Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

Hypothetical (based on real life experiences of one of my friends growing up)

Kid has a crazy mother. She has been emotionally and physically abusive his entire life. I mean I witnessed some crazy crap when I'd go over, she'd just hit and scream at him for no reason.

Eventually he's bigger than she is. One day when he's 17 she goes to hit him. He grabs her hands, slams her against the wall and tells her she's never going to touch him again. Then leaves in his car comes over to my place to stay - she calls the cops and tells them he's runaway.

Might not be anything similar to what's going on here but just saying we don't know what people have to deal with.
I knew that examples of why the should have kept Laurent Robinson would come early in the year, but before training camp even!? It was beyond stupid to let him go because injuries and off-field issues are going to be factors with Dez and Miles.
This thread tells you way more about the posters' natures than it does about anything having to do with Dez Bryant's situation.

Me, I am going to wait to see what the story ends up being after some sober analysis.
iceberg;4622975 said:
and if he wasn't doing that you'd not know his name or give a flying fornication about him.

Yeah but his opinion of the situation would remain the same, Dez was wrong but the apologist would change thier opinion with a drop of a dime if he wasn't a Cowboy.
JackWagon;4622965 said:
Its amazing how many people apologize for this POS just because he can catch a football and maybe help a team win a couple extra games. Playing in the NFL is a priveledge and should be treated as such. :bang2:

/you know what ... I would be a garrett fan for life if he mans up and just cuts dez. Just cut him and make an example of him just like Curvin Richards was made an example by Jimmy.
That's not the right way to do it. Unlawful behavior should be handled by the law, and if serious enough, through the commissioner. A football team should try to keep their best players, so long as their behavior doesn't impede upon football activities. I think the Cowboys should only take action if his outside activity disrupts the team or affects his performance as a result, which it has not thus far. Otherwise, leave it to the people who deal with this on the regular instead of getting uppity since it's the offseason and there's nothing to talk about.

I'm not addressing this to you, I'm saying it in general, because there's been like a dozen high profile guys that have been in trouble the past two months.
StevenOtero;4622979 said:
It's true, all depends on the woman though.

Race be dammed, anybody can put you into this kind of situation, if you let yourself be around it in the first place.

Adults have to be able to recongnize degenerates instantly an Avoid the Noid.

M'Kevon;4623012 said:
Nope. WBLS was more my taste. Was that Upsala's college station?

I think so, years ago. Nowadays they are just the largest and best freeform radio station on the planet, pretty much :) Listening to them now as a matter of fact :)
SilverStarCowboy;4623024 said:
Race be dammed, anybody can put you into this kind of situation, if you let yourself be around it in the first place.

Adults have to be able to recongnize degenerates instantly an Avoid the Noid.


sometimes it's hard to when it's your MOTHER.
superpunk;4623016 said:
Hypothetical (based on real life experiences of one of my friends growing up)

Kid has a crazy mother. She has been emotionally and physically abusive his entire life. I mean I witnessed some crazy crap when I'd go over, she'd just hit and scream at him for no reason.

Eventually he's bigger than she is. One day when he's 17 she goes to hit him. He grabs her hands, slams her against the wall and tells her she's never going to touch him again. Then leaves in his car comes over to my place to stay - she calls the cops and tells them he's runaway.

Might not be anything similar to what's going on here but just saying we don't know what people have to deal with.

That's pretty much how I see it going down. If Dez wanted to inflict bodily damage in a malicious manner, she'd have a lot more than some swelling around the wrists.
a_minimalist;4623029 said:
sometimes it's hard to when it's your MOTHER.

Yes is.... it's hard everyway, you want to give people the benefit of the doubt....of course you can't.
superpunk;4623016 said:
Hypothetical (based on real life experiences of one of my friends growing up)

Kid has a crazy mother. She has been emotionally and physically abusive his entire life. I mean I witnessed some crazy crap when I'd go over, she'd just hit and scream at him for no reason.

Eventually he's bigger than she is. One day when he's 17 she goes to hit him. He grabs her hands, slams her against the wall and tells her she's never going to touch him again. Then leaves in his car comes over to my place to stay - she calls the cops and tells them he's runaway.

Might not be anything similar to what's going on here but just saying we don't know what people have to deal with.

She could very well have used money he gave her to buy drugs and he confronted her about it. She attempts to leave and he grabs her wrists to stop her. I've seen it happen numerous times in my life unfortunately. I have a cousin who is an addict. May not be the best way to respond, but when your family member is that volatile you can become very desperate. I've seen people hold her down against her will so that she wouldn't do anything to herself. Which of course resulted in bruises, and of course her being an addict she lied about the entire ordeal and accused her parents of beating her. It's a sad thing. And again, this may not at all be what happened, but when your dealing with somebody who used to do drugs, there is always a high chance of relapse. That is the only side of the story I'm willing to give him any benefit of the doubt. Pretty much any other scenario is not okay.
arglebargle;4623021 said:
This thread tells you way more about the posters' natures than it does about anything having to do with Dez Bryant's situation.

Me, I am going to wait to see what the story ends up being after some sober analysis.

Phoenix;4623026 said:
I think so, years ago. Nowadays they are just the largest and best freeform radio station on the planet, pretty much :) Listening to them now as a matter of fact :)

My brother interned at that station in '70s. He was also taking courses at Upsala while still in high school. Was a big deal at the time.
InmanRoshi;4623032 said:
That's pretty much how I see it going down. If Dez wanted to inflict bodily damage in a malicious manner, she'd have a lot more than some swelling around the wrists.
Yeah just getting sick of all the self-righteous "you never raise your hand to a woman/your mother" posts like all women/mothers are these delicate flowers and there's never a situation where force makes sense.

Maybe that's not the situation here but there's a good chance we're not talking about a sweet old lady who was just sitting on her porch sipping sweet tea when her son decked her out of nowhere.
his mom is NOT a good influence on his life PERIOD

that being said he shouldn't have slapped his mom, but we honestly don't know the whole story.

HOWEVER, even wayne brady gets a little physical when its deserved....
arglebargle;4623021 said:
This thread tells you way more about the posters' natures than it does about anything having to do with Dez Bryant's situation.

Me, I am going to wait to see what the story ends up being after some sober analysis.

True, what's funny is that, when a player is a part of a team you root for you get a lot of people willing to look past what is reported on the surface and try to get the details.

Too bad every person who gets in trouble with the law isn't afforded this same bit of courtesy.
Yeah, about 99% sure this had to do about money and drugs, she probably ran out of both wanted some cash, he refused and she lost it. Why on earth would he just out of the blue attack his mother.

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