DK Metcalf and blue hair?

This is one of the most ridiculous threads I've seen on this site. Why in the hell do you care that his hair is blue? Or how a employer would view him? Or if someone's daughter would want to date him? You sound envious and scared.
Nobody goes around with blue hair? Are you stuck in the 60's or something? Tons of people go around with blue hair, purple hair, pink hair, etc. It most certainly does not fall under the "don't" category for a huge section of the population. You seem unwilling to accept that.

There is scrutiny for anything we do. Most of it is pointless. And then there is obsession, which you are displaying here.

I don't know what a farmer would do if you showed up with blue hair. And quite frankly, neither do you. And, I don't care. People, including farmers, are not a monolith. They will have differing opinions on everything. And, farmers are a small subset of society. We base everything in the world on farmers now? You are asking stupid questions and can't handle the answers. You keep asking them over and over, and every time, pretty much everyone has disagreed or answered in a way that didn't fit in with your notions.

I don't care what color hair my head coach has. It doesn't matter in the least...unless they're a ginger like Garrett. Gingers have no souls. A head coach with blue hair works perfectly fine for me as long as he's doing a good job. I think you'd have nearly universal acceptance from a fanbase if their coach had blue hair and they were winning.

Do you think the Patriots fans would have wanted to oust Belichick if he had blue hair?

I can see you wander around in a fantasy world with how things actually are a total non factor. If you don't get you don't work in the sales business sporting blue hair then this is a waste of my time. Dude, you do not knock on doors with blue hair, you really don't get that, wow!

I never see anyone with blue hair, you do, where? Give me the name of three known people with blue hair, well? Do you really think Belichick is an NFL HC sporting blue hair.....hahahaha!!

If a person hasn't figured out nobody around them has blue hair but themselves they need help.

Done with ya guy tired of dealing with a cat with no clue.
I can see you wander around in a fantasy world with how things actually are a total non factor. If you don't get you don't work in the sales business sporting blue hair then this is a waste of my time. Dude, you do not knock on doors with blue hair, you really don't get that, wow!

I never see anyone with blue hair, you do, where? Give me the name of three known people with blue hair, well? Do you really think Belichick is an NFL HC sporting blue hair.....hahahaha!!

If a person hasn't figured out nobody around them has blue hair but themselves they need help.

Done with ya guy tired of dealing with a cat with no clue.
Do you not understand that not everyone in the world works in sales (though there are plenty in retail sales who do have blue hair).

I see people with blue hair all the time. All over the place.

Three "known" people? Just stop. You're going from looking obsessed with no class to just looking like you're stupid. I don't think you are, but you seem like you're going out of your way to come across that way.
Do you not understand that not everyone in the world works in sales (though there are plenty in retail sales who do have blue hair).

I see people with blue hair all the time. All over the place.

Three "known" people? Just stop. You're going from looking obsessed with no class to just looking like you're stupid. I don't think you are, but you seem like you're going out of your way to come across that way.

Dude, here is DK...

Metcalf said he feels opponents are trying to goad him into tussles more than ever this season — he said he dyed his hair aqua earlier this year to remind himself to try to keep cool on the field — and he said he understands he has to do a better job of keeping his emotions in check.

“I wouldn’t say there is a fine line, but I was doing it last year with (then New England cornerback) Stephon Gilmore and (Rams cornerback) Jalen Ramsey, so I’ve been doing it,” Metcalf said. “But I’m just under a tighter microscope right now. Everybody is watching me to see what I do and how I would react. I’m taking that into account every time I’m going into a game or preparing for a week where I’m being looked at. It’s just another challenge that I have to overcome.”

The guy had to dye his hair blue to remind himself to stay cool, if you need to call anyone stupid, there ya go.

Hit up some of those Seahawk forums they have had it with the guy, the blue hair not helping.

I went to Target today, saw nobody with blue hair, also went to Walmart, not a blue head in the place, as a matter of fact I can't recall seeing anyone around here sporting blue hair, where do you live Oz.


Kids, clowns, heavy metal band....ok blue hair, everyone else....nay!!!!
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Dude, here is DK...

Metcalf said he feels opponents are trying to goad him into tussles more than ever this season — he said he dyed his hair aqua earlier this year to remind himself to try to keep cool on the field — and he said he understands he has to do a better job of keeping his emotions in check.

“I wouldn’t say there is a fine line, but I was doing it last year with (then New England cornerback) Stephon Gilmore and (Rams cornerback) Jalen Ramsey, so I’ve been doing it,” Metcalf said. “But I’m just under a tighter microscope right now. Everybody is watching me to see what I do and how I would react. I’m taking that into account every time I’m going into a game or preparing for a week where I’m being looked at. It’s just another challenge that I have to overcome.”

The guy had to dye his hair blue to remind himself to stay cool, if you need to call anyone stupid, there ya go.

Hit up some of those Seahawk forums they have had it with the guy, the blue hair not helping.

I went to Target today, saw nobody with blue hair, also went to Walmart, not a blue head in the place, as a matter of fact I can't recallseeing anyone around here sporting blue hair, where do you live Oz.
I am saddened that you think your arguments are good ones.

Oh, and I saw a blue hair at the post office today. Saw one at Target (along with a pink hair) on Wednesday. See them all the time in KC. Saw plenty on my trip to Dallas a couple weeks ago.
I am saddened that you think your arguments are good ones.

Oh, and I saw a blue hair at the post office today. Saw one at Target (along with a pink hair) on Wednesday. See them all the time in KC. Saw plenty on my trip to Dallas a couple weeks ago.

Got to a Seahawks forum, ask the question.....You cool with DK's blue hair? what happens.

Dude, important mature people GROWN UPS....don't dye their hair blue, what is sad is you have to be told this. Give me the name of anyone of substance who got there with dyed blue hair.

Not talking kids, ok?

DK has maturity problems he has admitted that, he has issues and,,,,,blue hair,
Got to a Seahawks forum, ask the question.....You cool with DK's blue hair? what happens.

Dude, important mature people GROWN UPS....don't dye their hair blue, what is sad is you have to be told this. Give me the name of anyone of substance who got there with dyed blue hair.

Not talking kids, ok?

DK has maturity problems he has admitted that, he has issues and,,,,,blue hair,
Have you ever met a goal post you didn't move?
Have you ever met a goal post you didn't move?

So is that a,....ok I'll check out what Seahawk fans think of DK?

Telling ya right now they are tired of the way he acts, trust me blue hair ain't helping.
I think we should stop hiring fat people. We shouldn’t be encouraging that kind of lifestyle.
So is that a,....ok I'll check out what Seahawk fans think of DK?

Telling ya right now they are tired of the way he acts, trust me blue hair ain't helping.
Who. Cares?

Why would anyone base their opinions on what the Seahawk fanbase thinks?

Why are you trying so hard to sound foolish?
This is one of the most ridiculous threads I've seen on this site. Why in the hell do you care that his hair is blue? Or how a employer would view him? Or if someone's daughter would want to date him? You sound envious and scared.

I sound envious and scared, dude, explain that to me, go ahead,
Who. Cares?

Why would anyone base their opinions on what the Seahawk fanbase thinks?

Why are you trying so hard to sound foolish?

Bottom line amigo....

If you plan on being somebody in life, trust me, blue hair won't work, if you can't figure that out I tried.

Sure, little kids! A grown man...nope!
Got a prediction, I expect to see something negative out of DK "Blue Hair" Metcalf tomorrow night. Do think he's immature, do think he just doesn't get it and the blue hair proves that.

Not too popular with Seahawk fans because of how he acts.

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