Did anyone hear the Joe Horn interview? (RE: Vick)

InmanRoshi;1557647 said:
Exactly what did you expect him to say? Our players stick by TO when he swallows a bottle of pain pills and complains about not getting the ball after games where he's dropped half his passes. That's what players do.

sorry, this is a little different

you expect guys to stick together during severe personal problems or near death exeriences etc etc, you dont back up thugs and human trash

baj1dallas;1557748 said:
I don't really care, it's none of my business.

Then why did you make a post about it if it's none ya bidnezz!! HUH?

baj1dallas;1557732 said:
I agree. Everybody was soooooooo sure those Duke players were guilty too...but nobody every had to admit being wrong there, eh?

I think alot of level headed people could see exactly what was going on in the Duke case...the only people who were "sure" those guys were guilty were two of the biggest morons on the face of the earth (AS and JJ)

this is nothing liek the Duke case...apples and oranges...check that, its more like apples and garnd pianos

baj1dallas;1557732 said:
I agree. Everybody was soooooooo sure those Duke players were guilty too...but nobody every had to admit being wrong there, eh?

Hmmmm, those are two COMPLETELY different situations. The Duke Lacrosse players did not have a several long page detailed FEDERAL document chronicling their actions, where as Mike Vick does.

Plus the DA who prosecuted the Duke Lacrosse players was dis-barred. His career was completely destroyed because of his inappropriate actions (deservedly so).

The FEDERAL prosecutors would not be moving forward in this if there was not a very strong case built against Vick.
baj1dallas;1557732 said:
I agree. Everybody was soooooooo sure those Duke players were guilty too...but nobody every had to admit being wrong there, eh?
I'm not so sure if everybody was convinced that the Duke players were guilty. From what I remember, from the start, there was some doubts about strippers' story and questions about DA's handling of the case.

Anyways, there is bit of difference between accusations made by two strippers and government which took some time to build their case.
Like I said, Horn is an idiot. To say the Falcons shouldn't suspend Vick because it isn't what's best for Vick (which was what he said on NFL Live) is just plain stupid. It sounds as clueless as saying, "No. We play in frront of 70,000 screaming fans" when asked if Vick being on trial duriing the season and not knowing if he'd be on the field from week to week would have any affect on the team. It's one thing to support your team mates. It's another to do so byy prrooviding answers that are blatantly ignorant. As I said before, I'd expect him to say something intelligent or nothing at all. Horn sounded like a flailing moron.
I like when he said "let's not prosecute the man until he is convicted" What a tool......

You can be prosecuted but not convicted. Prosecution is simply the act of finding out if one is guilty or innocent.
Horn be smoking too much of that crack pipe! Needs to stay off of that and stop backing up his brotheren! What he did was wrong and unexcusable! You have to be deranged and sick in the head and missing cells in the brain to be treating God's creatures in that manner they carried on for a long time! I mean they promoted their dog fighting with head bands and t shirts! I say throw em in jail and let the wolves have em!
I heard extended portions of the Horn interview that were replayed on ESPN radio in the early a.m. hours a few hours ago.

My take is that Horn was simply rallying around a teammate. I don't agree with some of Horn's observations and thoughts, but I don't have a problem with him being supportive of Vick and arguing in favor of some compassion.

People have different opinions on the goals of punishment. Some think that transgressions ought to be dealt with quite strictly, and if the punishment ruins the person, so be it ("He deserves whatever he gets.") Other people emphasize a more rehabilitative approach ("Let's help him so that he doesn't do this sort of thing again.")

Horn is arguing for a more rehabilitative approach.
I heard Joe Horn's comments as well. Now let me see, he said something like not playing wouldn't be good for Vick nor the Falcons. What kind of world does Horn live in? So we all should only be concerned about that and not about what indictment charges is Vick's involvement in dogfighting with an amazing amount of detail and viciousness towards his dogs, the gambling, etc.

Horn feels Vick needs to be around his teammates to help/see him thru this mess. Well Vick has been around those teammates since he was drafted in 01& those teammates have sure helped him a lot so far. Another year or 2 with those teammates and Vick will move up (or down depending on your views) to robbing banks, etc.

This problem has moved beyond Vick and the NFL to a societal problem and why so called civilized people think dogfighting to the death or the killing of the losing dog sometimes as part of the ritual is okay. Some equate it to horse racing (not many horses are locked inside an arena and fight another horse to the death by biting and scratching, etc.)

I don't expect NFL players to have my sense of morality but I certainly think it's right to expect them to stay within the law. Vick's problem will only become greater when the trial starts and people can watch (better believe this will be televised unless court forbids it) the proceedings in all its equisite detail. The revulsion will really get worse. I understand from a criminal defense attorney interviewed on ESPN yesterday that the Feds have 2 witnesses who cooperating against Vick and there's a whole lot more details not included in the indictment.

Well at least I don't have to watch ESPN to get football news. I can get Vick coverage on CNN and its wide world audience, FOX & even MSNBC. Hm. Maybe I'll go read the British and other country papers to see what they think of Vick and the violence of American society which so many countries now cite as reason they don't want to be like us and adopt our so called values.
ABQCOWBOY;1557667 said:
What's funny to me is that Joe Horn has been a teammate of Vicks for exactly zero seasons. He's just been signed. Seems odd that he would be the lone voice of reason in Falcon land.

Tells you what a nitwit Horn is. I don't see any other Falcon players rushing to support the loser.
sago1;1558111 said:
I heard Joe Horn's comments as well. Now let me see, he said something like not playing wouldn't be good for Vick nor the Falcons. What kind of world does Horn live in? So we all should only be concerned about that and not about what indictment charges is Vick's involvement in dogfighting with an amazing amount of detail and viciousness towards his dogs, the gambling, etc.

Horn feels Vick needs to be around his teammates to help/see him thru this mess. Well Vick has been around those teammates since he was drafted in 01& those teammates have sure helped him a lot so far. Another year or 2 with those teammates and Vick will move up (or down depending on your views) to robbing banks, etc.

This problem has moved beyond Vick and the NFL to a societal problem and why so called civilized people think dogfighting to the death or the killing of the losing dog sometimes as part of the ritual is okay. Some equate it to horse racing (not many horses are locked inside an arena and fight another horse to the death by biting and scratching, etc.)

I don't expect NFL players to have my sense of morality but I certainly think it's right to expect them to stay within the law. Vick's problem will only become greater when the trial starts and people can watch (better believe this will be televised unless court forbids it) the proceedings in all its equisite detail. The revulsion will really get worse. I understand from a criminal defense attorney interviewed on ESPN yesterday that the Feds have 2 witnesses who cooperating against Vick and there's a whole lot more details not included in the indictment.

Well at least I don't have to watch ESPN to get football news. I can get Vick coverage on CNN and its wide world audience, FOX & even MSNBC. Hm. Maybe I'll go read the British and other country papers to see what they think of Vick and the violence of American society which so many countries now cite as reason they don't want to be like us and adopt our so called values.
The point about being allowed to remain around teammates - I think it is an interesting issue.

I see your point and you make it well. At the same time, when I hear about guys who get in trouble for running with the wrong crowd, it seems to me that it excluding the player from his good crowd - his team - lessens the likelihood that the player will straighten himself out.

In some cases, especially with repeatedly repeat offenders or guys convicted of murder, say, there comes a point when continued contact with the team just doesn't make sense. In other cases, though, the social support of a team probably would be helpful.

I guess the PR considerations and requiring a guy to go to work while not getting paid (due to suspension) make it difficult for the NFL to allow suspended players to be involved in team activities. And maybe the cost to the team - losing the player completely, even in practice - increases the team's incentive to keep a closer eye on their players.
stasheroo;1557651 said:
Read up on Joe Horn - he's a real 'role model' himself.

Or ask Willie Roaf about it......
The willie roaf thing isnt even true, it was joe johnson who was nailing roafs wife and the grapevine got it twisted somewhere alnong the way.

Joe horn is rallying around his QB, thats all. He was brought in to that franchise to provide veteran leadership and thats what he is doing. As much as I hated a lot of his antics while he was in N.O. he was always a team guy.
Sarge;1558124 said:
I don't see any other Falcon players rushing to support the loser.
That speaks volumns to me. The face of the franchise getting no love from any of his teammates. Not hard to read between those lines.

Posters getting upset because a teammate supports another teammate. :rolleyes:


Posters getting riled up because a jock doesn't speak like a politician. :rolleyes:
LOLerz at this thread. Horn didn't even say anything near what Portis said. I can undertsand the disgust at Portis. he basically said dog fighting isn't that bad.

Horn basically says I'm okay with due process being given to Vick and he still gets skewered.
I think Dan Reeves interview discussing his conversation with Vick was even more disgusting. A current teammate sticking up for him is not a concern for me. Horn was just trying to "calm the waters" so his lockerroom could get back underway in time for training camp. The action of a leader. Reeves came out of just nowhere and started shining Vicks shoes publically. To me, he's a person that did not need be saying anything. At very least, don't act so favorable of this when there is nothing to be gained by one's self. Reeves acted like he was still Vick's coach and he was coddling the little primadonna getting him ready for the season. And he's an ex-cowboy,..how 'bout dem apples?

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