Twitter: Dez goes off on reporters in lockerroom after practice

Oh please, Dez is treated no differently than any other star player. Think about how the media has absolutely torched Tony Romo over the course of his career. When was the last time you have heard Tony Romo have one of these Dez outbursts? Don't worry, I'll wait.

Has the media done what they have done to dez to Tony? Way to compare apples to oranges. Im sure if the media made up a story about Romo beating his wife and said there was a video while he was in the middle of contract negotiations he would flip a lid. Your are kidding right?
First the media makes up the video, Dez let that go, then they paint him as a horrible human being by making a clip of him arguing with officials look like hes saying "that's what you get" to Lockette when he was literally on his knees praying, and you expect him to just sit pretty and smile and say I love you guys? Id love to treat people the way he was treated in the past year and get away with it without having him snap. You "fans" make me laugh.

The story on Dez is he is an emotional basket case who is immature and says dumb things and is uncontrollable at times. That's the perception of him, rightly or wrongly.

So what's the worst thing Dez can do? Come on, be honest. What's the worst thing Bryant can do?

That's right. Actually give them reason to continue with that storyline. He's playing right into the hands of those in the media who want to continue the story that he's out of control. How can't you guys see that?
No, not really. I think if a reporter used a slur, they would absolutely report it because it would be a huge story.

And didn't Dez basically tweet he was only reacting to what Street said (I could be wrong on that)? So again, it seems we do know that Bryant didn't hear anything directly from JJT.

He said the media called players the n word.

It's pretty clear what happened.
Has the media done what they have done to dez to Tony? Way to compare apples to oranges. Im sure if the media made up a story about Romo beating his wife and said there was a video while he was in the middle of contract negotiations he would flip a lid. Your are kidding right?

You just continue to move the goal posts don't you? The bottom line is this, Dez didn't hear the N word being said by JJT, he went off because JJT accused Street of falsely saying that he said it, big difference. Dez is an immature individual and the only reason you're taking up for him right now is because he can catch a football and run fast. I love that about him too but the difference between me and you, is that I am objective and you are not when it comes to the Dallas Cowboy football players.
Most reports? Of course reports are gonna deny what Dez said. They're always trying to make him into the bad guy or the scape goat. That's what they do. I don't put any stock into what those clowns report. They always have it out for Dez and probably always will.

Let's start over.

What is your view on what happened here? Who said what, who was it said to, etc.
He said the media called players the n word.

It's pretty clear what happened.

LOL. Clear as mud.

If JJT said the n word and other reporters heard it, there is no chance in HELL that not one reporter would report that.
He said the media called players the n word.

It's pretty clear what happened.

It's not pretty clear what happened. Dez didn't hear anything, he believes what another player said. Why is it that no one else can confirm that JJT said that besides Dez? Get a clue man.
It's not pretty clear what happened. Dez didn't hear anything, he believes what another player said. Why is it that no one else can confirm that JJT said that besides Dez? Get a clue man.

I should get a clue? Haha says the guy who believes the vaunted media reports. Of course they aren't gonna report on one of their fellow coworkers being a complete *******.
Now it's all over the airwaves here. Another day in Greghardyville.
I should get a clue? Haha says the guy who believes the vaunted media reports. Of course they aren't gonna report on one of their fellow coworkers being a complete *******.

Absolutely other media types would report on it. Why wouldn't they? It would be a big story and reporters don't turn their back on big stories. Further, JJT is a rival reporter. So a chance for a reporter from one media outlet to get the leg up on another media outlet is going to be ignored?

My guess is Street misheard something, told Dez, Dez went crazy. End of story.
You are really looking like a fool here.

For one, absolutely other media types would report on it. Why wouldn't they? It would be a big story and reporters don't turn their back on big stories. Further, JJT is a rival reporter. So a chance for a reporter from one media outlet to get the leg up on another media outlet is going to be ignored?

My guess is Street misheard something, told Dez, Dez went crazy. End of story.

No I'm not, but I could care less what you say. The only fool here is actually believing the media who has made making Dez's life a living hell their personal goal since he came in. From the supposed sideline tantrums, to the supposed Walmart video, to now this and it goes on and on and one. Of course they're gonna report something that dispels their obvious agenda.
Wheels are getting a little wobbly on this bus.

That is because those in charge have not tightened the lug nuts very well.

From the footage, it looks like Bryant is a little upset at Darymple as well.

He does not care, he is not there to control the media. He is there to allow for as much relevance as possible.

Seeing Garrett exit stage left was a little amusing as well.
That is because those in charge have not tightened the lug nuts very well.

From the footage, it looks like Bryant is a little upset at Darymple as well.

He does not care, he is not there to control the media. He is there to allow for as much relevance as possible.

Seeing Garrett exit stage left was a little amusing as well.

Where can I find this?
Funny. Always seems it's about everything but football with this clown run org. Winning sometimes covers up the stench but when losing, it stinks to high heaven. Calling and making Dez and Hardy leaders is a joke. Kick *** players for sure but if they are among the best we can do for leaders, it's no wonder why the org. is a dumpster fire. Dez gets picked on but he is still infantile as a leader.
Absolutely other media types would report on it. Why wouldn't they? It would be a big story and reporters don't turn their back on big stories. Further, JJT is a rival reporter. So a chance for a reporter from one media outlet to get the leg up on another media outlet is going to be ignored?

My guess is Street misheard something, told Dez, Dez went crazy. End of story.

Dez has been butthurt at JJT for days. This was already known.

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