Dexter Fans

Duane;1710858 said:
Another good episode last night. Having Dexter open up for the first time to anyone besides his father was very interesting. It was like for the first time in a long time he could be himself and not lie.

Then having Doaks bust him after he spilled his guts will problably lead to something else even if he did accept that Dex is there for alcohol, drugs, etc...

Lila is just plain sexy. I hope to see a lot more of here in the next few episodes.

Well he has opened up before but he killed the two he opened up to in the therapist and his brother.:laugh2:

Doaks catching him could indeed come back to haunt him however for right now it is something that helps him a great deal as it will keep doaks from following him all the time. Also got a bit of a chuckle when Doaks told him he owes him for a new tire.

Also I agree with you on the new character. She is pretty and the accent does not hurt.

However I wonder how that will play out. Is she also a kindred soul, ala a killer. Will she change the dynamics for dexter in his current relationship.

We seen the look of jealousy and worry with his girlfriend when she seen dexters "sponsor".

As rack pointed out, dexter has been sloppy this season but it creates good drama and story lines for his character.

I still have trouble watching the actress playing the sister. Still irritates me and wish it was someone else or they did something different for her character.

Also it will be interesting to see how Dexter will work with the famous FBI guy and the investigation.

You know there will be times when they are close to dexter.

My hunch is dexter will find another killer and somehow pin it on him after he kills the person.

So far this has been a very interesting season.

The conflict and scenarios that he has been put into and the possible scenarios that can arise from it are making this season very interesting.

I kind of was expecting a little let down after a very strong first season. Was wondering if they could duplicate it or improve on it.

So far they have passed that test.
Yeagermeister;1710868 said:
She'll be back. Did you see the look Dex's girlfriend was giving her.

Yes jealousy and worry were evident just by that short look.

Another thing I did not touch on before.

Anyone notice the transformation they have done with the girlfriend character last season and this season.

At one time she was the girl dexter wanted. The quiet and shy girlfriend that would not push things in a loving or sexual aspect.

Then she opened up and that presented some problems with dexter and his ability to feel emotions.

Now with her standing up to her ex husband has awoken another side of her.

She has a much harder edge to her and her not willing to be shy or easy going like before.

She was hard on Dexter and not taking no for an answer or falling for excuses.

Another area I found they are using to futher harden her character is her starting to smoke. We never seen her smoke before that I can recall but now she is starting to smoke and that just is another example of them trying to show her with a harder edge.

Now with the look of jealousy and worry don't be surprised if she thinks dexter is only deciding to stick with the program because he is interested in the new girl.

Problem is in her mind it will be her thinking he is sexually or romantically interested in the girl instead of him finding a possibly kinship with her if she is a killer like he is.

If she turns out to be we can look at some foreshadowing of the couple he killed last season. The couple who were killing the illegal immigrants.

Remember at first he thought the wife did not know what the husband was doing but than realized she was in on it. There was wonderment in that revelation for him, maybe a kind of desire to have that same time of relationship.

This also falls into line with dexter not getting that relationship with his brother.

One has to wonder if they would have had a relationship like that if it were not for his brother demanding they kill Dexters sister.

So there are many really interesting angles going on this season.
Yeah I have noticed the girlfriend smoking thing also and have noticed the sister isn't smoking.

I wonder if Dex will have to deal with Doakes at some point.
I think the new girl is a killer... as you guys have said. I can't place her accent BTW, sounded a little strange to me.

But wonder if the writers are setting up another scenario where down the line Dex has to deal with someone like he did his brother. Sounds to convenient, but I'm really interested to see where they go with this.

The foreshadowing with the couple killing the immigrants was a good pick-up BP. Hadn't thought of that.

With them giving Rita a harder edge, I wonder if they're progressing her into a killer's mindset. Say the jealousy and rage re: Lila causes her to go bring on her own "dark passenger?" Sounds a little out there, but there are so many directions they can go with this.

The "You owe me a Michelin" line cracked me up also, as well as Dex buying a minivan (wth??!?)
peplaw06;1711230 said:
I think the new girl is a killer... as you guys have said. I can't place her accent BTW, sounded a little strange to me.

But wonder if the writers are setting up another scenario where down the line Dex has to deal with someone like he did his brother. Sounds to convenient, but I'm really interested to see where they go with this.

The foreshadowing with the couple killing the immigrants was a good pick-up BP. Hadn't thought of that.

With them giving Rita a harder edge, I wonder if they're progressing her into a killer's mindset. Say the jealousy and rage re: Lila causes her to go bring on her own "dark passenger?" Sounds a little out there, but there are so many directions they can go with this.

The "You owe me a Michelin" line cracked me up also, as well as Dex buying a minivan (wth??!?)

Buying it then the yes it does have alot of cargo room comment made me laugh.
Saw the first two episodes of the new season a few months back when they were leaked. Best show I've seen on TV since I don't know when. Anyone read the books? Third one didn't live up to the first two.
i was hoping something would develop btn deb and doakes since he was really protective of her in season 1.

and the twist with maria laguerta and esmee's fiance, oh la la!
ATurkishSeaOtter;1729564 said:
Saw the first two episodes of the new season a few months back when they were leaked. Best show I've seen on TV since I don't know when. Anyone read the books? Third one didn't live up to the first two.

I have not read the books but I have been wanting to get them.

Does the series follow the books or is it just taking the basics from the books and changing it up a great deal?
BrAinPaiNt;1730157 said:
I have not read the books but I have been wanting to get them.

Does the series follow the books or is it just taking the basics from the books and changing it up a great deal?

The first season has a lot of the plot lines from the first book and a few from the second book. Second season hasn't had anything from the books yet, but I just finished downloading #203 and #204 =]
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VietCowboy;1729780 said:
i was hoping something would develop btn deb and doakes since he was really protective of her in season 1.

and the twist with maria laguerta and esmee's fiance, oh la la!

I think there's going to be something between Deb and Lundy.

Just they look at each other.

Never saw the Maria thing coming.:D
From the title, I thought this was going to be another discussion about a possible trade scenario.
ConcordCowboy;1730886 said:
I think there's going to be something between Deb and Lundy.

Just they look at each other.

Like I said somethings brewing here...the looks and now the hug..:D

Liked how Dexter and Doakes almost got into it. If I were Dexter I would have lost it on him a long time ago.

Dexter's response to Olson asking him " So you're not going to kill me? " made me laugh.

Dexter and Lila make a good couple. Forget Rita.

Wonder what Lila's secret is...not sure about the Meth addict thing.
ConcordCowboy;1747016 said:
Like I said somethings brewing here...the looks and now the hug..:D

Liked how Dexter and Doakes almost got into it. If I were Dexter I would have lost it on him a long time ago.

Dexter's response to Olson asking him " So you're not going to kill me? " made me laugh.

Dexter and Lila make a good couple. Forget Rita.

Wonder what Lila's secret is...not sure about the Meth addict thing.

According to Wikipedia Lila is Bill Murray's daughter.
ConcordCowboy;1747016 said:
Like I said somethings brewing here...the looks and now the hug..:D

Liked how Dexter and Doakes almost got into it. If I were Dexter I would have lost it on him a long time ago.

Dexter's response to Olson asking him " So you're not going to kill me? " made me laugh.

Dexter and Lila make a good couple. Forget Rita.

Wonder what Lila's secret is...not sure about the Meth addict thing.

yeah i just saw episode 18, soo good, i can't wait for next week. I love that trouble is brewing with Lila, maybe she is Brian's ex-girlfriend or something, lol, or an arsonist. maybe she's going to ask him to kill someone for her?
VietCowboy;1747216 said:
yeah i just saw episode 18, soo good, i can't wait for next week. I love that trouble is brewing with Lila, maybe she is Brian's ex-girlfriend or something, lol, or an arsonist. maybe she's going to ask him to kill someone for her?

Yeah somethings going on with her...being a meth addict wouldn't be good enough.:D

Maybe she's a killer just like Dexter.:D
ConcordCowboy;1747303 said:
Just checked it out...her dad is Bill Murray...but not THE Bill Murray of Caddyshack fame.:D


Who knew there was more than one Bill Murray? :laugh2:

She does seem way to hot to have come from the loins of Bill Murray of Caddyshack fame. But hey, I gave the guy possibility of the doubt that the mother was smoking hot and her genes dominated.

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