Njoku is a beast, he just didn’t have a QB
thats a lame arse excuse. ive seen truly elite beat like players no matter who their qb was put up numbers of guys like Dhop and even wfts wr Mcluren, Fitzgerald, how about Cooks in Houston, who was that qb last season, out up a nice year?? i mean whose been their qb and numbers still high..it happens the great ones just show up no matter the qb...Megatron, barry sanders etc made HOF career playing on a bad team..
dudes numbers are who he is up to this point..lmao the bar for other players and their excuses for non cowboys are over the top yet most here downgrade and rip our own..Daltons a better TE, his numbers say it..who cares about athleticism ie Beast mode,
Witten never needed if. Players sometimes are just football players.
browns have overpaid everyone this off season and not by little,
Watsons not worth a fully guaranteed 230mil deal not even close oh wait hes not Dak he gets excuses because of the team he was on.. AC lmao good luck with that..that CB seriously, now the TE..they have somehow went out and decided to try and make waves to keep the dramas off the Watson signing more tolerable. Throw money at it..
Browns being lauded for overpaying while guys like Dalton earned his Tag money up to this point and our fans wans to run him out..