News: Demarcus Lawrence To Be Suspended For Failed Drug Test

I read he was taking something prescribed by his doc
You would think if there was a medical reason there would be an exception, especially during the off season

I think that doctor has to be the most incompetent medical professional alive then. That's the best one yet - darn those illegal-substance providing doctors!
I agree. I'm pulling for him as well I hope he has learned from this but still po'ed that he has let his team down.

I'm pulling for him to get cut. I'm really, really over this ****. You need to get busted three times before receiving a suspension. Three. Times. And for what it's worth, I think pot should be legalized across the board. That still doesn't make this remotely acceptable. If you truly understood how easy the league makes it to NOT get busted in the offseason, you'd be amazed. And yet this guy still managed to get busted. Three times. If that doesn't scream, "I really don't care about this team or playing in the NFL," I don't know what does.
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So far this is the worst offseason in recent memory.

We did nothing upgrade the QB spot

We did nothing to upgrade the DE spot

We did nothing to for depth

Eagles go up to #2 leaving us with Dak (garbage draft pick IMO)

Bosa the bust at #4

Both DE suspended

No Hardy

Seriously this Franchise is a joke so sick of JJ JG and his whack *** offense and HC style.

But yet the draft has not begun yet!! LOL
If this was about adderall and he was taking it legitimately with a prescription but didn't get an official league exemption, he has a good shot at winning the appeal. That said, he should be suspended for stupidity in that case.

But don't be mistaken, adderall is banned and definitely can aid performance (and can help tolerate pain) during the season, but so can a lot of substances. Caffeine has been mentioned and caffeine is a proven performance enhancer. But it's the player and team's responsibility to know the rules and follow them.

I've been saying this for years, but this is just a dumb team.
If this was about adderall and he was taking it legitimately with a prescription but didn't get an official league exemption, he has a good shot at winning the appeal. That said, he should be suspended for stupidity in that case.

But don't be mistaken, adderall is banned and definitely can aid performance (and can help tolerate pain) during the season, but so can a lot of substances. Caffeine has been mentioned and caffeine is a proven performance enhancer. But it's the player and team's responsibility to know the rules and follow them.

I've been saying this for years, but this is just a dumb team.

I get banning it during the season. But unlike steroids it doesn't build muscle are anything that doesn't help you except at the time you are taking it. It's the off season so it's not enhancing his performance and if that is it, and it was prescribed then that's slit different than most peds and recreational drugs
Please forgive if this has already been said. I didn't read all of the posts in this thread.

You know what I do if I'm Jerry or Jason? I get everyone on a conference call, and I mean EVERYONE. And, you know what I say? THESE DRUG SUSPENSIONS HAVE GOT TO STOP RIGHT NOW! THEY ARE KILLING THIS FOOTBALL TEAM!

This concludes my rant.

That is all.
Any chance he gets off on some bogus technicality a la Sherman???

He may.

He was caught using two things, I understand. One was Adderall, which people with ADD use, and some kind of painkiller for his back. It wasn't weed like Gregory got busted for.

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