Deion says 'Super Bowl or Bust' for Cowboys - 7/4/08

switzersflask;2135719 said:
Might wanna worry about winning a playoff game first.

I'm not trying to be a smart***, just trying to be logical. As a huge fan of championships (trust me on this) nothing hurts worse than unfulfilled expectations.

you got that right....
when you look at this team winning a playoff game just ain't enough. It is superbowl or bust no excuses no nothing just get it done
sonnyboy;2135789 said:

This is dead give away troll speak. So even if you're not a troll and an elohssa it makes you sound like a troll and an elohssa.

We are Cowboy fans, we never "worry about winning a playoff game".

Our franchise has won more playoff games than any other NFL team. That includes teams with as many as 35 more seasons played than us.

We don't worry about anything.......elohssa.


Besides, if we can't expect a championship out of the team that's assembled this season, we might as well just forget about the Superbowl altogether. The Patriots and Chargers be damned, this is our year to shine.
The year before the new stadium opens up? We're definitely winning the Super Bowl this season. Quote me on that.
bootsy;2135768 said:
This is the most overused and unnecessary statement I continue to see from time to time on this board. The goal and the ONLY goal is to win a championship. A playoff victory coincide with that but winning a playoff game and then losing the next week is not the goal. Maybe it is for you but not for me and especially not for this team.

Thank you! What was the last playoff win for the Rams before they won the SB against the Titans? This "win a playoff game first" thing is moronic. There is no step-by-step process in the NFL where you must show that you can win a playoff game first in a recent, previous season before you can talk SB. This team was talented enough to win 13 games and get homefield advantage last year - they were contenders that played a sloppy playoff game. They beat themselves in the playoffs with unforced penalties and drops. The Giants basically survived that game. It's different if you get your butt handed to you by a superior, more talented team - but that didn't even come close to happening to Dallas. Preseason talk is about the teams with talented rosters with the potential to win it all. 13 wins and Pro Bowlers last year (not to mention a much stronger secondary) is why everyone is talking about them now. It would be foolish not to talk about this team. Obviously, EVERY team needs to win a playoff game (or 3 or 4) before becoming SB champs, but you don't get a playoff credit for playoff wins last year. The Rams certainly didn't need a recent playoff win prior to that SB. EVERYONE must win their games this year. What a team did in the playoffs last year or 5-10 years ago means nothing. Who looks poised to do something this year? Dallas certainly does.
carphalen5150;2135836 said:
He gets his first win last year if Crayton finishes a route or catches a simple crossing pattern. Romo is the least of the teams worries as far as winning a playoff game.

Amen. I don't understand how people who watch this team keep spewing this "Romo needs to win a playoff game" thing as if he caused us to lose. He actually put us in position to win, which is what he's supposed to do. Anyone who watched that game knows that he was NOT the reason we lost. He made some very nice plays. He didn't drop Fasano's TD and he made a classic Romo play to get that ball to Crayton on 3rd down which Crayton dropped. That drop changed the game. Of course Romo brings us back and throws a great, game-winning, classic TD pass to Crayton only to have that choker pull up on his route. Romo is NOT why we lost. That's like saying Ware or Newman or Barber are why we lost (those guys came to play and played well). It's a team game and a few players on our team, not named Romo, were much more to blame than our QB.
switzersflask;2135719 said:
Might wanna worry about winning a playoff game first.

I'm not trying to be a smart***, just trying to be logical. As a huge fan of championships (trust me on this) nothing hurts worse than unfulfilled expectations.

You might have a real point. It is quite possible that was this team's undoing last year.

After the Packers game, we were pretty much annointed the NFC champions. I mean, who else was there? Tampa? Seattle? Washington? We beat the Giants twice. We had homefield advantage.

There was more than enough there for us to overlook New York and start preparing to meet New England again. It certainly didn't appear that we were taking it a game at a time and focused on that first.
switzersflask;2135719 said:
Might wanna worry about winning a playoff game first. .

Exactly........this team goes from not winning a playoff game in a zillion years to Superbowl or bust talk?

Maybe that's why they fold at the end of every g-damn season, they expect it.

This team has proven NOTHING as far as I'm concerned. Whatever happened to one game at a time or winning the division first?

I hope the players don't have the same attitude and outlook as Deion.
Easiest road to the Superbowl... I don't think so. That would be the Patriots or the Seahawks, who happen to play in the weakest divisions in football and thus always have a cakewalk schedule.
Sarge;2135959 said:
Exactly........this team goes from not winning a playoff game in a zillion years to Superbowl or bust talk?

Doesn't make sense, does it?

I don't get the mentality of some fans. It's almost like some people want to build the team up so that if and when it falls short of their expectations they can carry on about how angry and upset they are.
Chocolate Lab;2135991 said:
Doesn't make sense, does it?

I don't get the mentality of some fans. It's almost like some people want to build the team up so that if and when it falls short of their expectations they can carry on about how angry and upset they are.

Nobody wants to root for a bunch of gutless chokers...

i agree with DC, i will go berserk if the cowboys at least dont get to the championship game. And they had better win, the cowboys have the most talent on any team, and that includes the colts and patriots.

Now as far as them being overrated, the cowboys being overrated, even terrance newman said they took the giants lightly, which is the wrong thing to do.

but i feel just a tad better from hearing what jason witten had to say, jason said his first goal is to win a playoff game for jerry jones, not us fans, or the cowboys, but for jerry jones himself for what he has paid out to players like newman, witten, barber, etc.

Now thats what is needed on the cowboys, leaders that will step up, admit that they didnt take the playoffs seriously, show some hurt, anger for losing, in the playoffs to the giants, and see that it doesnt happen again. By holding teammates to be responsible and accountable.

Its like a reporter said about the cowboys awhile back, they are like the spurs when they were young, and the spurs acquired two veteran players, cant think of their name, but they were players like charles haley, players that stood for no nonsense, would show you what it takes to be a winner and a champion. What it took to win, when the spurs got those 2 key players, that kicked players rear ends when needed, had players like ex darren woodson that caught roy williams sneaking out of practice, woodson grabbed roy williams, had him sit his little you know what down and study film,

thats what is needed on this team, and i think jason witten and tank johnson are going to be 2 of those players, that take no prisoners, hold cowboys players accoutable, along with zach thomas, then i think this teams attitude will change and championships will be on this team.

Granted, Romo will need to play better in the playoffs, only time will tell. Its up to Romo now, this will be his 3rd year as a veteran QB, so now is the time to put up or shut up, no more excuses.

As far as Wade Phillips, i think he sees the handwriting on the wall, that he knows this is his last chance to go to a super bowl as a head coach and win. So, Wade Phillips has to step up, put up or shut up. NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!

sonnyboy;2135792 said:
1) Why do you believe we are overrated? We were one of the best teams in football last year. We did more to improve ourselves as any of the contenders and have as much or more motivation as a team because of our 1st rd loss.

We havent won a playoff game in 11 years....we have all this talent, 13 probowlers...alot of guys who are getting paid bigbucks that would rather have the money than the hear of players laughing after losses, i even saw it after the games at should feel decimated after a loss, especially a playoff loss...we arent anything until we win some playoff games...just overrated...thats it...
2) Why does being a favorite scare you? Would you rather suck and have no expectations? Is that more in your comfort zone?

i dont know if you have ever played sports but the hungriest guys are the ones who usually win...who is hungry on this team? who cares how good we are on paper...we dont have hungry guys...who are the leaders on this team? bradie james? he is ok but he is not great, he cant do what ray lewis can...thats a hungry guy and he makes others better...dware,, now that is a player but is he a leader? not really, kind of quiet...we dont have any take charge leaders out there that everyone looks up to thats why roy gets away with doing what he does...and thats why others do the same at times...and wouldnt you know it the coach is like that too! lol..bring on the redhead...

3) "i dont think that tony romo has what it takes mentally to win least if he has to carry the team he this point that is what it will take...he parties too much....golfs too much...out all the time"

Romo is a self made player. He has done this by working harder than the next guy. This FACT is disputed by nobody.

There are all kinds of reports of romo drinking the whole offseason away, while payton manning is watching film,, taking care of his body...doing what it takes to try and be a superstar tony romo is trying to be a rockstar! he needs to make up his mind...who does he want to be? right now its both and you cant have it both ways...a house divided will fall! just like we have the last two years in the playoffs...right now due to his mindset and that only, tony romo: good player but not great...unsure if he will ever be...36 td's included....this is what parcells warned him about...lipservice included he got his 60 mill...he won his superbowl...words mean nothing, his actions prove otherwise...i dont want to hear about other players partying and being great...tony is a different player...he has to be all out 100% football to be great..or he will be mediocre...if i have to spell that out to you i dont know what to tell you....go figure it out for yourself...
sonnyboy;2135792 said:
1) Why do you believe we are overrated? We were one of the best teams in football last year. We did more to improve ourselves as any of the contenders and have as much or more motivation as a team because of our 1st rd loss.

We havent won a playoff game in 11 years....we have all this talent, 13 probowlers...alot of guys who are getting paid bigbucks that would rather have the money than the hear of players laughing after losses, i even saw it after the games at should feel decimated after a loss, especially a playoff loss...we arent anything until we win some playoff games...just overrated...thats it...2) Why does being a favorite scare you? Would you rather suck and have no expectations? Is that more in your comfort zone?

i dont know if you have ever played sports but the hungriest guys are the ones who usually win...who is hungry on this team? who cares how good we are on paper...we dont have hungry guys...who are the leaders on this team? bradie james? he is ok but he is not great, he cant do what ray lewis can...thats a hungry guy and he makes others better...dware,, now that is a player but is he a leader? not really, kind of quiet...we dont have any take charge leaders out there that everyone looks up to thats why roy gets away with doing what he does...and thats why others do the same at times...and wouldnt you know it the coach is like that too! lol..bring on the redhead...

3) "i dont think that tony romo has what it takes mentally to win least if he has to carry the team he this point that is what it will take...he parties too much....golfs too much...out all the time"

Romo is a self made player. He has done this by working harder than the next guy. This FACT is disputed by nobody.

There are all kinds of reports of romo drinking the whole offseason away, while payton manning is watching film,, taking care of his body...doing what it takes to try and be a superstar tony romo is trying to be a rockstar! he needs to make up his mind...who does he want to be? right now its both and you cant have it both ways...a house divided will fall! just like we have the last two years in the playoffs...right now due to his mindset and that only, tony romo: good player but not great...unsure if he will ever be...36 td's included....this is what parcells warned him about...lipservice included he got his 60 mill...he won his superbowl...words mean nothing, his actions prove otherwise...i dont want to hear about other players partying and being great...tony is a different player...he has to be all out 100% football to be great..or he will be mediocre...if i have to spell that out to you i dont know what to tell you....go figure it out for yourself...
STSINAZ;2136044 said:
There are all kinds of reports of romo drinking the whole offseason away,

:laugh2: :laugh2: . You read US magazine? Please tell me your not one of them guys who stand in the grocery store line and read all the gossip magazines and actually believe what your reading.

As far as the ones who are saying we need to win a playoff game 1st before talking about a SB. Would ya'll be happy with a playoff win followed the next week with a loss? I think the team can have the same mentality and still take it one game at a time.
STSINAZ;2136044 said:
There are all kinds of reports of romo drinking the whole offseason away, while payton manning is watching film,, taking care of his body...doing what it takes to try and be a superstar tony romo is trying to be a rockstar! he needs to make up his mind...who does he want to be? right now its both and you cant have it both ways...a house divided will fall! just like we have the last two years in the playoffs...right now due to his mindset and that only, tony romo: good player but not great...unsure if he will ever be...36 td's included....this is what parcells warned him about...lipservice included he got his 60 mill...he won his superbowl...words mean nothing, his actions prove otherwise...i dont want to hear about other players partying and being great...tony is a different player...he has to be all out 100% football to be great..or he will be mediocre...if i have to spell that out to you i dont know what to tell you....go figure it out for yourself...

While you might be taking the TMZ approach to QB evaluation, you have a primitive point.

Tony Romo got to be the starter because he kept his nose to the grindstone and worked at it for years. If he lets up from that approach and takes his stardom from granted, he could regress. I think this upcoming year will be a crossroads of sorts for him. Either he will show he can handle being a celebrity QB or he won't. It should not take too long to tell.

Remember this is the classic small town kid who hit it big. Except his rags to riches story has been at warp speed. Just over two years ago, nobody knew who he was unless you were on boards like this debating whether or not he was better than Drew Henson.
Chocolate Lab;2135991 said:
Doesn't make sense, does it?

I don't get the mentality of some fans. It's almost like some people want to build the team up so that if and when it falls short of their expectations they can carry on about how angry and upset they are.

with the talent this team has if they go through the season with no major injuries would you be happy with just a playoff win?
Do those who oppose to the 'Boys adopting the "Super Bowl or bust" mentality seriously think that the team believes it will be simply granted a S/B spot? When I hear them talk about winning the Bowl I'm hearing a team that's focused on winning their PLAYOFF GAMES...ALL OF THEM! I don't see why most think they're overlooking the playoffs while eyeballing a championship b/c even the most idiotic knows you cannot reach that goal w/out battling through the postseason first! Save the "win a playoff game" talk for the Eagles and Falcons and Cardinals of the NFL...we as Cowboys' fans should be better than that!!!
It may seem like an unrealistic expectation for a team that hasn't won a playoff game in over a decade, but I think it's accurate to say that anything less will be viewed as a big disappointment. The personnel on this team is simply too good to feel good about any other accomplishment.

This is a 1st place only team.
bootsy;2135768 said:
This is the most overused and unnecessary statement I continue to see from time to time on this board. The goal and the ONLY goal is to win a championship. A playoff victory coincide with that but winning a playoff game and then losing the next week is not the goal. Maybe it is for you but not for me and especially not for this team.

I agree. Any team that has the history and tradition that Dallas has should expect only the best, but you have to be logical. There's goals, and there's standards. As a Dallas fan, I hold the Boys to a championship standard. But you have to be logical when setting certain goals.

I'm just sick and tired of getting my hopes up every year for my college team and Dallas and having my words thrown back in my face. It's my own fault for calling for a national championship or a Super Bowl.

There is nothing wrong with setting out to win a championship, but saying your season will be a failure if you don't win it all is not fair. Please trust me on this, when my college team loses their shot at a NC, I literally get sick to my stomach. Thank God you don't have to worry about losing all title hopes from one game in the NFL, unless it's the playoffs of course.

I guess I am basically agreeing with you that a title is really the only success because 2nd place is unacceptable in Cowboy standards.

All I was saying is you're really setting yourself up when you expect only a title and it gets thrown in your face in first round loss.

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