless they're reversed, none of them are announced as "reviewed" even though all are. It might have explained by McCarthy didn't challenge. In that clip I showed, they showed an official next to McCarthy holding up 3 fingers. Can't see what he said but to me the 3rd step portion of the rule was in play so he could have been telling McCarthy that the 3rd step didn't take place to make it a football move which is why it was incomplete.

Again, Mike did want to challenge it. That was clear. The problem was NY had already changed the call. All Mike would accomplish there was wasting a time out which is why Mike was pissed at the ref telling him where the call came from.


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Just found video of the slo mo replay and the ball is out before the 3rd foot comes down. It's not a catch and correctly called incomplete. At 0:53 below.

I disagree.

He caught the ball behind him at the 37, managed to bring the ball to out in front of his body and gets it knocked out at 39.5 yard line. I don't know how that is overruled by NY. The fix was in with this game, I have no doubt.


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I thought it was two feet. He did enough to make that a catch if he were on the sideline. No matter anyway.

It's control, 2 feet "and then do something" as refs have said in the past. Once you get control, then 2 feet, then you have to perform a football move that makes it a catch. Among the football move examples is a 3rd step. The ball got punched out before the 3rd step. When that happens, the "do something" portion of the rule didn't take place which is why they ruled it incomplete. In a sideline play, the "do something" portion of the rule is simply maintaining control of the ball "long enough" as you run out of bounds. If you fall out of bounds, then you have to maintain control of the ball after you fall to qualify for "long enough." "Do something" and "long enough" are the time elements of the catch rule. Control, 2 feet, and time are what make a catch.