Discipline Issues in Schools

DallasEast;4083970 said:
My mother was a teacher. She would want out of a union which did not provide useful solutions to a workplace dilemma.
Well, I'm sure there are plenty examples of office environments where mature employees are confronted with immature elementary and high school aged co-workers. :)

Any office environment that includes me is certain to feature many moments of immaturity.
ScipioCowboy;4084072 said:
Any office environment that includes me is certain to feature many moments of immaturity.

ah HA! Into the corner you go, sir! :laugh1:
I graduated high school a few months ago, in middle school it was pretty similar. Usually around 10th grade people mature, but yeah kids are pretty much untouchable once they get to that point. You can't even kick them out of class because it removes their ability to fairly learn.

Once you start "going bad" the school will suspend you for a week for speaking back, trying to prevent you from becoming a "bad kid", but once you are skipping classes, etc; they really just give up since you usually don't care about the punishments and usually see suspension as an award, a day off of school. My middle school had "ISS" you'd sit in a room writing essays all day long, 1 bathroom break, no lunch. It's probably been banned now, I graduated MS 4 years ago.
Romo 2 Austin;4084177 said:
I graduated high school a few months ago, in middle school it was pretty similar. Usually around 10th grade people mature, but yeah kids are pretty much untouchable once they get to that point. You can't even kick them out of class because it removes their ability to fairly learn.

Once you start "going bad" the school will suspend you for a week for speaking back, trying to prevent you from becoming a "bad kid", but once you are skipping classes, etc; they really just give up since you usually don't care about the punishments and usually see suspension as an award, a day off of school. My middle school had "ISS" you'd sit in a room writing essays all day long, 1 bathroom break, no lunch. It's probably been banned now, I graduated MS 4 years ago.

We used to have Saturday school and it was dreadful and effective. The worse harridan of a teacher ran it and you could do no thing for 4 hours Saturday morning but homework or read, with no food or break and very strict bathroom rules. No drawing, no headphones, no drowsing.

You learned to be on time for school or not smoke on school grounds after a few rounds of that torture.
vta;4084275 said:
We used to have Saturday school and it was dreadful and effective. The worse harridan of a teacher ran it and you could do no thing for 4 hours Saturday morning but homework or read, with no food or break and very strict bathroom rules. No drawing, no headphones, no drowsing.

You learned to be on time for school or not smoke on school grounds after a few rounds of that torture.

That would most likely be ineffective, as unless your parents force you too attend its just as easy to cut it, Detention is a joke now adays. My school runs it like this, you get 1 detention and you got you have 2, cut again 4.

So most kids just cut forever, it doesn't go on the record and eventually the school gives up. I had detention for not attending a class once, it eventually built too around 100 before they stopped sending me notices and just wiped it I suppose.

Seems like the same thing would come into effect with that saturday punishment. Only way something like that would work is if it was a crime to miss it or it was enforced by adding an F into your GPA, but even then most kids wouldn't care.
Romo 2 Austin;4084340 said:
That would most likely be ineffective, as unless your parents force you too attend its just as easy to cut it, Detention is a joke now adays. My school runs it like this, you get 1 detention and you got you have 2, cut again 4.

So most kids just cut forever, it doesn't go on the record and eventually the school gives up. I had detention for not attending a class once, it eventually built too around 100 before they stopped sending me notices and just wiped it I suppose.

Seems like the same thing would come into effect with that saturday punishment. Only way something like that would work is if it was a crime to miss it or it was enforced by adding an F into your GPA, but even then most kids wouldn't care.

That has changed Romo----many district(in Texas) are now issuing tickets for truancy...You issue them to kid or parent ,depending on age...They are also issuing disorderly conduct tickets....fines get pretty steep.
Many new teachers are at a disadvantage because they are not taught how to control a class. My wife has taught in public schools for 30 plus years and is now teaching in a college prep school...Trust me you have the same problems in private as you do in public.

She developed a class room management program that works. Its based on plain old fashion common sense.. so far it has been successful in small schools -rural schools, large urban schools and TYC (the Texas Youth prison). And you don't learn rap and get down on the kids level.
ConcordCowboy;4081988 said:
They should have taken the drill holed paddle and beat their *** first...then stuck them in handcuffs.

If some teacher/security guard did that to my 7 year old I would be down at the school and break their damn legs.
DallasEast;4083869 said:
This generation is overwhelmed by "reality television". I wish we could have "reality internet" in our schools.

Get webcams.

Install them in all the classrooms.

A lot (not all of course) of this nonsense would lessen or disappear if more eyes and visual records could be made of what's happening inside the classroom from the opening bell to final recess. There would be no more excuses to shield idiot students if EVERYBODY can see how you are acting out.

Such a thing would come with fringe benefits as well. Bad teachers could be more easily identified. It could function as a monitoring system to discourage violence and crimes in schools. Want to know if you kid is doing what they claim they are doing in school? Click on a link to their classes and find out yourself.

This post may inspire some political commentary, but let's not come to that. I just think that we underutilize the internet in ways that can be easily and cheaply adapted. Just my two cents.

Wow. Sounds very 1984ish.
CowboyMcCoy;4086350 said:
Wow. Sounds very 1984ish.

No more or less than any other area that cameras have been placed into our lives.
Middle school breeds a whole different beast. I teach Language Arts to 8th graders.

I dont think Ive had that bad a case as the OP mentioned with his girlfriend, but you do get a few headaches every year. I think the worst kid I got was one who would walk on top of the desks and eat chalk. He never did anything I assigned and would occasionally feed me the "I dont like you" line.

All the principals tell us to do is document everything. For the kids who are extreme, they get sent to an island all to themselves for awhile. Then they are evaluated to see if they can come back to society. Rinse. Repeat.

Anyone just getting into Education- SAVE YOURSELF!
Trendnet;4086332 said:
If some teacher/security guard did that to my 7 year old I would be down at the school and break their damn legs.

Sounds like you need the special paddle.
CowboyMcCoy;4086350 said:
Wow. Sounds very 1984ish.
True. Practical solutions to real problems can sometimes be hard to accept.

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