Dez Bryant - Experience

Galian Beast

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I know people like to get on Dez. I just really don't get it.

- 27 games in his college career
- Missed a lot of his training camp due to injury
- Only played 12 games last year
- Limited Training Camp this year
- Hurt early this year so hasn't had as much practice

Outside of High School this kid has played in a total of 47 games at the collegiate and professional level. Only 20 NFL games, much without practice.

People want him to be megatron right now... but even in his NFL career he wasn't much more successful than Dez has been. And he played 37 games in college (and didn't even play his senior year).

Give this kid some time. I actually believe that with Austin injured, Robinson is going to have even more time to focus on Dez and getting him going.

Kid is already 30th in the nfl in yards per game in the first half of the season. Unless you have an agenda against him, you have to realize that will only get better.


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Funny thing about "agendas," just because you preemptively accuse other people as having one doesn't mean you're not pushing one of your own.


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BTW, can we all get off Rex Grossman's back?

After all, he's ranked in the Top 33 in the league in terms of QB rating. Duh?!?

Also, when are we gonna start recognizing Isaac Redman as a premeir running back? Hello? Redman is in the Top 50 of rushing yards.

Galian Beast

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realtick consider these factors

Dez Bryant was suspended 3 games into his Junior year of college.

He went straight into the nfl skipping his senior year of college.

You're basically looking at 2 years of college experience... come on man... TWO YEARS....

After 20 games he is still basically a rookie... all these things up against him... you don't think they matter at all?

Galian Beast

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realtick;4231634 said:
BTW, can we all get off Rex Grossman's back?

After all, he's ranked in the Top 33 in the league in terms of QB rating. Duh?!?

Also, when are we gonna start recognizing Isaac Redman as a premeir running back? Hello? Redman is in the Top 50 of rushing yards.

How many starting qb's are in the league?


how many starting wide receivers? 64

with a lot of teams who have a 3rd receiver step up...

He is rated higher than 32, and he is a #2 receiver... with a lot of limited football experience...

You can't deny his lack of experience...


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realtick;4231624 said:
Funny thing about "agendas," just because you preemptively accuse other people as having one doesn't mean you're not pushing one of your own.

Agreed, but he is using facts, not emotion or overreaction to media created issues.

Example: many complain about how Dez is late to meetings, can any of them answer exactly how many meetings, how late he was, what the meeting was for, how disruptive it was to the team or Dez? I have not heard of one person who can.

Let's say it was 5 meetings and 4 of them were rehab sessions he was 10 minutes late for. Still irresponsible and dumb, a big deal? No. As long as he still did his full rehab I think this is a small issue between him and his position coach and that's it.

Now, if it was 5 meetings and 3 of them were with a group of people, he strolls in half asleep 20 minutes late and they either have to repeat things or Dez simply missed the early info, that's a HUGE deal, imo.

But we don't know and the coaches seem to suggest it's not a big deal, imo. Everything I've heard from the team is Dez works hard, he's a great kid and he's learning. He's not perfect but they have a system in place to deal with him and he's developing.

Most of the complaining is drama queen BS and from people who are expecting Dez to play like a 4th year pro. He's barely a two year one who missed his last college year, most of his rookie and second year preseason and much of his rookie regular season. The bar is set too high.


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Galian Beast;4231643 said:
How many starting qb's are in the league?


how many starting wide receivers? 64

with a lot of teams who have a 3rd receiver step up...

He is rated higher than 32, and he is a #2 receiver... with a lot of limited football experience...

You can't deny his lack of experience...

He can and he will, because he has a real agenda so the facts do not matter. Dez is not playing up to his potential and needs to improve in several areas. But the facts you point out have something, not everything but something to do with it.

Dez is a work in progress with enormous potential. We cannot fully evaluate him until midway through his 4th year, imo. At which point he'll be 25 and just entering his prime, lol.

As long as he continues to improve and work hard, he'll be fine. He's been asked to be the #1 his 2nd year because of Austin's injuries too, this is hurting his effectiveness as well. With Austin out there, Dez can play a completely different game.

Galian Beast

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Shock whats crazy is that he really only had two years of college football. He missed senior year because he came into the nfl, and he missed junior year from suspension.

Extremely raw player.

Galian Beast

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I hate to say this and hopefully romo2austin doesn't kill me for it, but I think it's obvious who our #1 receiver is going to be. Even when they were both healthy teams like the Jets would put Revis on DEZ... his experience isn't there but when the experience matches the talent... watch out...

I don't know how many sophomores in college are nfl ready... but he isn't. Let me apologize for him.


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I generally prefer to wait 3-4 seasons before I start complaining about a player not being good enough, or a bust, or whatever.

It's never made a lot of sense to me to assume that a player, just because they great in college or drafted in the first round, that they're just going to come in and light the world on fire right from start, in the NFL.

Does it happen? Of course.

Then you have plenty of players that it takes them a couple seasons to really get things going the way you'd always hoped they would.


When Jerry, when?
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realtick;4231624 said:
Funny thing about "agendas," just because you preemptively accuse other people as having one doesn't mean you're not pushing one of your own.



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Dez came into his own last night. He went for 240 yards and 3 tds. Madden awarded him with the player of the game. He caught EVERYTHING I threw to him!!! Murray had a great game too!!!!



Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Galian Beast;4231618 said:
I know people like to get on Dez. I just really don't get it.

Let me help you understand why some people get on Dez.

Some people are idiots.

That and they don't know anything about football.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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Cajuncowboy;4231774 said:
Let me help you understand why some people get on Dez.

Some people are idiots.

That and they don't know anything about football.

good answer..... :lmao:


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Terence Newman700;4231619 said:
More experience/TC Minicamps= a Better Dez

Pretty much this.

Look how long it took Miles Austin to arrive.


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realtick;4231634 said:
BTW, can we all get off Rex Grossman's back?

After all, he's ranked in the Top 33 in the league in terms of QB rating. Duh?!?

Also, when are we gonna start recognizing Isaac Redman as a premeir running back? Hello? Redman is in the Top 50 of rushing yards.

Your argument makes absolutely no sense in the context of Galian Beast's statements.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I wish Mike Irvin would handle this guy. Make him go out to the field after practice and run routes until he vomits, just like Mike used to do. Make him catch 20 balls without dropping one, and if you do drop one, start over until you reach 20. The run some more routes until you vomit.



Maple Leaf
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Cajuncowboy;4231774 said:
Let me help you understand why some people get on Dez.

Some people are idiots.

That and they don't know anything about football.

...problems fans are having is Bryant's consistency and they have no other way of explaining it except to get on his case.

How can you be so amazing and brilliant on one play and look so pedestrian on another. The answer to me is your effort is not consistent.

I went to the Rams game and I would have to agree with some of the criticism to a point.

He is raw. He is somewhat inexperienced, but from what I saw of him on plays where he wasn't thrown to his effort is a bit of a disappointment.

I don't have the benefit nor care to go through all of his plays this season, but I would suggest that he work on honing his craft a bit more in order to truly elevate himself to the status of a real professional.

He has youth and the talent on his side. By next year we shouldn't be talking about this or else we truly have an issue.

He wouldn't be the first Bryant on the Cowboys not to reach his potential. So player beware and work hard to be who you can be.