Twitter: Dez goes off on reporters in lockerroom after practice

Garrett should cut Street today just to make a point.
So you're saying Dez is lying? Again he was RIGHT there and I'll take his word of what happened over you people trying to justify whichever one of these clown reporters used a racial slur in that room.

Just stop bothering man, its not worthit. I thought that people would realize what Dez meant to this team in his absence. It appears they want to run him out of town. Let them, then we can see how bad of a team this is next season when our WR cant get open.
Garrett should cut Street today just to make a point.

Should have cut street before the season even started. Butler took his role after being in the offense for a week. That is saying something,
Again you're the one throwing crap against the wall acting like you were there. Dez was there. Why should I believe someone who wasn't there like you over Dez?

You have no idea what you are talking about, Dez didn't hear anything. Per the report, he was only upset because JJT accused Devin Street of falsely accusing him of using the word, AGAIN, DEZ DIDN'T HEAR THE N WORD BEING USED. Stop making things up to justify Dez's immaturity.
So you're saying Dez is lying? Again he was RIGHT there and I'll take his word of what happened over you people trying to justify whichever one of these clown reporters used a racial slur in that room.

No I am not saying Dez is lying. But Dez didn't hear it. Street did. So I don't believe Dez is lying, I think he believes what Street heard.

But in the end, Dez has to critically think here and not just fly off the handle. Is it possible Street misheard? If JJT did say it, why didn't anyone else hear it? How about pull JJT aside and ask him if he said it? Get the story before looking like a complete irrational fool.

That's the problem with Dez. He doesn't think before he speaks. That doesn't mean I want him cut or we shouldn't have resigned him. He's one of my favorite players. But I also realize that he's his worst enemy and has the emotional retraint of a 3 year old.
I don't know what people expect when the media provokes these players. People are human. They can let a few things slide, but if you keep running your mouth and getting disrespectful, a man is going to react.

Especially when you're in losing purgatory.
You have no idea what you are talking about, Dez didn't hear anything. Per the report, he was only upset because JJT accused Devin Street of falsely accusing him of using the word, AGAIN, DEZ DIDN'T HEAR THE N WORD BEING USED. Stop making things up to justify Dez's immaturity.

Haha so you believe a report over someone that was actually there. You don't think fellow reporters would cover up for their fellow scum bag reporter trying to once again make BS up? Of course you don't.
Incoherent statements? Everything I said minus the N word comment has been proven. You didn't answer me, whats your level before you snap? Im pretty sure if I did half of what the media has done to Dez you would be crying in a corner so don't go calling him a mental midget because the media has destroyed him.

Oh please, Dez is treated no differently than any other star player. Think about how the media has absolutely torched Tony Romo over the course of his career. When was the last time you have heard Tony Romo have one of these Dez outbursts? Don't worry, I'll wait.
Again you're the one throwing crap against the wall acting like you were there. Dez was there. Why should I believe someone who wasn't there like you over Dez?

But again, technically Dez wasn't there either. You keep acting like Bryant heard this. From most reports, he didn't hear it, Street did, and Dez is just reacting to what Street told him.
Haha so you believe a report over someone that was actually there. You don't think fellow reporters would cover up for their fellow scum bag reporter trying to once again make BS up? Of course you don't.

I wouldn't expect you to understand anything, you're too much of a fan to be objective.
Just stop bothering man, its not worthit. I thought that people would realize what Dez meant to this team in his absence. It appears they want to run him out of town. Let them, then we can see how bad of a team this is next season when our WR cant get open.

Love the strawman argument. Criticize Dez = You want to run him out of town.

Where in the world do you clowns come up with this stuff? LOL.
First the media makes up the video, Dez let that go, then they paint him as a horrible human being by making a clip of him arguing with officials look like hes saying "that's what you get" to Lockette when he was literally on his knees praying, and you expect him to just sit pretty and smile and say I love you guys? Id love to treat people the way he was treated in the past year and get away with it without having him snap. You "fans" make me laugh.
But again, technically Dez wasn't there either. You keep acting like Bryant heard this. From most reports, he didn't hear it, Street did, and Dez is just reacting to what Street told him.

Most reports? Of course reports are gonna deny what Dez said. They're always trying to make him into the bad guy or the scape goat. That's what they do. I don't put any stock into what those clowns report. They always have it out for Dez and probably always will.
Love the strawman argument. Criticize Dez = You want to run him out of town.

Where in the world do you clowns come up with this stuff? LOL.

Theres like 4 posts saying he shouldn't have been signed, so im coming up with it based on posters in here. But thanks.
Haha so you believe a report over someone that was actually there. You don't think fellow reporters would cover up for their fellow scum bag reporter trying to once again make BS up? Of course you don't.

No, not really. I think if a reporter used a slur, they would absolutely report it because it would be a huge story.

And didn't Dez basically tweet he was only reacting to what Street said (I could be wrong on that)? So again, it seems we do know that Bryant didn't hear anything directly from JJT.
You losers must not even know JJT is a black guy himself. I hardly believe he's dropping N-bombs

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