Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

Cowboys22;4622983 said:
Mark my words, when the truth comes out, we will find that his mother instigated the whole thing or that she started the physical abuse. You don't get in a physical altercation with your mother for no reason and for it get to that point, she had to have done something that escalated it. With her background, it's easy to speculate that this all boils down to money. She wanted more from him than he was giving or she told him to give more to other family members and he said no. We have only heard one side because Dez has not said anything. Also, he may never tell his side if it involves the fact that his mom started it and would be in violation of any parole she may be on. The facts of this story will change a dozen times in the next few days or weeks. I'm waiting to hear the truth before I throw Dez under the bus.

and BINGO was his name O
a_minimalist;4622990 said:
not if he's black. if he's not i suspect it will be an issue.

Hey min...expect some incoming fire for that comment.

Duck quick.
anj113;4622945 said:
Ok so lets say like some are you saying she is a crackhead, etc, she is still a woman, you should NEVER ever hit a woman as a man.. SO please for the love of god stop with the excuses... The man is guilty and has a long long road if he wants to be great, or at the very least live up to the expectaions that some Cowboy fans annoint him as the best in the game.. Its a joke
I agree, a man should not ever hit a woman. Sure, there could be an extenuating circumstance and used as a last resort only.

For example, If I saw a woman with a bat in her hand wailing on my daughter, she would cease to exist, end of story. I know that does not apply here, but to say NEVER hit a woman, never say never.

On to Dez's mother. As far as I know, she was not beating on someone to the point of a fatality. She has probably been mooching off her son for a couple of years now, taking that money to buy crack or whatever and Dez got tired of it and confronted her. We know his mom is not the most stable of people, maybe she went crazy when he said no more money? We don't know.

This is a family from a broken home, me (among most on here I am sure) can't relate to the things going on in his own. It is unfair for us to speculate, point fingers, declare the death penalty, or whatever.

Dez did do the right thing and turn himself in. Now, was he coerced into doing so? maybe, maybe not, again, we do not know!

Hopefully this shed some light onto him and he might just realize he needs to keep his distance from his family and those friends that are only there to use him.

We all will see in the near future how this effects him and if he truly makes a change. Point is....lets not make a mountain of a mole-hill until we know the full details.
gambit187;4622971 said:
I may get into some trouble with this, but I'm 42 grew up in Camden, NJ spent lots of summers in Philly and NY....traveled the world for 8 years in the army and now live in DC and have a great job.....


I think it may be New Jersey. I grew up in East Orange.
erod;4622973 said:
No they aren't, and yes he was.

no he wasn't.

this is what gets so frustrating about dez. people believe the urban legends w/o doing their own research and suddenly start forcing incorrect views on others.

link please. show where he was kicked off the team. all i could find was a suspension gundy was going to argue against.

yea, i'd argue to reinstate someone i kicked off the team. makes perfect sense.
On the plus side, "Dez Bryant" is no longer trending worldwide, just in the USA :) ;)
InmanRoshi;4622974 said:
IMHO, if someone is physically assaulting you, you have the right to restrain them with physical force. I don't care what gender they are.

If your going to act like a man, I'm going to treat you like a man. I always say. But momma?:)
JackWagon;4622965 said:
Its amazing how many people apologize for this POS just because he can catch a football and maybe help a team win a couple extra games. Playing in the NFL is a priveledge and should be treated as such. :bang2:

/you know what ... I would be a garrett fan for life if he mans up and just cuts dez. Just cut him and make an example of him just like Curvin Richards was made an example by Jimmy.

Please, Jimmy cut Curvin Richards because he sucked at football. If Curvin Richards had Pro Bowl potential he would have never gotten so much as a slap on the wrist. Jimmy ran a 3 ring circus both in University of Miami and Dallas, and looked the other way at every chance. He didn't give a flip what his players were doing in their personal lives.

I don't care if Dez ever plays football again. I cheer for him because I think he's genuinely a good person. He was born to a teenage crack dealer who readily admits she exposed him to "a lot of bad things" as a child. He was abandoned as a child when she went to prison and basically bounced around homeless. He's basically the story of Michael Oher when he doesn't get adopted by the right white family who bend over backwards to pull strings for him. Sorry, the Sandra Bullocks of the world are few and far between for most people.
JBond;4622986 said:
He thinks so little of Jerry he blew off his meeting request. That's a fact bud.

Actually no it isn't. Jerry Jones is the one who couldn't schedule the meeting, from his own mouth.
erod;4623006 said:
Lol,.remind me of his amazing final season at Okie State.

where he was suspended but not kicked off the team?

you do know there's a difference, right? well, guess not.
gmoney112;4623007 said:

A professional athlete and physical specimen tries to kill a small woman and all she ends up with is a torn shirt.

In that case, I think we can all agree..

He needs more time with Woicik.
Sounds like a typical case of a woman being hysterical.
erod;4623006 said:
Lol,.remind me of his amazing final season at Okie State.

Please pull up any reference where Mike Gundy said he kicked Dez Bryant off his team.

I'll patiently wait.
gmoney112;4623007 said:

A professional athlete and physical specimen tries to kill a small woman and all she ends up with is a torn shirt.

In that case, I think we can all agree..

He needs more time with Woicik.

I saw this in a thread on PFT. I think it fits your response:

"He's been working out all off-season, maybe he was just practicing getting off Press Coverage"

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