DK Metcalf and blue hair?

So unless you are cool with dudes with blue hair you are disgusting, really?
You are, yes. You’re obsessed with another man that’s not bothering you, not bothering anyone. Not doing anything illegal. Is A successful young black man in America and you’re belittling him due to a personal hair choice, that’s pretty ******* disgusting. And you’re doing it for nothing but attention.
I see photos of brown haired, brown beaded and brown eyes guys taken, blonde hair blue eyes guys photos get taken. Are none of them normal?

So you see no difference in brown, blonde and blue hair, all the same to you......right?
So you see no difference in brown, blonde and blue hair, all the same to you......right?
I don’t care what another person on this earth does with their hair. Zero care. But I’m not a judgemental little prick either.
You are, yes. You’re obsessed with another man that’s not bothering you, not bothering anyone. Not doing anything illegal. Is A successful young black man in America and you’re belittling him due to a personal hair choice, that’s pretty ******* disgusting. And you’re doing it for nothing but attention.

So you are saying this is only talked about by me? Nowhere else does anyone care, right?

Google....D.K.Metcalf and that blue hair.

I actually saw it talked about somewhere else.
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I don’t care what another person on this earth does with their hair. Zero care. But I’m not a judgemental little prick either.

So who here is calling people they don't know.....names? So who who does that?

Dude, who really has the problem here? Who is getting all worked up over hair.

Be cool little fella, ok?
So who here is calling people they don't know.....names? So who who does that?

Dude, who really has the problem here? Who is getting all worked up over hair.

Be cool little fella, ok?

He’s obviously trolling.
He’s obviously trolling.

Been here a little too long to need to.....troll......hahahahaha!!!! Who does that?

I just noticed we have a cat with blue hair who gets kicked out of games, hmmmm?

OBJ colors his hair, what is his rep?
Dennis Rodman was doing this back in the 90s. This is not new.

Nobody said it was new and what did most people think of Rodman, ah.....bad example.

Google....DK Metcalf and that blue hair.

This isn't just me, hell others are talking about it, as you will see if ya Google.

So who talks about cats with brown, blonde, bald, yep.....nobody. But blue......oh hell yes!

Next James Bond shows up hair. Think about that.
What world does this guy hang in where blue hair is cool?

The guy got kicked out today for being a punk.


What's the deal here, sexy? cute? stud? How about stupid?

Screw the haters, I like it
Screw the haters, I like it

The guy is 24 years old, he represents the Seattle Seahawks, this isn't just about DK Metcalf, he has an obligation to the organization to put his best foot forward, simply the mature/adult thing to do. How grown ups act.

Some HS kids with blue hair. ya play in a band, it! But as a professional athlete a very highly visuable position ya do what is smart. Blue hair ain't it.
The guy is 24 years old, he represents the Seattle Seahawks, this isn't just about DK Metcalf, he has an obligation to the organization to put his best foot forward, simply the mature/adult thing to do. How grown ups act.

Some HS kids with blue hair. ya play in a band, it! But as a professional athlete a very highly visuable position ya do what is smart. Blue hair ain't it.

He represents the Seattle Seahawks. Not an accounting firm. Not the US government. Not an insurance company. People in those professions, and many others, are often expected to fit a certain mold. I’m not saying that it’s right, but it’s the norm. The NFL isn’t a suit and tie job. It’s a league of athletes who were the best at what they did in high school. Then the best at what they did in college. Like a musician, or an actor, they are in a way entertainers. They can be eclectic. I’m fine with that. I’ve seen plenty of other players who have dyed their hair. Blonde, orange whatever. Not sure why this guy has your panties in a bunch.
He represents the Seattle Seahawks. Not an accounting firm. Not the US government. Not an insurance company. People in those professions, and many others, are often expected to fit a certain mold. I’m not saying that it’s right, but it’s the norm. The NFL isn’t a suit and tie job. It’s a league of athletes who were the best at what they did in high school. Then the best at what they did in college. Like a musician, or an actor, they are in a way entertainers. They can be eclectic. I’m fine with that. I’ve seen plenty of other players who have dyed their hair. Blonde, orange whatever. Not sure why this guy has your panties in a bunch.

Do this take a few minutes and Google.....DK Metcalf and his blue hair,,,,,,you will see It's not just me who thinks at his age and station in life he should be hair. Kids play that which is fine at 18ish.

Love the pro rasslin' there we expect to see the weird, the strange that is that biz. The NFL you expect more class.
Look Goodfella Roger makes sure CEE DEE has his shirt tucked in that he doesn’t wave bye bye to the NE DB be made Elvis Patterson toast out of , plenty of class in this league.
What world does this guy hang in where blue hair is cool?

The guy got kicked out today for being a punk.

What's the deal here, sexy? cute? stud? How about stupid?

He hangs out in a world where he's wealthy enough to do whatever he wants, and he's only going to get more wealthy.

If you think that's wild, wait until you hear about Dennis Rodman.
Look Goodfella Roger makes sure CEE DEE has his shirt tucked in that he doesn’t wave bye bye to the NE DB be made Elvis Patterson toast out of , plenty of class in this league.

The NFL is big business once you make it to that level it is time to wise up and act the part. You have people wanting your autograph, you have football cards. pictures in magazines. Drop the silly BS the immature stuff hair.
He hangs out in a world where he's wealthy enough to do whatever he wants, and he's only going to get more wealthy.

If you think that's wild, wait until you hear about Dennis Rodman.

Where did I talk about wild and as we all know Dennis Rodman had mental problems.

So he has $$$$$$, Caligula had $$$$$$$.

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