Dear Cowboys fans: Talent alone will never overcome dysfunction


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For that to happen Jerry will need to learn the value of a HC. At this stage in his life he won’t be learning anything.
But even when he’s hired a HC he still meddles and gets in the way undermining the authority of his HC.

Talent is our best way out just like it was with Switzer and with the teams we’ve had this era which contended into the divisional rounds.

The Bar has been lowered and this is probably as good as it gets . I’m not sure why fans continue to expect the change we need?


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
There is an opportunity for JJ to show leadership today by:

Publicly challenging the team's manhood and heartless play. The lack of support for Dalton following the dirty hit was astounding.

Decrying the lack of leadership by the high priced "talent" on the team. Where's the double secret player's only meetings to rally the team? Where is the accountability?

Denouncing the privileged, country club like atmosphere around the Star.

Firing someone, cutting a player, making a statement move.

Finally, acknowledging that he is at the heart of the disfunctional mess... But he will clean it up beginning today.

I know, a pipe dream


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The only way anything will change is if the jones family sells the team and I don't believe that'll ever happen. And those of us in the 50+ age bracket will probably never see another sb again.
I’m 66. 12 years behind Jethro. I’m still hopeful I will out live him. But I’ve been under no illusion anything will change now for a couple decades .

I’m not sure why so many fans are just now coming to this conclusion. Just a year ago they were feeling he was making this huge admission with letting Garrett go and bringing in McCarthy. Fans are so fickle . They are always believing change is coming and can’t handle reality .


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Dysfunction is a product of losing. So, yes, talent (and coaching) always overcome it.


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There is an opportunity for JJ to show leadership today by:

Publicly challenging the team's manhood and heartless play. The lack of support for Dalton following the dirty hit was astounding.

Decrying the lack of leadership by the high priced "talent" on the team. Where's the double secret player's only meetings to rally the team? Where is the accountability?

Denouncing the privileged, country club like atmosphere around the Star.

Firing someone, cutting a player, making a statement move.

Finally, acknowledging that he is at the heart of the disfunctional mess... But he will clean it up beginning today.

I know, a pipe dream
There will be some sacrificial lamb offered up to the Lynch Mob at some point . Most likely DC .

But he might wait until after the embarrassment coming on national TV Sunday night or the bye week.


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I’m 66. 12 years behind Jethro. I’m still hopeful I will out live him. But I’ve been under no illusion anything will change now for a couple decades .

I’m not sure why so many fans are just now coming to this conclusion. Just a year ago they were feeling he was making this huge admission with letting Garrett go and bringing in McCarthy. Fans are so fickle . They are always believing change is coming and can’t handle reality .
Brother,I'm 56 and never could have imagined the Cowboys in this state...26 yrs of crap and counting, players change, coaching change..but the head man remains..all hope is gone until that narrative changes..that's the reality.


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The only time in Jerry’s “Reign of Error” that his team has ever been the best in the league was when he allowed a top notch coach to rule the locker room and the draft process. If you want to call HOF HC Jimmy Johnson “dysfunctional”, I say give me more of that dysfunction and zero of the 25 year dysfunction we have suffered through since.
You say that Dysfunction NEVER overides Talent or Talent cannot overcome Dysfunction. It sure did with Barry Switzer. So it's not impossible. It has happened before


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Wrong. Jerry didn't take over player personnel control until Jimmy left. That Switzer team that won was basically the team Jimmy built with the core player leadership in tact. Jerry added Dieon was easier with no cap.
So talent was good enough to overide dysfunction.


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No, the 90s teams had off the field issues but everyone answered to Jimmy who had the power to hire and fire. Jimmy had absolute control over every facet of football operations and had the last word in all football matters and had that in his contract. The 90s teams have no resemblance whatsoever to the past 25 years of Jerry running things under the haze of call girls and JW Blue. Hazey speaks of organizational dysfunction, not players who have drug issues and off the field issue - Huge difference. The foundation of everything that is done in Dallas is built on the dysfunction of the Jones boys model and the results speak for themselves.
We're the Cowboys dysfunctional under Barry Switzer? Without question. Talent beat out dysfunction that season.


I'm not dead yet......
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Jerry realizes his days are numbered. His next hire will be a real HC he doesn't have time to lay around with another puppet.


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Jerry played with his toy until he broke it. Our only hope is that he finds another toy that he likes more besides women and booze.


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For those saying “That will never happen- Jerry will never step aside”- it already has happened at the beginning of the Jones era. That’s actually how things started with Jerry. He hired a great HC and was not calling all the shots like he’s been doing since. It’s the only hope.
We had big Bill,that was our last hope...when jerry said it was like walking on eggshells with bill,I knew then he would never hire a strong willed hc ever again.


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I’m saying that the fundamental problem with the Cowboys starts at the very’s the biggest problem we have. Until that is fixed, all the other issues are secondary.

And I promise you are preaching exactly what Jerry will be preaching very soon- “The injuries are the reason we’re losing”. Sure they’ve played a role, but this team hasn’t done squat even when everyone was healthy. This is a soft, excuse laden culture. And it shows.

There’s no excuse for quitting.
not role 75% of the issues this season are can play with an OL 4 of the 5 are backups 2 are backups to backups. The DL also a disappointment but they tried putting MCcoy, Poe, Griffen, and Smith plus few draft picks and Hill Crawford and woods back, all added to it and well it wasn't failed yes but they

i ge thow bad this looks its 2015 season flashback with even more injuries..

everytime we have down season this same narrative comes up..sorry but each year has new players this season we not only had new players , an all new coaching staff, a shortened off season all added to the injuries'..

we are playing with a Pre-season lineup right now, no coach can overcome this and all im focused on is one season at time it is why they play 16 games and restarts year to year..

i get the frustration, im upset, disappointed, irritated, and embarrassed to be fan right now but this happens to teams occasionally and we are now joining that club.

if this were our actual starters playing Like this id be more concerned. i realize no Offensive team can function with all 2s and 3s on the OL and a third string QB..

yes the focus like Lamb and gallup lacked yesterday concerning but we saw the defense line also failing and well have to do something next year..

Ill trust MM to have list ready for Jerry with better plan for year 2 defense then year not worried about the offense if we return our starters back..

i know its been harped on no excuse next man bs but not to this extent, it may not be an excuse but its reason..

sad part about the defense you think they arent playing hard or with heart and reality's is they just are that bad..they didnt gel, its not working its failed season..


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so you are saying that trotting out our 3rd string OL has zero to do with the losses? are you serious its the largest problem we have and you are correct even if Dak didnt get hurt no one can coach or play with all the injuries' we have. Blaming jerry or somehow 30 years of dysfunction is ignorant to whats going on this season. who cares about last year, last 24 years, or preseason..

right now we have no way to utilize our offensive talent with no time to throw, no holes to run through, teams only need 3-4 Dl to pass rush and cause havoc..

take that add no Dak, and bad defense also some injuries' have to do with it as well and this season failed more so because of a grocery list of injuries'..

at new staff no offseason to get it implemented and some players just dont have Talent..

sure Mahomes couldn't play with this but its the Ol not all that short story stuff you like to write weekly..

very easy to see what the immediate right now issues are and art with the injuries to the Ol, Dak , and a defense that just never came together..
I understand your point and agree to some extent...but why do other teams somehow overcome their injuries and still play competitive,the eagles, packers...etc..where as, we have a player or 2 out and the whole thing falls apart,and I'm not just talking about this year either.


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I’m saying that the fundamental problem with the Cowboys starts at the very’s the biggest problem we have. Until that is fixed, all the other issues are secondary.

And I promise you are preaching exactly what Jerry will be preaching very soon- “The injuries are the reason we’re losing”. Sure they’ve played a role, but this team hasn’t done squat even when everyone was healthy. This is a soft, excuse laden culture. And it shows.

There’s no excuse for quitting.
Just look at that eagles game last year...that all the proof you need.


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My friends- my fellow suffering Cowboys fans- Here’s some truth we all need to accept right now: All the talent in the pro football world is not enough to overcome this dysfunctional, putrid, non-accountable culture.

Let us count the ways:
  • For those of you hoping for the #1 pick next year, aka the Trevor Lawrence sweepstakes. Sorry, but that won’t fix fix this mess.
  • We could acquire Pat Mahomes tonight, and it wouldn’t fix this mess.
  • We could add All Pro talent at every position, on both sides of the ball, and it won’t fix this mess.
  • We could draft the best pass rusher and run stuffer in the draft next year. It’s not enough to fix this.
  • We could trade the entire defending champion KC chiefs roster for this roster of quitters, and it wouldn’t make us much better.
Accept it- this mess, this stink is a 25 year rotten egg that is the responsibility and result of the 78 year old fool that still believes if you buy an NFL team, you are qualified to run that team’s football operations. Well, the truth is, our owner can’t. And his stubborn arrogance is the real culprit here.

Here is the cancer that eats this organization:
  • No accountability. If the guy playing GM never, ever has to pay a price for his mistakes, then there is truly no accountability anywhere else. That’s organizational health 101. If you don’t hold the people at the top accountable, you can’t anywhere else.
  • Because the front office is “soft”, so is its team.
  • What this team needs is a HC that has an “asthma field” again.
  • Truth bomb- there is no recovery with a guy named Jones leading football operations. Period. It’s over. They have crapped the bed for too long.
  • Hate to say it, but if there is no humilty shown by Jerry to take any responsibility to change his ways, all the talent in the world won’t matter.
There's a lot I'd like to say but because of censorship within this board, I cannot. So I guess, I'll just catch up on Star Trek Re-runs and do some projects in the garage on Sundays...


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We're the Cowboys dysfunctional under Barry Switzer? Without question. Talent beat out dysfunction that season.
It was the team/talent that Jimmy built that won that third Super Bowl, don't you agree? It was Jerry's dysfunction to fire a back-to-back Super Bowl winning coach, don't you agree? Jimmy built such a juggernaut of a team that even Switzer could lead them to a Super Bowl, don't you agree? Please don't compare on the field winning and excellence under Jimmy's tenure with the off-the-field, 3-ring circus that Jerry brings to the table that creates constant drama and unnecessary distractions. Jimmy delivered 3 championships regardless if he wasn't on the payroll for the last one.


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We're the Cowboys dysfunctional under Barry Switzer? Without question. Talent beat out dysfunction that season.
For one season it did. Go back and watch the Super Bowl. We should have lost but had help from O'Donnell.