Dave Campo on Dan Quinn and the Packers game


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This is why I have said.......I'm not sure they were bringing back even if he had not gotten an HC job. His time here had run out IMO.

“From a culture standpoint… I’ll just say one thing this way. I know Dan Quinn very well. I was not in the office, in the building, I’m here in Jacksonville so I saw a bunch of the games. I saw that game. I’m going a little bit on some heresay. But I think the one thing about Dan is he’s a fine gentlemen and he’s smart and his scheme was okay, but he was a little bit too buddy-buddy I think with the players and that’s part of it. You can’t have a lot of accountability if you don’t stand a little bit above it of the people that you’re trying to get to be accountable.”
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This is why I have said.......I'm not sure they were bringing back even if he had not gotten an HC job. His time here had run out IMO.

“From a culture standpoint… I’ll just say one thing this way. I know Dan Quinn very well. I was not in the office, in the building, I’m here in Jacksonville so I saw a bunch of the games. I saw that game. I’m going a little bit on some heresay. But I think the one thing about Dan is he’s a fine gentlemen and he’s smart and his scheme was okay, but he was a little bit too buddy-buddy I think with the players and that’s part of it. You can’t have a lot of accountability if you don’t stand a little bit above it of the people that you’re trying to get to be accountable.”
We have been small inside for sometime now, even prior to McCarthy. Seems more like a Jerry issue to me.

Star Guard_31

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Yikes. Usually when somebody starts out with "I know [insert name] very well" it's followed by praise. Campo feeling the need to qualify his criticism is almost as damning as the criticism itself.

America's Cowboy

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I disagree on Quinn's scheme being fine. A 4 - 2 - 5 scheme is not a good fit to stop the run, especially with smaller/hybrid LB/Ss.


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Everyone and their mother knows this besides the two running the team.
they know, its called plausible deniability. If they admitted they knew, then that would be an indictment on THEM. They will never implicate themselves. Campo is right. SOME of teh issue is gone, now can we do enuff to be better?


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Many aren't excited about Zimmer returning, but he is exactly what this team needs. No more cuddling players, but rather hold them accountable and play up to a certain standard. I wish this type of coach was hired to replace MM as it is an entire team issue, not just the defense.


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Why are we asking Dave Campo his opinion. He couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag.