Dez supposedly close to deal


Go Seahawks!!!
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Dez may finally play with a good QB for once in his career. :muttley:


Well-Known Member
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Me too. We could have used his baby tantrums and disappearing acts during games this year.
glad you're enjoying the emotionless Garrett bots running the team now, they all look like they care and don't have anyone to challenge them


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Even if you are not a huge Dez fan.. you should be cheering for him ripping it up at the Saints and this why:

Jones loves Dez, if rumours are to be believed he was VERY disappointed that coaches pushed for Dez to be cut. So you could assume this was a decision taken by JJ reluctantly. IF Dez comes to Saints and lights it up then it gives Jerry just a little more ammo to convince himself that JG and co are not very good. It might also be enough to show why Dak is the problem and not the WR core. I have no doubt that Dez (through his ongoing friendship with the Jones) has made his thoughts on the playbook and Dak pretty clear.. seeing evidence of it on Sundays might just be the final straw.

If Dez comes out, gets 2-3 TD's, has 5-6 'splash' highlight plays and averages 40-50 receiving yards (all VERY achievable this season) then Jones is going to be pretty steaming imho.


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This will show if Dez was really done or not. If he lights it up, then it proves Dez right about Garretts system and makes spending a 1st rd pick on a wr even dumber

This says it all right here. And the Saints have a legit shot at winning it all.


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Always was, always will be. The guy put up huge numbers and made some big plays for this team. We all know his career will probably be defined by "that catch" but imagine if the call had held.. he would have been one of the main reason we won a conference championship and maybe even a SB. The guy was a legit #1 WR for several years when he had a legit QB behind centre.

Dak killed Romo, killed Dez, killed Witten and there are plenty more that he will burn until he finally leaves. Probably in other 10 years after 10 years of poor football with losing records.

Dez was NOT the problem in this offence.. his production went down because of the scheme and the QB. He had at least 8-9 clear breaks last season that should have been simple passes for 40+ yard TD's.. the tape is there and Dak missed every single one of them. Add another 400 yards and 9 TDs to his numbers last year and tell me he wouldn't be in the top 10 receivers in the league?!!

I agree he is near the end of his career and I don't believe the time out of the game will help but the guy LOVED this organisation and how we treated him was hot garbage. Just another sign of the cancer that eats away at our once great team.

Well said
100% agreed

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Hey @Aviano90 . Nice research dude.

They keep saying Dez was willing to cooperate and take a pay cut. Lol...

We know different...

So many world's were turned upside down on April 13th.

Some are still upside down.

5-7 mil is what homie is worth. Period.

Go Cowboys!

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Y'all pls stop calling me out regarding one Dez Bryant. Don't get me started on him. Trust me... We can go all day & the mods will not like us... & I love posting here (as do you)...

So let's just wish each other a happy hump day and sing cum bah yah.