The shifting goalposts. You said Dez routinely fades in the 4th quarter. Suddenly, it's oh just not in the last two years. And if you think Dez wasn't talking smack the last two years with some "concerted" effort then you haven't been watching the Cowboys. You're literally just making things up and shifting the goalposts. I love how you try and pass off my stats as "drivel." Don't you hate it when facts get in the way of the point you're trying to make? Well most people do. You seem to just dismiss it as drivel.
But to play your game that Dez was better late in games just recently because he's been working on himself let's look back further (hint: I knew these facts and omitted them on purpose to trap you).
I already gave you his last two seasons. Let's look back further.
In 2014 his most productive quarter by TDs was the 4th.
In 2013 his most productive quarter by yards was the 4th and the 4th was his 2nd most produtive by TDs.
In 2012 his 3rd quarter was his most productive by yards (does not fit fading late narrative) and the 4th quarter was his most productive by TDs.
in 2011 his 4th quarter was his 2nd most productive by yards and TDs.
in 2010 his 4th quarter was his 2nd most productive by yards and most productive by TDs.
Now tell me again that Dez doesn't show up late in games. You're a liar or you're incompetent. I don't mean that as an insult. I'm just laying out the facts.
So Jason Garrett, Babe Laufenberg, Brad Sham, and countless other coaches and commentators are liars or incompetent, too? This isn't new news to anybody, except apparently, you.
You are obsessive about statistics. Those same trends are likely true about pretty much EVERY receiver. That's the way an NFL game flows. But there have been multiple situations where the Cowboys have actually sat Dez late in games because he's exhausted and dehydrated. They've blamed it largely on wasted energy before games and between snaps. That's not just my observation. That's what was actually reported.
Unlike you, I can see beyond numbers on a spreadsheet. I actually know what I'm watching.
You sit and stew and get yourself all lathered up inside this world of self-loathing vitriol, and it's really painful to witness.
Now, you can blather on and pick your sad little internet fights to compensate for whatever you're compensating for, but you'll do it without me. To the ignore list you go.