News: Dilfer sounds like Me


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The head coach has all the power but very little control
Dilfer: Jerry needs to put on his football evaluation hat and Stephen needs to put on his football evaluation hat and say, “Okay, can Jason make that guy run the right route? Can Jason make this guy make the right call on the offensive line can? Is that under Jason’s authority or is Jason’s job to be the CEO of this program and make sure the right people are in place, the right talents being evaluated, the right coaches are coaching the right stuff, blah. blah. blah. blah. blah. blah.

And that’s their decision, but it’s not because they played bad that it’s Jason Garrett’s fault. I steal this line from Merril Hoge, I worked with him for years at ESPN, and he stole it from Chuck Noll of the Steelers:

“The head coach has all the power but very little control.”

But yet, we always want to blame him on the control part. He has power, and he’s got authority, and he’s got responsibilities, but he really doesn’t have control on game day.

You can give the players all the answers, but you can’t make him pass the test
Dilfer: I’m living this as a high school coach. We’ll give the answers to the test to our kids, but I can’t control whether he freaks out and sees a ghost in the pocket and makes a bad decision. No matter how much I train them or how much we coach them or how many resources we give them, it’s ultimately on the kid. And the accountability doesn’t always fall on the head coach.


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Saw this is another thread:
Heard mike florio talk about it before on radio.

Said when Garret was a FA coach last time he got no other offers. Wasn’t even linked to other teams.

It’s also funny this time around he hasn’t been rumored to be going to any other teams (outside the BS giant rumors).

Jerry said Garret would be highly sought after? Just another way he thinks we’re idiots.


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You may be proud of that, but I wouldn't be if I were you.

he's telling the truth, problem is you can't handle the
you're so wrapped up in your little hate fest that you can't see and ignore everything that don't fit or feed your hate


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couldn't he over-rule a bad play-call?
couldn't he have said vs minnesota...keep it in Dak's hands...the pass game is hot?
couldn't he have said in NE....vs the leagues best a monsoon....lets lean on Zeke here...we're gain'n some traction on the ground here?

I like Garrett.
good guy.
good man.
but our teams...under him...seem to under achieve.
and I don't think he's made good in-game decisions.
he doesnt seem to have a feel for how the game is going....and doesnt seem to respond to it.

it can't be easy coaching with Jerry....hats off to him for lasting 10yrs.
but it's time.
too many 8-8's.
time for a change.
in my personal opinion...time to revisit a model that has worked here....a college coach.
I like Garrett.
time to move on.


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couldn't he over-rule a bad play-call?
couldn't he have said vs minnesota...keep it in Dak's hands...the pass game is hot?
couldn't he have said in NE....vs the leagues best a monsoon....lets lean on Zeke here...we're gain'n some traction on the ground here?

I like Garrett.
good guy.
good man.
but our teams...under him...seem to under achieve.
and I don't think he's made good in-game decisions.
he doesnt seem to have a feel for how the game is going....and doesnt seem to respond to it.

it can't be easy coaching with Jerry....hats off to him for lasting 10yrs.
but it's time.
too many 8-8's.
time for a change.
in my personal opinion...time to revisit a model that has worked here....a college coach.
I like Garrett.
time to move on.

You also forget Jerry empowered Moore when he first gave him the OC job. told him to come to him if he was being mettled with.


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It's not truth, it's an opinion.

Carry on........

an opinion from someone who's experiencing it. I don't know Dilfer never met him, funny we both coach and both have the same experience. not only that, most coaches will tell you the same thing.
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28,531 says the trained eye of a
After 10 years, I think I have a pretty good idea. I'm not that slow.

Maybe it will take you another 10 years to figure it out.

You may get your chance. I can easily see Jerry signing him to a 10 year deal. It would not surprise me AT ALL.


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After 10 years, I think I have a pretty good idea. I'm not that slow.

Maybe it will take you another 10 years to figure it out.

You may get your chance. I can easily see Jerry signing him to a 10 year deal.

You don't have an idea of Jack. Ron Rivera is being considered a good coach yet he has 3 winning season out of and many here wanted him


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High school and professional are two totally different worlds that present their own challenges. I can see a high school kid having moments where they have basic fundamental break downs because its part of being young and 99 percent of the kids you coach will never sniff the NFL. The talent levels arent even remotely similar and therefore the comparison just doesnt work.

A head coach cant make guys do the right thing every step of the way. Every week guys drop a pass or run a bad route, it happens, these are humans who are going to make mistakes. When your a professional level coach though you understand that talent alone isnt going to carry you to victory every single week and therefore, you need to scheme in a way that can potentially give you an advantage. In high school, the talent levels are often vastly different week to week and that changes the dynamic. If your playing a team that isnt as talented, you can line up and do what you do week to week and more often then not your going to win games.

In the NFL, if you do not adapt, teams will figure you and your team out and put you at a severe disadvantage. There are times that coaching isnt going to win you the game. A great coach with a bad team isnt going to go out and win every week. No shot. Our loss to the Eagles? I think yea we could have run better and shouldnt have gave up on Zeke so soon but all in all the players really **** the bed that week. Dak obviously didnt look right as he sailed or skipped passes to open receivers and then inopportune drops. Those arent on Garrett. I'm not going to point at him for that, but I do think as a whole hes had many chances to get things going in the right direction and simply couldnt get It done.

I have a good friend whose really involved in coaching high school sports and the one thing you notice, at least where I'm from, is more often then not, the same teams are always good. So you say yea thats because of talent right? That's not on the coaches they simply have the best players more often then not. I agree, which is why in the NFL things are much different. High schools, especially catholic/private schools, can recruit and get the best players possible. In the NFL when the talent levels are much more equal? You need to have coaches who can get the most possible out of what they have. That doesnt mean lining up and running what we run. You look at your team and your opponents and try to create advantages off mismatches. In high school if your team is bigger, stronger and faster you can run right at the team and you'll break them and turn it into a blow out.

Nothing wrong with high school football and what you are doing Dre, but I do think there are huge differences when it comes to the pro game.