Dez Bryant and Randy Moss? No comparison coach says


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DallasEast;3492819 said:
Just once, I would like to read or hear how the Eagles, Falcons, Jaguars, Lions, Oilers, Packers, Panthers, Patriots, Ravens and Seahawks all passed over Randy Moss after we took Greg Ellis off the board. Heck. The Bengals said ‘No Moss’ twice.

OR! OR! How the hindsighters leave out the Ryan Leaf/Andre Wadsworth/Curtis Enis top-10 ‘super’ picks that draft. Yep. If. That would be nice for once.
Dont hold your breath know all that matters is that DALLAS passed over him!


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MarionBarberThe4th;3492857 said:
If it were just a matter of roster numbers or our scouts didnt like the fit or something it wouldnt still be a big deal. But when its known he went back and forth its a very interesting "woulda coulda" for the media.
I'm not certain when the media first became aware of the Jerry Jones indecision. I do know that the media was already in extreme heat reporting Dallas' drafting of Greg Ellis instead of Moss on draft day itself. In fact, ESPN was particularly ridiculous in its commentary. I thought at one point someone would have to give Chris Berman a sponge bath from sweating too much over the 'huge controversey'.
MarionBarberThe4th;3492857 said:
You could have had teh Moss!! Arent you kicking yourself?
Nah. Never have. I don't have a fantasy football bone in my body.


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DallasEast;3492867 said:
I'm not certain when the media first became aware of the Jerry Jones indecision. I do know that the media was already in extreme heat reporting Dallas' drafting of Greg Ellis instead of Moss on draft day itself. In fact, ESPN was particularly ridiculous in its commentary. I thought at one point someone would have to give Chris Berman a sponge bath from sweating too much over the 'huge controversey'.

It was the perfect storm. I havent heard many woulda couldas since then. Mangold over Bobby Carpenter is hurting a little right now and no one even knows about it

Nah. Never have. I don't have a fantasy football bone in my body.

That was my impersonation of the media talking to Jerry.


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MarionBarberThe4th;3492872 said:
It was the perfect storm. I havent heard many woulda couldas since then.
Probably because Dallas was not involved.

MarionBarberThe4th;3492872 said:
Mangold over Bobby Carpenter is hurting a little right now and no one even knows about it

MarionBarberThe4th;3492872 said:
That was my impersonation of the media talking to Jerry.
In that case, you are spot on.


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Considering all the bad press Dallas was dealing with like Irvin getting busted, news story of a white house where the players partied and other things and the death of Tuniei as well as Jerry promising to clean things up the media local and nationally would have crucified Jerry had he gone after Moss who had already been in trouble to the point he was dismissed by Florida State for using weed.


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CrazyCowboy;3492764 said:
These players produced with the talent they had at the time--yes

However, none of them had what Dez has.....just be patient and you are going to see what I mean very soon.:cool:

There is inborn talent and then there is developed skill. The question for me isn't his talent, that seems undeniable just watching the guy (although more talented than Owens? I don't know), it's where hes going to be skill-wise.

Irvin got to be as good as he was not because he was the most talented receiver on the block, although he had that in spades, he got there by having the highest work ethic in the league. Owens is similar in that respect, but more talented to begin with.

Bryant may well be more talented than both of them, but is his work ethic as high as theirs are/were or will more of it go to waste and not be developed? Skill, not talent wins in the NFL.


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Cowboysfan570;3492887 said:
There is inborn talent and then there is developed skill. The question for me isn't his talent, that seems undeniable just watching the guy (although more talented than Owens? I don't know), it's where hes going to be skill-wise.

Irvin got to be as good as he was not because he was the most talented receiver on the block, although he had that in spades, he got there by having the highest work ethic in the league. Owens is similar in that respect, but more talented to begin with.

Bryant may well be more talented than both of them, but is his work ethic as high as theirs are/were or will more of it go to waste and not be developed? Skill, not talent wins in the NFL.

Very well stated.

A well respected long time Cowboys coach said to me that Dez has more talent then any WR the Cowboys have ever had.....

Can it also be stated that talented and skill are similiar if both attributes are outstanding?


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Romo 2 Austin;3492761 said:
Not even close

Pearson, Irvin, Owens off the top of my head. Im sure there are more.

How is Bob Hayes not the most talented? He is in the HOF and the only player to ever win a SB and olympis gold medal. That kinda of athleticism is off the charts, but with our history is often overlooked


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Hostile;3492800 said:
Bryant reminds me of Larry Fitzgerald the way he goes after the football. Great hands too.

Have to agree. He was high pointing the ball in high school.(he looks less than 6 ft in the vid)[youtube]cc6r3rrPh0g[/youtube]


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hlh_8728;3492921 said:
How is Bob Hayes not the most talented? He is in the HOF and the only player to ever win a SB and olympis gold medal. That kinda of athleticism is off the charts, but with our history is often overlooked
If you have been reading Romo 2 Austin past commentary, you may want to give him some credit for even including Drew Pearson with his examples (kinda surprising really). You are right though. Bob Hayes' talent is not mentioned enough during current discussions such as these. but in this case it should not be considered a slight made against Mr. Hayes. Some fans are either too young to remember or ignore franchise and/or NFL history altogether. :eek::


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As talented as all of the other great Cowboy receivers have been, I have never seen a Cowboy receiver that could catch a ball with one hand as effortlessly as Dez does. I'm not so sure I have seen many NFL receivers that could that. Not that this makes you a superstar.


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hlh_8728;3492921 said:
How is Bob Hayes not the most talented? He is in the HOF and the only player to ever win a SB and olympis gold medal. That kinda of athleticism is off the charts, but with our history is often overlooked

One guy who is always forgotten is Tony Hill. His numbers were better than Drew Pearson.



just trying to get better
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I'm resisting the temptation to compare Dez to anyone else. I'm simply looking forward to seeing him become the best WR that he can be.

His body control and hands are obviously outstanding. If he works hard and manages to play healthy, the worst case scenerio for him is that he'll be a fantastic possession receiver.

And if he also manages to play quick and faster than he times, he'll have a clear Hall of Fame level of ability (and hopefully he will take advantage of it).

Once we see more of Dez, it'll be fun to compare and contrast his abiilities with those of Miles Austin, who has a pretty special skill set of his own.


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DallasEast;3492945 said:
If you have been reading Romo 2 Austin past commentary, you may want to give him some credit for even including Drew Pearson with his examples (kinda surprising really). You are right though. Bob Hayes' talent is not mentioned enough during current discussions such as these. but in this case it should not be considered a slight made against Mr. Hayes. Some fans are either too young to remember or ignore franchise and/or NFL history altogether. :eek::

Hayes could outrun anyone and because of his raw speed, struck fear in the hearts of defenses. And more than that, he changed the game. But honestly, compared to other NFL WRs, I always thought that Hayes had merely average hands.


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ThreeSportStar80;3492984 said:
I think it's a combo of Fitzgerald and Johnson...
Wouldn't that be the ultimate!

I'd like to see our guy play a season or two first....can't wait.


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Honestly Dez reminds me most of Andre Johnson but he doesn't have the track speed his on field speed is much closer (maybe not quite there though)