It's not just the Cowboys. Tackling all across the NFL is terrible.
of course it is look at the new rules started 10 years ago i mean they cant hit low, high, cant hit them from a option where they are exposed , etc etc etc is woody stupid, does he not see he might not last in this league with the rules..
the league did this i mean the blocking is the same way the targeting BS , the blindside rules , defenseless player
all of it is straight garbage , your job is to stop the other guy at all costs, dislodging the ball from him, keeping him from catching it and if he does, make him know he will pay for separates the true Gladiator from the" I dont belong "breed of player.
this is Football , they shouldnt be playing if they cant take hit or deliver one..its fundamental 101 and if you strap it on and especially if you get PAID millions , expect to be hit at all times..whos defenseless ? thats the dumbest rule ever, oh i got blocked without knowing it was coming, really arent you part of LIVE FULL CONTCT PLAY IN PROGRESS, EXPECTS ITs COMING..THATS FOOTBALL..
i understand youth up through college where you arent professional to have these safetys installed but one you make it a profession, expect all of it or go find new career..
its insane same for the QB rules seriously , you graze a facemask by accident that 15, get pushed and roll into their legs nby accident 15yards, too much weight on tackle 15yarda nd might get you ejected, no picking up and slamming player, seriously that tackle regardless how aggressive and dirty it may seem..
i hate all those rules some make sense like real obvious dirty stuff lie close lines and helmet hit but the rest is dumb
they have now finally done it it took a decade but the new generation of football players now play like this because its what being taught to make millions the DONT list has now far exceeded to do list, they hesitate , push, grab and pull because the rest is illegal..
sad IMO some of the rules need to be removed.. you make your choice to get paid to play a rough sport..
dont see much change in Boxing and UFC and other forms of contact sports where blood is likely to be drawn, yet football is becoming so close to flag football but not the players fault, its the league..
stop coddling millionaires
BTW its not working QBs still hurt on an alarming rate , players all over still on IR and i believe MORE so what the point ugly football that the rules are not working..i rather see the big hits come back as long as its not dirty and with the intent of head hits..the inadvertent crap and those targeting rules are flat ignorant. umm the payer is target he knows it, hes paid to know i and take it..
I hate this new NFL but watch it because i love football and sports but football is#1 ..RG has ruined the league he had good intention but if he look's at the data, it isnt working because injuries' seem UP to me, not down..they arent used to it so now they blow hamstrings in walk throughs because practice is now a walk through..
You play like you practice and this is what you get..