Did Washington help Bland score that TD?


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I don't think they "helped" him, but maybe their effort wasn't that great considering the score was 38-10.

Regardless, he got in the end zone and the record is his. Maybe he gets another 1 or two in the last 6 games.

On the other hand, Imagine if he got tackled on the 1 yard line.


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OK, when Bland picked it off, at full speed.... be honest, all of us thought the pick 6 was possible! No problem with Nantz stating the possibility... "if he gets in the endzone" Then, I saw the defenders on screen, and realized it probably wasn't happening. Yet, somehow 2 sidesteps to avoid defenders, with a collision between defenders, it became a reality. I don't think the play was rigged.

On another note, for the endzone celebration, did anyone else notice Makuamu and other players crowning Bland as presumably DPOY, right then and there???
Nance knows that moment may have been a historical record in the NFL, so why not jump the gun. Replays will likely include Nance calling it history will add to the replay significance and include him as a part of the moment.

No harm no foul if Bland is tackled. Nobody would remember Nance jumping the gun.

I wonder if he thought about that moment and his call when he prepared for the game?


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I don't think they "helped" him, but maybe their effort wasn't that great considering the score was 38-10.

Regardless, he got in the end zone and the record is his. Maybe he gets another 1 or two in the last 6 games.

On the other hand, Imagine if he got tackled on the 1 yard line.
Shows these people have never been on a losing effort like this. Peoples effort changes


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Daron Bland's dummy step towards the hash mark at the 30 yard line of Washington Mumbo Sauces is what made missed tackles possible....start stop speed aka quickness is more lethal than top end speed. The defense couldn't use the sideline as a defense because of the slight juke....Football 304!!! :laugh: :laugh:

These Dak Haters know nothing about Football....
I'm surprised you even saw the play with your head planted up Dak's butt.


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Really Coogs? Dallas is hated by everyone. Why would the (the name we are forbidden to say) help Dallas break an NFL record? Bland simply made a cut and the 2 dipsticks ran into each other.

What's next, a ninja hiding in a tree is the real person who took out JFK? The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Fans may hate dallas....but the PLAYERS don't hate other teams. To them...every team is a potential future employer. Think of your favorite players from history...TRUE BLUE COWBOYS... and know every single one of them woulda gone and played for Washington or Philly or SanFran and gladly been a company guy for any of those teams for 5% more money.

The Washington players don't hate the Dallas players....any more than the Packers hated the Giants....when they gifted Ole Gap Toof his record sack.

They're a brotherhood...despite their temporary squabbles we see on the TV.

Even if they did let him have his record....still impressive just like Strahan's sacks that year were. So what if 1 was fake?


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So Mark Sanchez saw his OLman's big *** in front of him and thought, "NFL history, here I come!? LOL


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Dak is the Cowboys….when he’s playing bad everyone wants to talk a lot him. When he’s playing well now everyone wants to “snitch” lol.
The only one that threatened a snitch was the guy you blasted in to defend.

And this thread has ZERO to do with Cowboys QB. But some people just can't help themselves.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
The only one that threatened a snitch was the guy you blasted in to defend.

And this thread has ZERO to do with Cowboys QB. But some people just can't help themselves.
I could be mistaken, but I think Marathon's point was that the "haters" are fine with bringing negative posts about youknowwho when he's not playing well, but when he's playing well and the "Youknowwhostans" say something about him in a non-youknowwho thread, the "haters" want to snitch.


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It did have a touch of the Bret Favre about it!

I also felt the commentator saying "history being made" about 50 yards out and I was thinking really, bit early for that.
The announcer could see the entire field sitting up top... we could not. So in reality, he could see what it looked like and knew their was a shot. So the players were in on it, the qb was in on it, the announcer was in on it, Dallas Coaches must have been on it to have him still in the game that late and outcome decided.... with all those people in on it, how long would it take to get out that it was planned? smh


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This conspiracy theory is worse than some of the outlandish stuff about the refs. Which I have taken part of myself but not outlandish stuff.
Mostly lately in a joking manor or try to.