Dez himself says he'll miss time if no deal

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I'm trusting the organization on this one.

Every great player wants to max out his own earning power, salary cap be damned. Some don't have a problem with it, but I do. I think people need to re-learn the meaning of the word enough.

If this team overpays Dez Bryant, it's the first step towards going back to the days of all style and no substance. For every penny they pay him, that's one less they have to keep the offensive line together.

Fast forward a few years and Bryant is on the sidelines screaming about how the quarterback (who's getting killed) can't get him the ball. And why is that? Because the team couldn't afford to keep its' quality linemen because they gave all of the money to him.

There's only so much allowed cap room to be divided out amongst a team's roster. Every penny one gets is a penny less left for the others.

I would love to see a team and its' players truly get that concept. And meet and work together to do the very best job they could to ensure that all good players stuck around and still somehow managed to make an incredible living doing so. Instead of the overpaid boneheads who throw money around and give it to parasites and hangers on and wonder how they're quickly broke.

I'd love to see the team and Bryant work out a long-term deal, but if they don't and he ends up tagged this year and next, I'm trusting that the team realizes that his demands are just too high and that the franchise scenario makes the best sense for the team long term.


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Do you honestly think Dez sits out 10 games and loses close to 8 million dollars? And what happens if the Boys start to win without him? What happens to his leverage?

If he gets rid of the franchise tag and is able to get $45 million guaranteed in six months, then yes, he just might.

Plus, the NFLPA might pay him while he sits. They have funds for that. They want to break the franchise tag badly.


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It's about job security. That's what he wants. Being franchised, he still is making great money but he has no security. Just a one year deal. This isn't baseball or basketball where you can easily have a long career and multiple big paydays. Plus, those sports guarantee the whole contract. Unlike the NFL. What is Dez goes out there and blows his knee out and ruins his career or limits his ability to where he will never get a big deal? Dez has one shot to get a big contract. And that's now. He doesn't want to risk playing the next 2 years under one year deals. That's not smart for him.

I find it funny people turn on players so often when the owners are making a killing on their services and then some. While owners constantly try and low ball players and even force them to take paycuts. And no one bats an eye. But the second a player looks out for himself and wants security, he's labeled as selfish, etc. This is a business and their job. Everyone is just viewing this from afar and see it as entertainment. And the game on the field is entertainment but not the finances part. That's their life. They have a short span ofarning potential.

Also, Dez still gets paid the whole franchise tender as long as he plays x number of games. Can't remember the number but it's not the whole season. He can then I believe just sign it when he wants and get paid for that season. Or go the route of embellishing an "injury" as many have did.

I hate when fans get involved in these negotiations. I tend to always side with the players, especially the NFL. The owners are wealthy beyond their means and are some of the greediest people in the world. are wearing the pulpit out...and the mic is hot....preach!!!!


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Why do people keep naming these teams that have awesome defenses? We also dont have a qb like Brady or a coach like BB. We dont have a defense like Seattle. We dont have a RB like Lynch. Now you want to take out our biggest offensive weapon and see if we can win the superbowl? Wake up. We are not those teams, our entire philosphy is based on beating your man physically. Dez does that. Who else on our offense does? Yup, crickets.

Our biggest weapon last year was our RB. We are no longer a pass heavy offense.


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IPlus, the NFLPA might pay him while he sits.
I They have funds for that. They want to break the franchise tag badly.
The NFLPA will not make any sort of major concessions to get rid of a mechanic in the CBA that impacts roughly one half of one percent of the members annually.


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Let him sit out. Frankly I think the early games with the exception of the Pats will not be that hard.

Have to laugh at the idea that we should feel sorry for him if he only makes 13 million this year and no so called security next year. The likelihood of him getting any kind of career threatening injury is very small. And he can get insurance if necessary.

Would you feel sorry for Jerry if he scoffed at someone offering him 3 billion dollars for the Cowboys....when he thought it was worth 4 billion? I mean 3 billion dollars is a lot of money. But it he might feel he needs 4 billion to make sure his family is taken care of forever.


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The NFLPA will not make any sort of major concessions to get rid of a mechanic in the CBA that impacts roughly one half of one percent of the members annually.

That 2 percent of elite players (1 out of every 53) that gets tagged sets the market for the rest of the league to be adjusted to accordingly.


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It's not about being able to keep a WR and the oline
It's about not being able to keep the highest paid WR in the game and keeping them
They have tried to sign dez, I want to keep dez
But if paying him the highest salary at his position in the game is the only option then I pass
And I suspect most of the rest of the league will too
The league has seen what the CJ deal has done to the lions
If dez insist on being the highest paid then he might as well get ready to play under the tag at least one year, maybe two
tge other top WR is not getting that money and I bet next year when the next group of top wr's hits the market they won't either
It's going to be several years before a WR gets a cj deal again
It is just not feasible to have that much of your cap space in one wr

Agreed. But we don't know what Dez is asking vs what we are offering. It could be about the guaranteed portion of the contract more than the dollar amount.
I don't feel it fair to assume Dez is being greedy and asking for way too much and I don't feel it fair to assume we are being cheap and offering too little.
We really don't know.


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That 2 percent of elite players (1 out of every 53) that gets tagged sets the market for the rest of the league to be adjusted to accordingly.
Only 6 guys were tagged this year and only 6 guys were tagged last year. That's roughly 1 in 250, not 1 in 53.

Also, this is not a situation where a rising tide lifts all ships. The more money the superstars make, the less there is for everyone else.

Do you think the guys making less than average salary (and since salaries tend to be very top heavy, you have well over half the league making less than average) would be willing to make a major concession in the next CBA to get rid of a tag they know they'll never see?


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Only 6 guys were tagged this year and only 6 guys were tagged last year. That's roughly 1 in 250, not 1 in 53.

Also, this is not a situation where a rising tide lifts all ships. The more money the superstars make, the less there is for everyone else.

Do you think the guys making less than average salary (and since salaries tend to be very top heavy, you have well over half the league making less than average) would be willing to make a major concession to get rid of a tag they know they'll never see?

But the tag is leverage in negotiations whether it's used or not. It controls costs for teams. Without it, you have baseball.


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Would you feel sorry for Jerry if he scoffed at someone offering him 3 billion dollars for the Cowboys....when he thought it was worth 4 billion? I mean 3 billion dollars is a lot of money. But it he might feel he needs 4 billion to make sure his family is taken care of forever.

What an insanely bizarre analogy.


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That 2 percent of elite players (1 out of every 53) that gets tagged sets the market for the rest of the league to be adjusted to accordingly.

It really doesn't. The tag is driven by contracts, not the other way around.


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some of you guys are delusional. we are hopeless this year without Dez. we going to roll with TWill as our #1 and Bease as our #2? we will be done for, and will not win the division. Neither of those guys are even mildly reliable. We need Dez, and he knows it. The franchise knows it, too. Tony has a couple of good years. We finally have given him an offensive line and some semblance of a defense. We took away the league's leading rusher. Don't take away a top-3 WR.

We are not contenders without Dez.


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And stop referencing other teams and their lack of WRs. The Pats saw what kind of an opportunity getting Moss would be. We don't have Brady or the best coach in the league. We don't have the best defense in the league (and won't). We lost our RB. This offense needs Dez as much as it needs anyone not named Romo.


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Agreed. But we don't know what Dez is asking vs what we are offering. It could be about the guaranteed portion of the contract more than the dollar amount.
I don't feel it fair to assume Dez is being greedy and asking for way too much and I don't feel it fair to assume we are being cheap and offering too little.
We really don't know.

I never said he was being greedy
I have no problem with a player getting all he can
The threats of setting out though is silly since he can't gain anything
The market is the market and the market appears to be in the high 12 low 13 mil range
If he refuses to sign a deal like that, that's his decision
Under the system the players agreed to he doesn't have to sign a long term deal but the players voted to approve the franchise tag as part of the CBA
If he doesn't like the offer then play under the tag and try again next year
That is the system both sides agreed to
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