Dez sued by Senator over 60k home damages

um..............sorry, I rent homes and I have also rented plenty. No one has even come close nor I of doing 60k in damages. You pretty much have to destroy rugs, floors, walls, paint, ect.....ect.....

Right, but who cares, really? He'll pay for it. He can afford it. It has nothing to do with football.
Nope, still love me some Dez. Still a great guy. And most importantly, a great player.
Just a guess here- Dez had moved on from the property in some fashion... people who knew of it and his connection decided to give a last hurrah... possibly his 'crew', and let him foot the bill. Friends/haters, types... Would explain why he doesn't feel responsible for having to pay. feces could be in reference to pet waste (cat, dog, etc.) not necessarily human. Perhaps I'm just blindly defending the Cowboys player, but my guess seems more plausible to me than him being that reckless.
Just a guess here- Dez had moved on from the property in some fashion... people who knew of it and his connection decided to give a last hurrah... possibly his 'crew', and let him foot the bill. Friends/haters, types... Would explain why he doesn't feel responsible for having to pay. feces could be in reference to pet waste (cat, dog, etc.) not necessarily human. Perhaps I'm just blindly defending the Cowboys player, but my guess seems more plausible to me than him being that reckless.

The equally plausible flip side to this is that Bryant has not exactly shown himself to be a stellar decision maker off of the field either. So it's quite possible he's guilty of all of this.

I suspect this gets settled and never sees a court room. Bryant and his attorney are probably just looking for a discount.
The equally plausible flip side to this is that Bryant has not exactly shown himself to be a stellar decision maker off of the field either. So it's quite possible he's guilty of all of this.

I suspect this gets settled and never sees a court room. Bryant and his attorney are probably just looking for a discount.

It's probably a combo of both. And yes I tend to agree, doubt it gets to a court room.
With Dez's background, I don't know what some of you guys expect. He is not going to be an angel. Neither was Irvin, neither were a lot of the players we like. Just preform on the field and don't cause too much trouble for yourself is all I ask.
It sounds like maybe his contention was that the damage happened after he quit the residence, since they're talking about him not having a representative at the inspection. Either way, with a rental contract in place, these disputes tend to be pretty cut-and-dry. Whoever's responsible for the property at the time of the damage is going to be the one paying for it.

This is also a recurring theme with Dez. People actually have to sue him to get him to pay for things he should do on his own. And it shows how foolish he is. If he had any brains he would have just paid it so that it would get out to the media in a court case.
Dez is probably in the "right" or even if he isn't, does it really matter all that much? This stuff goes on all the time, with all of us , this time on one side, the other time on the other side....... this is nothing.

but.....its another , incident, in a growing list of incidents, surrounding are beloved, treated unfairly, and picked on....Diva WR.

is it illegal to own a monkey and bring it to work? no.

But how many of you would do that? even if you had the money?
And this is a court case, I'm sure Dez has his side of the story as well.

The OP taking this as an opportunity to bash Dez as a human being and talking about trading him is completely absurd and obviously posted with an agenda. Dez is passionate on the sideline but he hasn't had hardly any off the field issues since he has joined the team and nothing to report about since his second year in the league.

Dez has had plenty of offf the field issues or you just havent been paying attention. And what agenda would I have? That I cant stand spoiled, dumb, not RKG athletes that act like they own the world? Yah, then I have an agenda.

And I certainly dont like the prospect of Dez being a leader for this team going into the future. How can you lead when you cant even control your friends, yourself, or your monkey? :lmao:
Right, but who cares, really? He'll pay for it. He can afford it. It has nothing to do with football.

How does this have nothing to do with football? He is a leader of this team is he not? Off the field behavior can get you suspended in the NFL can it not? Bad decision making and low standard on that account can lead to problems with Godell. Now I dont think this would, but it shows what a moron Dez is. Do you think Jerry and Stephen are happy right now or do you think they are saying this has nothing to do with football?
This is more of the David Wells revenge.

Royce West and David Wells ..........JJT will write an article about this and how Dez messed up any hour now.

Thank God Bryant got away from these crooks.
How does this have nothing to do with football? He is a leader of this team is he not? Off the field behavior can get you suspended in the NFL can it not? Bad decision making and low standard on that account can lead to problems with Godell. Now I dont think this would, but it shows what a moron Dez is. Do you think Jerry and Stephen are happy right now or do you think they are saying this has nothing to do with football?

Like me, they probably think its a minor issue that is not likely to affect his playing status and are not that worried about it.
It sounds like maybe his contention was that the damage happened after he quit the residence, since they're talking about him not having a representative at the inspection. Either way, with a rental contract in place, these disputes tend to be pretty cut-and-dry. Whoever's responsible for the property at the time of the damage is going to be the one paying for it.


Dez probably quit living there and may have left a door unlocked or window unlocked, squatters/animals/pests could have snuck in and damaged the place. My guess is that either Dez didn't terminate his lease or he didn't have a lease. If he didn't terminate his lease, he's going to end up responsible for it. If he didn't have a lease to begin with, West is going to have a difficult time winning a case.

I have to laugh at people that freak out about stories like this.

I was pretty much a slob before I got married, but I don't every remember pooping on the floor so I think Dez has me beat.

I start every morning with a cup of coffee and a nice big dump on the brick by my fireplace in my living room. Then I throw up the X, grab my laptop case, and it's off to work.
My wife poops in the bathroom right beside the toilet but only when she's mad at me for something. Other than that, we're very clean people.

The point is, I think Dez is maybe getting blamed a bit unfairly here for what is relatively normal rental behavior.
um..............sorry, I rent homes and I have also rented plenty. No one has even come close nor I of doing 60k in damages. You pretty much have to destroy rugs, floors, walls, paint, ect.....ect.....

West looks to have a very upscale home. Plus, the plaintiff is West who is claiming that he had $60K worth of damages. Plaintiffs have been known to over-exaggerate claims from time to time.

I also think that a while ago Dez and West had a major falling out. I could be wrong on that though.


Dez probably quit living there and may have left a door unlocked or window unlocked, squatters/animals/pests could have snuck in and damaged the place. My guess is that either Dez didn't terminate his lease or he didn't have a lease. If he didn't terminate his lease, he's going to end up responsible for it. If he didn't have a lease to begin with, West is going to have a difficult time winning a case.

I have to laugh at people that freak out about stories like this.


"Thanks for the F shack" - Dirty Mike and the Boys
I thought usually a deposit would take care of situations like thia.

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