I'm so very sorry lukin to hear of the many losses you're experiencing. Life can throw some serious curve balls at you and it tries your resolve. I think being depressed is a normal reaction but please realize life continues and things do improve. You will look back three, six and twelve months from now and see how far you've come where your lowest times seem like a lifetime ago.
I've been there including being significantly impacted by the Sandy hurricane, went through a divorce with a young child and lost my father in a 6 month period. You need to look within yourself, stay strong and know things do improve.
There are many good suggestions here from your CZ friends. If you're finding it hard to connect with others during this time, another avenue I might suggest is this website
https://www.meetup.com/. You would not believe the many groups of people with like interests out there and it is a great outlet to meet new local folks and do things together that you enjoy. Just a suggestion and is a great way to keep busy........