Didnt know it was possible for PS to get worse but it has


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Instead of preseason games have paid scrimmage games. Let the practices be open then charge for the actual scrimmage. Make it last 2 days or however long visiting team is in town for. They can still sell parking, concessions, and merchandise. Right now some teams don't have any open practices. Make it mandatory that each team must have X number of open practices leading up to the scrimmage.Leaguegets exposure and the teams get to have a controlled game instead of the PS games now.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
doubt it the pubic perception with the league is to protect players, making a owner and coach play starters when they dont want and they get hurt in a meaningless game and now dilutes the regular season product and hurts that steams chance to win..well there would be an outrage, lockout etc ..

I believe given the cba is up the coming year this will get hashed out and quick change is ahead..if during the negotiations RG and the NFL even suggest mandatory playing of SS in the PS..all heck will break loose...long lockouts ahead this time around given RBs want better rookie deals ie shorter ones with no 5th year option , some owners wanting player % against the cap capped ie no one player can make so ,uch of the cap(helps with QBs for sure), the talk of Pre-season shortened . and 18 game seasons etc etc.. wow this could be a doozy..
Yeah, there will be a lot of blowback on that from the players union. I smell higher caps in the future.


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Now competing teams for that given week are going on conference calls and agreeing mutually to not us 80% of their starters.. not even for the 3rd game...wow it has finally met its end..

This might be the last year with 4-5 PS games... big changes are coming..

its like watching a live tackling practice..

yet fans , insane ones, are paying for FULL Parking, Food, Drink, and Ticket costs.... Huh no way I live 8miles from the stadium and wouldn't even consider a PS game..why would I when I can wait few weeks and get real season game tickets for the same cost and the full experience...

SAD I can get passed 20mins watching on tv before I'm like welp..saw some ball..turn tv to gilligans Island , its more entertaining..:facepalm::huh::popcorn:
Catch the replay on YouTube. 10 minutes with fast forward capability. I do it with non cowboys regular season games too unless I’m just not busy at all. Nobody is forced to sit through a preseason game


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PS tickets are cheap vs regular season. Probably some only chance to see some live action without all the over head.


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Catch the replay on YouTube. 10 minutes with fast forward capability. I do it with non cowboys regular season games too unless I’m just not busy at all. Nobody is forced to sit through a preseason game
of course I dvr it but id like to see less of them and longer season etc we need quality football not just football..long azz offseasons and short seasons... the XFL just wont do it like the AFL and others, we want NFL quality ball.... College is back this weekend so some of this is finally feeling like football season.. stil hitting 100 here in DFW makes it tough to visualize but odd timing ie coincidence, first week of football and Labor day coincide with cold front getting temps uunder 90 possibly.. score!! :))


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I think eventually we will see 18 game regular seasons and 1-2 weeks of preseason with a lot of teams holding joint practices and scrimmages instead.


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I don’t watch and would never actually go to a game. You would have to pay me and even then I’m not going. lol it’s pure garbage. Just a way for teams to make more money. Any fans going to preseason are out of their minds imo.


Junior College Transfer
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LOL about right

well the rain doesnt effect ATT but cost of Drinks and food for that..heck I nearly dont even go to a Movie anymore for same reason 15 bucks for tickets and food crazy busy parking and experience just isnt worth it given quality of a movie I can see for $2 on redbox or stream..

They priced themselves out of the market.
That is why black market movies are so popular. $8 popcorn? $3 drinks? $5 hot dog? Dont make me laugh, blokes!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Then they better start giving HC's a break when his season sputters because he lost a key player.

I really don't see the league ever forcing any team to play starters.
Some Head Coaches are going out of their way to make a point of not playing starters at all.

That's going to irritate some owners and nfl management.

Teams already get complaints from season ticket holders about ps games.

Channel 11 has to sell advertising during the Cowboys games. Somebody loses money if they can't.

If it somehow costs 1 or more owners any money because teams they face in ps games don't play their starters, then Head Coaches will lose that battle.

At a minimum:

Jerry: Stan, I lost a dollar & 98 cents because your HC didn't play any starters.

Stan Kroenke: McVay, the starters are going to play...

Maybe they really go to 18 games and 2 ps games in the next CBA agreement...


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He was a better QB in college and he is a better passer but we have yet to see what kind of QB he's going to be in the NFL.

If I had a rookie QB, especially one that I planned on starting, he would play at least the first half of every game.
I can't disagree with that.


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Preseason is about seeing rookies and fringe guys. Going into it expecting more than that? You get what you deserve.


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Well said.

Makes you wonder how NFLN can hype it so much when they know people just aren't going to watch much more than 15-20 minutes of a game.

I haven't watched one second of a preseason game since 2016. I was curious about Dak. And he did not disappoint. It's football at less than full speed. No teams out there are showing anything they would normally use for the regular season. It's vanilla across the way. It only matters to players trying to make the team. Teams set their depth chart in the controlled practices in training camp. Preseason games rarely have any impact. These coaches know who can do what and don't need preseason to figure it out. The only sport that really benefits from a preseason is baseball because there's really no way to see who has what without a game to set your roster. The other sports you can. Also, teams love controlled scrimmages vs other teams much more. No one would care if preseason as a whole was scrapped except the owners.The last preseason game is the most worthless of them all. Zero starters ever play and both teams are just trying to end it as soon as they can. They know regular season is next week and just want it done with.

I am glad college football starts tomorrow because at least some football with real consequence will happen.


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Murray is not his starter

What? Yes he is. He is 100% their starter. You think they traded away their starter from last year and drafted Murray #1 overall to not start him? Kliff will sink or swim with Murray. I am excited to see him play this year.


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What? Yes he is. He is 100% their starter. You think they traded away their starter from last year and drafted Murray #1 overall to not start him? Kliff will sink or swim with Murray. I am excited to see him play this year.
You're right, Kingsbury will sink with Murray. Good call. :thumbup:


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That just goes to show what an idiot you are. Kingsbury isn't playing any of his starter in the preseason so of course you wouldn't have seen anything.
You can't be serious right. On the Cardinals website Murray is the starter, not only that but so is David Johnson, Christian Kirk and Patrick Peterson who all has played in preseason. You should do research before running your mouth and calling someone an idiot, punk.