Did we Really go to the Moon?

The Emperor;4131646 said:
Nice effort, CowboyMcCoy, but I think the best conspiracy theory-type thread that I've seen here is the JFK assassination thread. That one was fascinating, especially notherbob's first hand accounts.

That is interesting; I have stood on a street corner in Dallas one night after a day game and it was literally a candle-lit setting with a small crowd and a guy was giving a good account of the historical events that occurred and telling stories right in front of where Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly shot him from. He was selling a video and I ended up buying it, which was pretty good and he's actually in it. 'Twas some history guy who seemed to know at least both sides of the JFK conspiracy. Eh, I think it the DVD was 10 or 15 bucks, so it was worth it.

And notherbob is one of my favorite guys to read on here. He's got a pretty cool perspective on things usually, but I think he's been busy with his crops.
CowboyMcCoy;4131397 said:
I disagree. Nasa has much more credibility than our government. And the evidence is stacked much more against them than NASA too. Night and day, or oranges and apples as they say.

I don't like conspiracies. But I've seen the mirrors on the moon reflecting lasers beck to earth at the McDonald's observatory.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an executive branch agency of the United States government

It dissapoints me how little the average American knows about...well anything really, but mostly our government. It should come as no surprise really that 9/11 and moon "truthers" exist, because after all it is way easier to watch conspiracy videos on youtube than it is to read a book or pay attention in high school government. Paying attention in physics and chemistry would have helped as well, as even a basic knowledge of the sciences can debunk 98% of all conspiracy theories regarding the moon and 9/11. For instance, people think 9/11 had to be an inside job because jet fuel doesnt burn hot enough to melt steel, and people think the moon landing was a hoax because there are no stars in any of the photos. Only an uneducated mind is capable of buying into such nonsense.
CowboyMcCoy;4131612 said:
Rest his soul my friend. But you gotta admit, Orson Welles had great style and he was before his time and whether you believe certain things nowadays because of how things happened or not, he still put some things in perspective especially if you really analyze his literature. I read 1984 in a class, but it was the only one by him on the reading list. I love that book even though the fictional aspect is a bit charged, so to speak.

Umm... You're talking about George Orwell (real name Eric Blair) who wrote 1984, Animal Farm, and several other books.

Orson Welles was the actor/director behind Citizen Kane, and a famous radio broadcast of War of the Worlds which duped some people into believing that it was real.

Two entirely different people.
Guys. Swiss cheese isn't really from Switzerland. Conspiracy theorist claimed it was from Switzerland because they didn't believe it was actually from the moon. :rolleyes:
Sam I Am;4131779 said:
Guys. Swiss cheese isn't really from Switzerland. Conspiracy theorist claimed it was from Switzerland because they didn't believe it was actually from the moon. :rolleyes:

I think your theory is full of holes.

Bada Bing
Thanks...I'll be here all week, try the veal.

I love Conspiracy Nuts.

Nellis Air Force Base is a cool place by the way. They have a great break room.
ConcordCowboy;4131887 said:
Some good reading.

That guy explains it perfectly.

Why do people believe this stuff?

I have come to categorize the hoax believers into two generalized types: the Confused and the Hardcore.

The Confused are average people who have seen or heard the claims of the hoax advocates on TV, the Internet, or from friends and associates. They usually lack the scientific knowledge or experience necessary to dispute the claims, so they begin to doubt the authenticity of the moon landings.

The Hardcore, on the other hand, are a completely different type of personality. They almost always exhibit strong paranoid tendencies with an extreme distrust and hatred of the U.S. government. Rather than allowing the evidence to speak for itself, they will often begin by assuming a hoax and then search for evidence to support that preconception. When they see something that looks suspicious they immediately accept it as proof of their belief. When someone attempts to offer an alternate explanation they dismiss it as a NASA lie. Any evidence that contradicts their belief is described as an attempt by the government to deceive us. They will say that anyone who believes in the moon landings has been brainwashed or is in denial. They are usually argumentative and often hostile.

The Hardcore also tend to be completely close-minded, refusing to consider alternate possibilities. I have often debated with hardcore individuals over various hoax topics and, to date, I have always been able to completely discredit their claims with arguments that would more than satisfy any open-minded individual. However, they routinely refuse to acknowledge the possibility they could be in error. They will stubbornly cling to their belief in the hoax even when they have no creditable evidence to fall back on. The debate is clearly not just about evidence and physics; there are those who believe in the hoax merely because they want to believe it.

Why do some people choose to believe in the moon-landing hoax? I wish I could provide a definitive answer to that question, however I suspect it is a combination of paranoia and, perhaps more importantly, feelings of inadequacy. The hoax believers create a delusional fantasy in which they are the heroes. Their ability to decipher the subtle clues and uncover the hoax is seen as a demonstration of their intellectual superiority. To the hoax believers the more complex and convoluted the theory, the smarter they feel for having figured it all out. To the rest of us the theory just doesn't make any sense.
Cythim;4131469 said:
And here I was thinking Popular Mechanics took care of all of those people

If you hate your own government or country, or the party that is in power at the time, then anything's possible.
CowboyMcCoy;4131397 said:
I disagree. Nasa has much more credibility than our government. And the evidence is stacked much more against them than NASA too. Night and day, or oranges and apples as they say.

I don't like conspiracies. But I've seen the mirrors on the moon reflecting lasers beck to earth at the McDonald's observatory.

What is it that points to the government lying about planes bringing down the World Trade Towers? We actually saw the planes fly into the towers, yet we have no survivors talking about bombs in the basement. The towers crumbled from the top down. They didn't topple from the base. So, other than just being a conspiracy theorist, what is there to suggest the planes weren't responsible for the towers collapsing?
Also, I'd like to point out that I don't believe it was faked. But that it would be trivial for such an agency to fake the proof that disproves it being fake, given they could fake something like that in the first place.
tupperware;4131941 said:
Also, I'd like to point out that I don't believe it was faked. But that it would be trivial for such an agency to fake the proof that disproves it being fake, given they could fake something like that in the first place.

Considering anyone can do the laser reflection test from anywhere in the world even without NASA's knowledge of the test, it would be pretty hard to fake. Now a single test performed by NASA or whoever could be faked.

btw, the Earth is flat. People saying it's spherical are lying. That's a bunch of huey! ;)
Illini88228;4131750 said:
Umm... You're talking about George Orwell (real name Eric Blair) who wrote 1984, Animal Farm, and several other books.

Orson Welles was the actor/director behind Citizen Kane, and a famous radio broadcast of War of the Worlds which duped some people into believing that it was real.

Two entirely different people.

Yes, thanks for the correction. I remember the broadcast thing, and I haven't read anything by Welles other than 1984. So I'm definitely off there. But the funny thing is people did believe it was real because they tuned in late... and started heading for their bunkers, etc. I remember that now.
Stautner;4131934 said:
What is it that points to the government lying about planes bringing down the World Trade Towers? We actually saw the planes fly into the towers, yet we have no survivors talking about bombs in the basement. The towers crumbled from the top down. They didn't topple from the base. So, other than just being a conspiracy theorist, what is there to suggest the planes weren't responsible for the towers collapsing?

I'm not one of those firehouse conspiracy nuts. Again, the subject is for another forum. I can't say much other than if I do say much it will get deleted. But my doubts do not hinge on the WTC being imploded or anything. In any case, what's funny is more and more people see the actual truth behind 9/11. We're still at war with who?
The30YardSlant;4131711 said:

Citing the Aggie sources again, I see. And once again, reading isn't your thing.

It dissapoints me how little the average American knows about...well anything really, but mostly our government. It should come as no surprise really that 9/11 and moon "truthers" exist, because after all it is way easier to watch conspiracy videos on youtube than it is to read a book or pay attention in high school government. Paying attention in physics and chemistry would have helped as well, as even a basic knowledge of the sciences can debunk 98% of all conspiracy theories regarding the moon and 9/11. For instance, people think 9/11 had to be an inside job because jet fuel doesnt burn hot enough to melt steel, and people think the moon landing was a hoax because there are no stars in any of the photos. Only an uneducated mind is capable of buying into such nonsense.

No one yet has debated that we didn't land on the moon. It's obvious we did. Funny you say that about education. I never had to choose the 3rd best school in Texas. I went to numero uno and I still think the government at least used 9/11 for the wrong purposes. I don't expect you to look at the facts though, the CIA records, the Bush family history of selling bombs to the Germans in WWII.... nah, just mindlessly consume what Fox and the White House tells you, just like a good Aggie. LOL
CowboyMcCoy;4131976 said:
what's funny is more and more people see the actual truth behind 9/11.

zrinkill;4131985 said:

Good comparison.

Hey, I thought you stopped using these strawman arguments and smilies when you turned 18 last year. This is so unlike you Zrin. Let's not forget, the reason you believe the government so much is bc you once worked for them. Talking about 9/11 being a hoax somewhat implies you might be one. I get it. You take it personally. I see it for what it is and I'm glad I'm not trapped in a close-minded world like you.
zrinkill;4131985 said:

I guess you didn't like the way the first photo depicted an actual military plane which looked sort of like a UFO. LOL So you hastily placed that one there and realized you didn't make sense, so they you typed 9/11 conspiracy UFO and got this one.

Good work.

Maybe you could have juxtaposed them together for better effect and then added maybe 5 or 6 smiles to prove your point even further.
Oh my. A proper conspiracy thread is going off the rails. Train wrecks do have a certain allure...

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