RELEASED Dez Bryant has been released

waving monkey

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Well this shows as a poster already has posted its the Dak show now.

I have a question, I know I read more fence riders before the release then now, what happened.

Dez has been declining we all saw it and if he was just not putting in the effort then why is this released a bad move?
I never am happy with a malingering gold bricker. Yes Dez was a hell of a talent so what. Just my opinion and we'll be fine.


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Ok, maybe I haven't dug deep enough, but are there any actual details of the meeting we know about other than emotionally charged cryptic tweets from Dez and other hoopla from twitter?

I mentioned here before they needed to play hardball with Dez. As in, get him to take a pay cut. Was that on the table, or did Jerry just basically say "Piss off"?


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anybody watch the jane slater interview? He is talking about the garrett guys who do not like him and wanted him gone.

He must be talking about players because all the coaches were fired?

who is he talking about? This is going to turn into a huge circus since there is nothing else going on at this time in the league.

Likely Witten, Dak


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Ok, maybe I haven't dug deep enough, but are there any actual details of the meeting we know about other than emotionally charged cryptic tweets from Dez and other hoopla from twitter?

I mentioned here before they needed to play hardball with Dez. As in, get him to take a pay cut. Was that on the table, or did Jerry just basically say "Piss off"?

From what I’ve read, was not asked for s pay cut.

It was like Owens. Hey, thanks for coming, you’re released


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If Dak isn't the answer do you know what that means, you've wasted the oline, the wrs, the dline everything. This team is all in on Dak but I just haven't seen enough for the investment that they are making. They are not leaving themselves an out if Dak doesn't work out.

Isn't that what always happens ("wasted the surrounding talent") when a QB doesn't work out?

I mean, what's the alternative fellas? Leap up in the draft and overpay for a QB who doesn't deserve to be in the top 10 of the first round to begin with? Or by making smart down-the-road roster additions/ subtractions outside of the QB position while we all figure out if Dak is or isn't the answer? If he's NOT the answer, chances are we'll be in a more favorable draft position in '19 anyway to draft a QB, no??

Many people want this to be a SB-ready team in '18, which is why many wanted to hold onto Dez and (perhaps) Witten as well. I just don't see it. A TON of things have to break right IMO for this team to be a legit SB contendar in '18, not the least of which is in our own division (Philly). If that's the case, and I know it's difficult telling this to a fanbase that's waited 23 years, we might have to wait a few more years yet, especially with Garrett at the helm. It is what it is. About the best they can do is keep drafting reasonably well. I say "keep" because over the past few years, arguably they (Clay) have done so.


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but jane slater said in a tweet earlier that the players had nothing to do with this and they didnt want him gone?

Just saying if anybody were, they are the likely culprits.

That’s my two cents. I don’t play or have inside access


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Dez confirmed Garrett and his guys got him out of Dallas including players (sounded like he said Dak)

Dak is a damn clown just like Redhead


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So I guess your going to run routes for us now Stephen....

How you fire Dez and keep Witten is beyond me. If your going to fire Dez, Witten should be gone too.

Idiots.....lets fire all our team while others can make real moves.

Dez dared to call out Clappy......that's a no no.....Garrett would rather lose every game by 40 points than get called out.

Thin skin and no balls.........that is Garrett for you.


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So what? So as long as you move guys in and out all the time it's OK to not make a superbowl? Does that now give you the "at least we are trying" label?

Blame this FO all you want. And up until the last couple years, there was plenty of blame to hand out.

But don't forget to blame those other 18 teams as well. They haven't gotten it done either, no matter all the "tryin".

I would rather keep trying then to take on a defeatist attitude that despite my front office continued failure, I cant do any better.

So yea, I keep trying.......I don't just throw up my hands and quit..........but maybe that is just me.


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so dez basically just said witten/prescott wanted him gone.

mentioned the C on their jersey.


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That's ok little monkey, you keep waving those pom poms.

Your little waving arm is going to be so full or arthritis by the time Garrett wins a second playoff game you will dam near not even be able to lift it, never mind wave it.

Just an FYI;)


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The Garrett Mafia whacks another player.

I've heard of some players called "Coach Killers", but Garrett is the opposite and is the "Player Killer"
Clappy has ruined more careers than CTE.