
One thing for sure if you are suffering from depression say away from drugs and alcohol it will only make matters much worse.
Rampage;3304027 said:
are you depressed cause you don't want highschool to end or is it something else?

my sister has a severe case she even tried suicide so I have seen it 1st hand.

Sorry to hear that man. I know first hand how hard things can be when someone you care about has serious bouts of depression.

I've seen it first hand and it can be very difficult.

SaltwaterServr;3304193 said:
There are very few weeks that go by that I don't regret not being forward thinking enough to join and serve our country.

I couldn't agree more.

When I was in high school I had zero interest. I didn't want anything to do with having to listen to that kind of authority or any of that. Now I'm 30 and I think all the time how I should have joined right out of high school and at least put in the 4 years. If nothing else I'd have gotten my college paid for and I'd be able to put on every application for the rest of my life my military service.

The plus side is that if you actually enjoyed it then you put in your 20+ years in a quality career, making solid money, getting all those benefits and you'll be able to retire for the first time by the time you're 38-40 years old.

It's definately the one thing I'd absolutely go back and do differently after high school. I'd have joined the military.

I still could join the Army. They take you till your 34 now. If only my wife were willing to do the moving and such I'd be all over it.

She's a momma's girl though and there is no way she's willing to move so it's a no go option now. I can't go without her and the kids. :)
BraveHeartFan;3304447 said:
I couldn't agree more.


It's definately the one thing I'd absolutely go back and do differently after high school. I'd have joined the military.

Wouldn't it be a better plan to join a college ROTC program, graduate and enter the military as an officer?

Really, that's beside the point. Someone who's struggling with depression shouldn't jump into a serious life decision.

If you think you're depressed, talk to a counselor about it.
theogt;3304036 said:
You don't have to know what you're going to do for a career if you're still in high school. You have a couple more years to figure that out. Get to college, take some 'basic' classes, grow up some more, then figure it out.

Whatever you do, don't be a bicycle maker, though.

I hate to say it but Theo is right. I followed his advice and look at me now.

Seriously. You think to much. Enjoy your this part of your life right now. Go out and party and see the world. Get a fun job and hang w/ your friends. Take life 1 day at a time.

Buckle down in some basic courses in a local college and have a good time.

I wish I could do it all over again. It was a hell of a ride back then. I wouldn't change it for the world.

Have fun but be smart and make good decisions. Learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.

You do those things and this BS depression you think you might have will be laughed at by you later.

Givem hell
Dallas;3304615 said:
I hate to say it but Theo is right. I followed his advice and look at me now.

Seriously. You think to much. Enjoy your this part of your life right now. Go out and party and see the world. Get a fun job and hang w/ your friends. Take life 1 day at a time.

Buckle down in some basic courses in a local college and have a good time.

I wish I could do it all over again. It was a hell of a ride back then. I wouldn't change it for the world.

Have fun but be smart and make good decisions. Learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.

You do those things and this BS depression you think you might have will be laughed at by you later.

Givem hell

And the most important part to theos plan is compliment Ken Hamlin once everyday.

I used to be depressed but saying such silly things always made me feel better.
Help somebody. Do some volunteer work, maybe become a big brother. In helping others you may find you're helping yourself...
If you're depressed, try eating healthier and exercising. Once you start feeling better physically, you'll feel better emotionally.

Stay away from negative people. A lot of people just like to complain... you could give them a bag of money and they'd complain about having to carry around the bags.

Get a journal. Maybe just writing down whats in your head will help.

If you're worried about school closing and not having a career lined up, consider the military. There are options where you don't have to go to the front lines of Iraq. I know plenty of people who said military service was the best thing they ever did. I joined the Navy and saw the world. Plus, you learn how to be an independent adult.

Find a hobby that you enjoy, and make time to do it.

And lastly (because I'm perhaps rambling) take solace in the knowledge that the only guarantee in life is that time goes by. Meaning, whatever situation you find yourself in now, it will eventually pass. With that in mind, you should focus on trying to maximize each experience, value your time with those you love, and appreciate the little things in life.

That said, if you're looking for a quick pick me up, just click on my username and select "find more posts by Holeintheroof". Maybe after reading my posts in succession, my awesomeness will rub off on you.
HoleInTheRoof;3304625 said:
If you're depressed, try eating healthier and exercising. Once you start feeling better physically, you'll feel better emotionally.

Stay away from negative people. A lot of people just like to complain... you could give them a bag of money and they'd complain about having to carry around the bags.

Get a journal. Maybe just writing down whats in your head will help.

If you're worried about school closing and not having a career lined up, consider the military. There are options where you don't have to go to the front lines of Iraq. I know plenty of people who said military service was the best thing they ever did. I joined the Navy and saw the world. Plus, you learn how to be an independent adult.

Find a hobby that you enjoy, and make time to do it.

And lastly (because I'm perhaps rambling) take solace in the knowledge that the only guarantee in life is that time goes by. Meaning, whatever situation you find yourself in now, it will eventually pass. With that in mind, you should focus on trying to maximize each experience, value your time with those you love, and appreciate the little things in life.

That said, if you're looking for a quick pick me up, just click on my username and select "find more posts by Holeintheroof". Maybe after reading my posts in succession, my awesomeness will rub off on you.

Ignore this guy like you ignored your chores growing up.

For realz.
Avoid alcohol and try to get out as much as possible, get a lot of exercise, get active. It sounds silly but depression is a vicious cycle, the more you think about it the more depressed you'll be so the worse thing you can do is mope around and watch TV/videogames/computer. I definitly would not recommend joining the army, there's a reason for psych evaluations.
k19;3304049 said:
Nothing cures depression like being shot at in a sandbox. But on a positive note they'll give you free medical to treat it. :confused:

Seriously though the first step is to try and find out the root of it. The most important step is finding someone you can talk to. If you thinks its the graduation thing then find someone you can talk to about that. Be it a counselor, advisor, or whatever its very important that ypou can talk to someone so you dont feel you have to carry all the worries alone.


If said to me in person this would likely get a fist fight going. The military is a huge point of pride and a feeling of belonging to a group that is helping protect the very rights we use on this message board. It can definitely help this young man get his self-worth raised and get him on the right path.
zrinkill;3304311 said:
Please do not follow this advice if you are depressed.

Dumbest thing I have seen in a long time.

Someone who is depressed does not need to take on the most stressful job in the world.

Maybe they are depressed because they have no purpose in life, dumb%^$.
Nirvana;3304737 said:
Maybe they are depressed because they have no purpose in life, dumb%^$.

I could be wrong, but I think the person you just called a ******* is also a vet. You shouldn't assume that people don't know what they're talking about, just because they disagree with you.
Nirvana;3304737 said:
Maybe they are depressed because they have no purpose in life, dumb%^$.

Please stick to your 130 post count. I promise you that we will not encourage you to raise it at a later date.

Shhh...go to sleep.
I can get a little sad and/or depressed at times, but I don't stay sad or depressed. Most of the time I am happy :) Sometimes when I get sad or depressed I don't always try to force myself to get over it right away, but kinda let it run it's course. I might try to watch a movie or watch a tv show or look at pictures or read online message boards such as "CowboysZone" or listen to music or listen to an audio book or anything that I like to do and a lot of times doing stuff like that will help me feel better.
tiny tim;3304990 said:
I can get a little sad and/or depressed at times, but I don't stay sad or depressed. Most of the time I am happy :) Sometimes when I get sad or depressed I don't always try to force myself to get over it right away, but kinda let it run it's course. I might try to watch a movie or watch a tv show or look at pictures or read online message boards such as "CowboysZone" or listen to music or listen to an audio book or anything that I like to do and a lot of times doing stuff like that will help me feel better.

Man, tim, if I had to walk around all day in crutches, with barely little to eat because Ebenezer Scrooge is ****ing my dad over with low wages and long hours. I would be depressed as ****. How do you do it man?
Nirvana;3304737 said:
Maybe they are depressed because they have no purpose in life, dumb%^$.


Are you really this dense?

Trying to figure out why they are depressed is not what the Military is for.

People should join the Military because they want to serve ..... not for an experiment on what they want to do with there life.

Only dumb *** I see here is you if you want to put others in danger while a depressed kid figures themselves out.

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