Despicable Zeke Article on ESPN Front Page

Can OP summarize?

I Refuse to give ESPN hits but want to be as outraged as my CZ brethren.

I'an O'Connor: "Yes" I saw all the facts presented and "No" they didn't add up to a strong case, but I work for ESPN and we want to virtue signal and be cool like all of our cool friends, so I'm going to say he should get suspended."
This tin foil hat business about people being out to get the Cowboys really is silly. This comes down to a guy seeing his opportunity to take a stand and shout from his soapbox. Facts and justice be damned, he is hardline against DV and if you dont agree, and want to see Zeke burn, you're condoning systematic abuse...

In other words, he is the male version of Lisa Friel (although she probably really does hate the Cowboys too).
I'm just curious if anyone was going to email this nobody and call them out on the hypocrisy of that article? Or ask if they actually read any of the evidence? I know someone here is doing it. Let's see those emails!
I'm just curious if anyone was going to email this nobody and call them out on the hypocrisy of that article? Or ask if they actually read any of the evidence? I know someone here is doing it. Let's see those emails!

Check the responses to the article.... he's catching plenty of heat.
meanwhile no one cares about Tyreek hill or Frank Clarke or maybe I missed his columns on them?

this is also the guy who said the patriots would regret hiring belichick.......and my favorite calling the patriots the greatest dynasty in the history of sports.....whatever.


Oh yeah, I remember this guy was a fill-in host on the Dan Patrick show (or similar show) a few years back. The reason I remember that is because this guy struck me as the biggest toolbox I've ever heard. Take this guy with a grain of salt, massive Giants fan, massive Cowboys hater. And yes, nice hair, d-bag. LOL.
if you need a laugh just search his columns on the cowboys. They are the same. They all constantly belittle Tony Romo and Jerry Jones. Its kind of sad actually. It appears this guy can't write a single paragraph without typing Tom Brady's name.

He goes out of his way to insult romo and jerry over and over. Its comical.
This tin foil hat business about people being out to get the Cowboys really is silly. This comes down to a guy seeing his opportunity to take a stand and shout from his soapbox. Facts and justice be damned, he is hardline against DV and if you dont agree, and want to see Zeke burn, you're condoning systematic abuse...

You keep telling yourself that there's no anti-Dallas bias in the league office. Perhaps you can ring ex-NFL employee Dean Blandino and ask him what other NFL playoff games have been decided via telephone.
You keep telling yourself that there's no anti-Dallas bias in the league office. Perhaps you can ring ex-NFL employee Dean Blandino and ask him what other NFL playoff games have been decided via telephone.

Not only is there not some grand national movement against the Cowboys, like the conspiracy theorists here would argue, the league is absolutely NOT out to get one of their biggest cash cows, most valuable franchises and assets, and most visible owners.
Not only is there not some grand national movement against the Cowboys, like the conspiracy theorists here would argue, the league is absolutely NOT out to get one of their biggest cash cows, most valuable franchises and assets, and most visible owners.

"Haters gonna Hate".
Just a very ignorant article.

Nobody in their right mind thinks that domestic violence is 'okay.'

But he has asserted nothing that proves his claims of EE assaulting Tiffany Thompson.

The Tobias argumentis weak and misleading. If you hear Tobias talk about the case, he basically states that he believe some sort of violence happened to TT, but he doesn't know what kind. That includes self defense.

Furthermore, Tobias didn't investigate this beyond what happened on the 21st/22nd. He basically had the affidavits from the numerous people that testified in favor of EE and against TT as well as TT trying to get her friend, Ayrin Mason, to lie for her and then dropped the case because TT ruined her credibility.

As we've seen from the transcriptions, there's a lot more evidence that Tobias has not considered and all of it points against Tiffany Thompson and in EE's favor.

But it's easier for somebody like O'Connor to spit out platitudes because his coarse, unprepared argument is a product of his closed mind and gutless nature.

It's easy to take up for somebody like Tiffany Thompson. It's easy to not be outraged that she lied. It's easy to not be outraged that she was never arrested for breaking the law twice. It's easy to continue to give her the benefit of the doubt despite the fact she doesn't have a credible bone in her body.

O'Connor took the easy way out because that's all he can handle.


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