Dez sued by Senator over 60k home damages

West looks to have a very upscale home. Plus, the plaintiff is West who is claiming that he had $60K worth of damages. Plaintiffs have been known to over-exaggerate claims from time to time.

I also think that a while ago Dez and West had a major falling out. I could be wrong on that though.


And to top it off, with damages just over $60,000, he is seeking $100,000 to $200,000 from the suit.
Like me, they probably think its a minor issue that is not likely to affect his playing status and are not that worried about it.

Reminds me of the Naked Gun movie where there is a burning building in the background and Nielson is telling every one to go home, "nothing to see here". :huh:
was actually pleasantly surprised to hear only $60K in damages and it was a 6,400 sqf home.....could've been much worse with someone really irresponsible so nice job Dez.

Pay up and correct the damages done on your watch while you were there and move on!
And to top it off, with damages just over $60,000, he is seeking $100,000 to $200,000 from the suit.

No doubt with those kind of damages he couldnt rent the place out during the time it was being repaired. That is most likely the reason for the increase.
This guy is a complete clown. Save for his incredible football skills he would be in jail. Probably rented the house with him and his possy and trashed the place. Talk about low class. I would trade this guy for any young defensive stud in a second.

The great leader and role model Dez Bryant. Worth every penny. :huh:

Glad you aren't the GM.
I start every morning with a cup of coffee and a nice big dump on the brick by my fireplace in my living room. Then I throw up the X, grab my laptop case, and it's off to work.
My wife poops in the bathroom right beside the toilet but only when she's mad at me for something. Other than that, we're very clean people.

The point is, I think Dez is maybe getting blamed a bit unfairly here for what is relatively normal rental behavior.

LOL..........maybe that is normal rental behavior for you. Yah, and Garrett is one of the best coaches in the NFL right?
Laws usually favor the renters in these cases, hard to collect most of the time although the money amount is substantial enough in this case that a court ruling might force money to actually change hands. Usually the amount in question costs the owner more to try to get from legal fees and etc than what they would get back anyway. Oh we'll, Dez in the headlines again for the wrong reasons. There was a reason he dropped to us in the 20s. We're it not for the NFL, the prisons would be even more overcrowded.
Dez has had plenty of offf the field issues or you just havent been paying attention. And what agenda would I have? That I cant stand spoiled, dumb, not RKG athletes that act like they own the world? Yah, then I have an agenda.

And I certainly dont like the prospect of Dez being a leader for this team going into the future. How can you lead when you cant even control your friends, yourself, or your monkey? :lmao:

I count two semi serious off the field issues he has had; He didn't pull up his pants and he had a domestic dispute with his mother. Both of these altercations happened early in his career before he became a leader on this team. Unless you are counting a Perez Hilton "rumour" or a monkey as an off the field issue, I would like to see what these "plenty of issues" you are referring to.
LOL..........maybe that is normal rental behavior for you. Yah, and Garrett is one of the best coaches in the NFL right?

I'm still reeling at the implications of all this. How are his teammates going to be able to look Dez in the eye, knowing he has a contract dispute about some stains left on his carpet from a house he rented in 2014? I mean, if a team leader is willing to stain a carpet or leave trash in a rental house, can he really be trusted to catch that go-ahead touchdown in crunch time? Or is he maybe going to poop somewhere in a corner of the end-zone and leave it there for Devin Street or Geoff Swaim to pick up? These are the kinds of pressing off-season questions we must have answered.

Garrett really should get himself involved here before things get out of hand. After all, that's what Chip Kelly would do.
I count two semi serious off the field issues he has had; He didn't pull up his pants and he had a domestic dispute with his mother. Both of these altercations happened early in his career before he became a leader on this team. Unless you are counting a Perez Hilton "rumour" or a monkey as an off the field issue, I would like to see what these "plenty of issues" you are referring to.

Those are plenty enough for me. And didnt he get sued for some gold jewelry he didnt want to pay for? That is now two lawsuits we know of that people filed against him for not paying.

We also know that he basically lets his whole possy of friends live off him at his house. This guy just screams of immaturity and bread dead decisions.
I'm still reeling at the implications of all this. How are his teammates going to be able to look Dez in the eye, knowing he has a contract dispute about some stains left on his carpet from a house he rented in 2014? I mean, if a team leader is willing to stain a carpet or leave trash in a rental house, can he really be trusted to catch that go-ahead touchdown in crunch time? Or is he maybe going to poop somewhere in a corner of the end-zone and leave it there for Devin Street or Geoff Swaim to pick up? These are the kinds of pressing off-season questions we must have answered.

Garrett really should get himself involved here before things get out of hand. After all, that's what Chip Kelly would do.

Would you be concerned if your kid trashed the summer home he rented? What would you think of your friend if he did that? But hey, were just two different people obviously.

And its obviously a lot more than a little poop. You obviously didnt read the article. AGain you are misinformed and you make a horrible analysis because of it.

And as far as doubt this is exactly what he meant when he said he was looking for RKG's. LOL

Guys that trash houses they rent, beat up their moms, wear their pants at below their butt and get kicked out of malls ect....ect......
Those are plenty enough for me. And didnt he get sued for some gold jewelry he didnt want to pay for? That is now two lawsuits we know of that people filed against him for not paying.

We also know that he basically lets his whole possy of friends live off him at his house. This guy just screams of immaturity and bread dead decisions.

As I said, you are referring stuff in his first two years in the league. Aaron Rodgers was supposedly a real jerk early in his career, Von Miller was suspended (Dez has never been), I sure hope we never take a chance on either of those players if they became available :huh:

Since he has been in the league, he has matured and hasn't been in any real trouble. I can excuse a player for making mistakes when they are in new to the league in their early 20s since I made a lot of the same mistakes, I expect them to grow up like all of us do though. Dez has at least stayed out of the news and this is a non story. ESPN or isn't even reporting on this anywhere on their website, that should show you how important this story is.
As I said, you are referring stuff in his first two years in the league. Aaron Rodgers was supposedly a real jerk early in his career, Von Miller was suspended (Dez has never been), I sure hope we never take a chance on either of those players if they became available :huh:

Since he has been in the league, he has matured and hasn't been in any real trouble. I can excuse a player for making mistakes when they are in new to the league in their early 20s since I made a lot of the same mistakes, I expect them to grow up like all of us do though. Dez has at least stayed out of the news and this is a non story. ESPN or isn't even reporting on this anywhere on their website, that should show you how important this story is.

I guess we can say he was better of late, then this came up. I also recall him running onto the field during a scrimmage last year when he wasnt even playing and getting punched in the face. Then he was screaming at reporters in the locker room grabbing his crotch and talking like a fool. Then the dumb post when Zeke was drafted "lets see what happens".

Nothing too earth shattering but you can just tell the guy is right on the cusp of either doing something really stupid or his friends doing it for him.
As I said, you are referring stuff in his first two years in the league. Aaron Rodgers was supposedly a real jerk early in his career, Von Miller was suspended (Dez has never been), I sure hope we never take a chance on either of those players if they became available :huh:

Since he has been in the league, he has matured and hasn't been in any real trouble. I can excuse a player for making mistakes when they are in new to the league in their early 20s since I made a lot of the same mistakes, I expect them to grow up like all of us do though. Dez has at least stayed out of the news and this is a non story. ESPN or isn't even reporting on this anywhere on their website, that should show you how important this story is.

I am going to bet that this story gets more traction. One of us will be wrong.
Would you be concerned if your kid trashed the summer home he rented? What would you think of your friend if he did that? But hey, were just two different people obviously.

And its obviously a lot more than a little poop. You obviously didnt read the article. AGain you are misinformed and you make a horrible analysis because of it.

And as far as doubt this is exactly what he meant when he said he was looking for RKG's. LOL

Guys that trash houses they rent, beat up their moms, wear their pants at below their butt and get kicked out of malls ect....ect......

I would be concerned if it were my kid, because I'm a parent and raising good people is my job as a parent. Or because it's my kid and I would want to protect him against a frivolous complaint, depending on the circumstances. But Dez Bryant is not my kid.

I would be somewhat less concerned if a friend were involved in the situation, but I'd still be sympathetic to the friend if he or she were involved in a frivolous law suit of if he or she lacked judgment or respect for property as that's an indication of someone's temperament. But Dez Bryant is not my friend.

If I had a co-worker involved in a contractual dispute over a rental agreement, I would not be concerned at all. That's his business. What would matter to me is whether or not the coworker can do the job he was hired to do. That's all. If he does his job and goes home and has a feces-fight with his pet monkey every night, more power to him.

I guess it's maybe just the way I look at things because over the years I've learned to distinguish the difference between my children, my friends, my co-workers, and people who happen to play on my favorite football team. If that makes my analysis 'horrible' in your expert evaluation, well, I'll just have to struggle to come to terms with that somehow.

You misunderstanding what Garrett has explicitly said about RKGs for the however-manyeth time has nothing to do with the topic, so I'll just let that one lie again.
This guy is a complete clown. Save for his incredible football skills he would be in jail. Probably rented the house with him and his possy and trashed the place. Talk about low class. I would trade this guy for any young defensive stud in a second.

The great leader and role model Dez Bryant. Worth every penny. :huh:
I start every morning with a cup of coffee and a nice big dump on the brick by my fireplace in my living room. Then I throw up the X, grab my laptop case, and it's off to work.
My wife poops in the bathroom right beside the toilet but only when she's mad at me for something. Other than that, we're very clean people.

The point is, I think Dez is maybe getting blamed a bit unfairly here for what is relatively normal rental behavior.

Not sure pooping on the floor is "relatively normal rental behavior." At least I would hope it isn't.

However, for some reason I didn't consider it being animal feces instead of human feces. In that case, I can easily see renters just allowing their inside animals to poop wherever they want. Probably shouldn't have brought an elephant in for the weekend, though.

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