News: DE Randy Gregory reinstated


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The league announced Tuesday that Gregory was reinstated on a conditional basis after he missed the 2017 season for violating the league's substance-abuse policy.

Gregory is allowed to join the Cowboys at training camp and participate in meetings, conditioning work and similar activities, but is not permitted to participate in practices and games until the league can confirm Gregory is complying with the terms of his reinstatement. This includes confirming arrangements regarding Gregory's clinical resources in Dallas.
I just read that. Knew there had to be conditions involved which I can't blame them.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Right. Crawford should be playing backup LE (when Lawrence gets a break) and a good chunk of the 3-DT snaps with Irving out.

Crawford should never play RE... ever again.

I don't necessarily have a problem with Crawford at RE some. I mean, I wouldn't have a problem with a run-down lineup of RE Crawford, 3T Collins, 1T Price and LE Charlton, although you could flip Crawford and Charlton and that would be OK, too, maybe even preferred. Of course, Ealy could end up taking the Crawford end snaps and make it where Crawford only rotates at tackle. However, I can't say right now that either Ealy or Charlton is a better run-playing end than Crawford.

I think Lawrence is a very stout run-playing end, but we have to give Lawrence an occasional break and I would prefer that Lawrence be out there on every clear passing down.

So, my run-down group would be Charlton/Ealy, Collins, Price, Crawford/Lawrence.

My pass-down group would be Gregory/Ealy, Crawford/Ward, Jones/Collins, Lawrence.

That's nine, and I expect to keep 10, with Armstrong making the team but being inactive each week. (One of the tackles also is likely to be inactive, although it could be another end because of Crawford's flexibility, so the mix will change some based on who it is.)

I also could see Ward and/or Jones taking some of the run-down snaps inside, but both seem more fit for pass rushing than run stopping.
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Junior College Transfer
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Be wary of Trouty. In general population he is known as "Killah."
I always regretted giving you that moniker, sonny. You more like the anger guy. But we need, don't get me wrong, no sirrie! Boy howdy. You seen Emil?


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Because their DC has convinced the front offic he can turn bums into players.

If what you are saying is true then why have 1Techs in this defense logged significant numbers of snaps over the years?
I’ve already explained and you didn’t want to believe it. McClain was good enough and Thornton they thought was good enough. Hayden was a case of nothing better available. Where are your stats on 1T from 2017?


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It’s amazing how many people throw dirt on this guy.. he prob deserves every negative comment pertaining to his suspension based on his own broken promises..(those fans have had plenty of time to get that out of their system) Yet, for over the past year he seemingly has turned his life around and has been reinstated into the NFL, which is no small feat. That said, Randy also DESERVES to be giving the same chance/opportunity he would have had before he was drafted simply based on everything he’s had to overcome to get to this point.

I personally know people that have overcome addiction.. that if you met them now.. you’d never know it. Additionally, I’m thankful that I wasn’t under the media microscope when I was in my early early 20’s:p. Anyway, it’s amazing how much someone matures once they realize how much someone else depends on them. Gregory has since added a precious life to his family tree..and I believe his daughter is his personal motivation. So for the fans that make obtuse comments and believe he will only revert back to Mary Jane St., I disagree. He dosent care what the negative Nancy’s think nor what the common fan that thinks his life is a joke. It was well documented that Randy has a high IQ (scored a 28 wonderlic.. for what it’s worth, Zack Martin scored a 27 out of Notre Dame) so he’s not a dumb man. He has a sense of purpose and responsibility now.. he’s not going to let his daughter down.

I personally have been non waivering with my support, simply bc I’ve read that he’s been trying, and that’s always the first step in any success. Despite what some may think.. he is a generational talent and if he finally has fully committed himself.. the NFL better watch out.

Good post!


Junior College Transfer
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Von Miller says hello

There's a dichotomy I have with your posts in here, RS, half I Like, the other I hate. Such is life in the day of Risen Star :)
I remember, during my American Relief Days, you two were always fighting and such.
Both grew to be good, thoughtful, brooding boys.
I respect both of your opinions and always look toward them, Boston Square Ruffians!


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I was wondering how Gregory hooked up with Greg Townsend as his trainer.. so if you was wondering..

“Townsend spent 12 years with the Raiders, racking up 109.5 career sacks and appeared in the Pro Bowl twice. During his playing career, Townsend also dealt with drug abuse but was able to overcome it and is advising young players across the league. In the last few weeks, Towsend has been speaking with incoming rookies at the ‘rookie academy’, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

It’s always encouraging to see former NFL players give back to the league by advising the younger players. Townsend’s commitment to keeping guys in shape and on the road to recovery is one of the better stories covered this offseason.”



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So was I. I wonder what the criteria is for the NFL for him to meet their conditions and the time frame.
It's what he already is doing. Shouldn't be an issue for him to practice or play in preseason once the league confirms it


Junior College Transfer
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Randy was vacationing in Colorado and unavailable for comment....
The worst part of it, brusque scribe, is that yer response made me lol. Me mum says to me, "what are you laffin' about? You ruin me f-ing life and now yew disturb me Rumi ruminations!"
She wouldn't understand. (Dear Diary: Though I did foind a blunter in the lorry.)


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Thank God he's back. It's hard to replace 2 sacks in 14 games.

You said same thing about Irving before he came back last year.
I think Gregory will make an inpact if he’s in good shape. Guy has tremendous talent.


Junior College Transfer
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2 years without weed

Alleviate your fears, Zoners. He has proven himself to not partake in the weed. I have full faith in him being committed to staying clean according to the CBA. Now we just need to see that talent. That's where the question now lies, for me.

My answer: We have a future 10+ sack star here.
I second that!
But weed impedes denial!
I think weed is mightier than his brain.


Junior College Transfer
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Memo to Randy....You may not realize it but you've won fight your way back from an addiction and stay clean for over an entire year is no easy task. I don't care who you are. The fact you can look the league in the eye and say I'm a drug addict but I've been clean for 365+ days something far greater to be proud of than the game of football. So as today, hold your chin up, you know no one an apology.

With tears in me eye I agree, Iowa lad.
Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.
You put up the red white and blue bunting.
I will prepare for the latter.