DK Metcalf and blue hair?

Where did I talk about wild and as we all know Dennis Rodman had mental problems.

So he has $$$$$$, Caligula had $$$$$$$.

I guess you didn't say "wild" but whatever it is has you worked up seems insignificant. People sometimes have crazy hair. It's probably a hell of a lot easier to have crazy hair when you don't need to search for a job.
I guess you didn't say "wild" but whatever it is has you worked up seems insignificant. People sometimes have crazy hair. It's probably a hell of a lot easier to have crazy hair when you don't need to search for a job.

Wonder how the blue hair would have worked at Mississippi, hmmmm?

Blue hair and all this....

Dude, has no class, he doesn't get it.

Blue hair at Mississippi and all that fighting, how would his draft status be?
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Answer the question, would you hire him?

So what if your wife dyes her hair orange,'s just hair?

obviously depends on the at a law firm, probably not. Someone working in marketing (or NFL WR...) I couldn't care less what color their hair is

I think the better question is, why do people care about something so trivial? Even with the lawyer example, I think it has *0* impact on their knowledge, but do realize there are judges who will be biased against them.
So you're ok with your daughter showing up with some dude with blue hair, right? And not really too concerned over how the public reacts to some blue haired guy in your employment, right?

I don't know how old your daughter is, but this seems like an unhealthy amount of control you're exerting over her decisions
obviously depends on the at a law firm, probably not. Someone working in marketing (or NFL WR...) I couldn't care less what color their hair is

I think the better question is, why do people care about something so trivial? Even with the lawyer example, I think it has *0* impact on their knowledge, but do realize there are judges who will be biased against them.

When someone gets a tattoo of a spider on their neck what does that tell you?

When somebody wears a t shirt that reads.....Cops Suck......what does that tell you?

How we present ourselves to the world does matter, a young man in a violent profession thinking blue hair is a good idea is simply wrong. And most people do agree, Sure they will smile and play along not worth causing a problem over but if he do you like my hair? I would beat 90% would tell looks stupid.
I don't know how old your daughter is, but this seems like an unhealthy amount of control you're exerting over her decisions

Obviously talking about when she lived at home in her schooling days.

I can hear my wife now... this is Chris.
Judy.....hi Chris nice to meet you. Why is your hair blue?
When someone gets a tattoo of a spider on their neck what does that tell you?

That they have a spider tattoo on their neck...

When somebody wears a t shirt that reads.....Cops Suck......what does that tell you?

That they think cops may not agree, but there are good people who think cops suck. Their are bad people who hold cops in high esteem. Inferring more than that from a t-shirt is pretty lazy

How we present ourselves to the world does matter, a young man in a violent profession thinking blue hair is a good idea is simply wrong. And most people do agree, Sure they will smile and play along not worth causing a problem over but if he do you like my hair? I would beat 90% would tell looks stupid.

Nothing about blue hair is's really ridiculous to care this much about his hair
That they have a spider tattoo on their neck...

That they think cops may not agree, but there are good people who think cops suck. Their are bad people who hold cops in high esteem. Inferring more than that from a t-shirt is pretty lazy

Nothing about blue hair is's really ridiculous to care this much about his hair

So you got no problems if your son or daughter got a tattoo of a spider on their neck, right?

Who walks around proclaiming to the world,,,COPS SUCK....would you, me either.

Nobody said anything about hair color and violence, talking blue hair and a lack of self awareness.
So you got no problems if your son or daughter got a tattoo of a spider on their neck, right?

I don't assert bodily autonomy over another adult

Who walks around proclaiming to the world,,,COPS SUCK....would you, me either.

Someone who thinks Cops suck...still doesn't give you much insight into them beyond they think cops suck

Nobody said anything about hair color and violence, talking blue hair and a lack of self awareness.

You literally said "How we present ourselves to the world does matter, a young man in a violent profession thinking blue hair is a good idea is simply wrong." If you aren't trying to equate the two...why say it?
I don't assert bodily autonomy over another adult

Someone who thinks Cops suck...still doesn't give you much insight into them beyond they think cops suck

You literally said "How we present ourselves to the world does matter, a young man in a violent profession thinking blue hair is a good idea is simply wrong." If you aren't trying to equate the two...why say it?

So what would you think if your son or daughter got a tattoo of a spider on their neck, how about your mom, the wife? Actually answer the question, ok?

Wrong about no insight into someone wearing a t shirt that reads....Cops Suck, I pick up on here is somebody who lacks class and common sense.

Why you fighting this guy, blue hair, spider tattoo, Cops Suck.....come on man.
So what would you think if your son or daughter got a tattoo of a spider on their neck, how about your mom, the wife? Actually answer the question, ok?

I honestly wouldn't care, at least in the sense you are referring to. If the tattoo is a poor job I may have more thoughts, but as far as a message, I don't care.

Wrong about no insight into someone wearing a t shirt that reads....Cops Suck, I pick up on here is somebody who lacks class and common sense.

I may actually agree with the lacks class part...I mean if you're trying to make a statement, having it so bluntly on a shirt is a bit lame in my opinion, so I think it reflects more on their sense of style than it does their character

Why you fighting this guy, blue hair, spider tattoo, Cops Suck.....come on man.

Because blue hair is the most nothing thing I can think of. Even the spider tattoo has multiple meanings, isn't necessarily a sign that one has been to prison or whatever you're inferring from it. And this hypothetical t-shirt that says cop sucks, I honestly don't care. They could be a **** person with or without the shirt.
I honestly wouldn't care, at least in the sense you are referring to. If the tattoo is a poor job I may have more thoughts, but as far as a message, I don't care.

I may actually agree with the lacks class part...I mean if you're trying to make a statement, having it so bluntly on a shirt is a bit lame in my opinion, so I think it reflects more on their sense of style than it does their character

Because blue hair is the most nothing thing I can think of. Even the spider tattoo has multiple meanings, isn't necessarily a sign that one has been to prison or whatever you're inferring from it. And this hypothetical t-shirt that says cop sucks, I honestly don't care. They could be a **** person with or without the shirt.

Dude, stop it, ok? Don't tell me you are cool with your mom or wife getting a spider tattoo on her neck, Come on guy cool that BS.

Anyone walking around wearing a t shirt that reads....Cops an idiot, just that simple.

Well if Nick Saban was seen sporting blue hair this Saturday, let's see how....most nothing me that would be a very big deal.

When people need to scream LOOK AT ME....that is a turn off, that is trying way too hard which is weakness.
Why are people struggling with this like they are?

A spider tattoo on the neck, a t shirt that reads....COPS SUCK...and dye your hair blue. Think about that.

Now imagine that was your mom.

Yes it does matter how you present yourself.


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When someone gets a tattoo of a spider on their neck what does that tell you?

When somebody wears a t shirt that reads.....Cops Suck......what does that tell you?

How we present ourselves to the world does matter, a young man in a violent profession thinking blue hair is a good idea is simply wrong. And most people do agree, Sure they will smile and play along not worth causing a problem over but if he do you like my hair? I would beat 90% would tell looks stupid.
It only matters to people like you.

Some businesses care...because, sadly, they have customers/clients like you.

One thing that is undoubtedly less mature and has less class than blue hair (OMG, the horror!) is your attitude.
It only matters to people like you.

Some businesses care...because, sadly, they have customers/clients like you.

One thing that is undoubtedly less mature and has less class than blue hair (OMG, the horror!) is your attitude.

Then there is reality....

Do you really think others haven't talked about how ridiculous blue hair on a 24 year old man is? Dude, ya need to get out more.

Cool this silly....less mature, less class,,,,,thing, mature and class is realizing that blue hair just isn't the way to go, and only fools don't understand that.

I made my living calling on subscribers to California Farmer magazine, we had health insurance available to them, these we farmers. Now what happens if I walk up with blue hair, well?

Head football coach at Tiffin shows up at your house to talk about your son playing for hm, he has blue hair,

Dude, use your head, ok?
Then there is reality....

Do you really think others haven't talked about how ridiculous blue hair on a 24 year old man is? Dude, ya need to get out more.

Cool this silly....less mature, less class,,,,,thing, mature and class is realizing that blue hair just isn't the way to go, and only fools don't understand that.

I made my living calling on subscribers to California Farmer magazine, we had health insurance available to them, these we farmers. Now what happens if I walk up with blue hair, well?

Head football coach at Tiffin shows up at your house to talk about your son playing for hm, he has blue hair,

Dude, use your head, ok?

Who cares what stupid crap other people talk about? Lots of people think Cowboys fans are idiots. And they express that openly. Guess where your logic gets you with that one?

You don't get to define class.
Who cares about you and subscribers to a farming magazine?
Who cares about the hair color the head coach has? You keep asking these questions, and keep getting answers you don't like. Then you keep ignoring them. That is not intellectual maturity. It's not class.

Some people like blue hair. Some people don't. Apparently blue haired people should avoid you. Based on your attitude here, I'd probably suggest most other people do the same as well.
Obviously talking about when she lived at home in her schooling days.

I can hear my wife now... this is Chris.
Judy.....hi Chris nice to meet you. Why is your hair blue?

Lol . You know the Don Quixote story right Razon ? And no not the center who blocked for Cookie Gilchrist. .
Who cares what stupid crap other people talk about? Lots of people think Cowboys fans are idiots. And they express that openly. Guess where your logic gets you with that one?

You don't get to define class.
Who cares about you and subscribers to a farming magazine?
Who cares about the hair color the head coach has? You keep asking these questions, and keep getting answers you don't like. Then you keep ignoring them. That is not intellectual maturity. It's not class.

Some people like blue hair. Some people don't. Apparently blue haired people should avoid you. Based on your attitude here, I'd probably suggest most other people do the same as well.

Are you really as far out there as you appear, what is with......some people like blue one other than Metcalf, well?

We live in a society that has expectations of those in it, we have those do's we have those don't. Blue hair falls into that don't category, that is why nobody goes around with blue hair and if ya do then you have to expect the scrutinity that comes with it.

I notice you never answer a question, why is that?

Answer the question......what if I showed up at farmers doors with my blue hair.....well? A head coach with blue hair works for you?
Are you really as far out there as you appear, what is with......some people like blue one other than Metcalf, well?

We live in a society that has expectations of those in it, we have those do's we have those don't. Blue hair falls into that don't category, that is why nobody goes around with blue hair and if ya do then you have to expect the scrutinity that comes with it.

I notice you never answer a question, why is that?

Answer the question......what if I showed up at farmers doors with my blue hair.....well? A head coach with blue hair works for you?

Nobody goes around with blue hair? Are you stuck in the 60's or something? Tons of people go around with blue hair, purple hair, pink hair, etc. It most certainly does not fall under the "don't" category for a huge section of the population. You seem unwilling to accept that.

There is scrutiny for anything we do. Most of it is pointless. And then there is obsession, which you are displaying here.

I don't know what a farmer would do if you showed up with blue hair. And quite frankly, neither do you. And, I don't care. People, including farmers, are not a monolith. They will have differing opinions on everything. And, farmers are a small subset of society. We base everything in the world on farmers now? You are asking stupid questions and can't handle the answers. You keep asking them over and over, and every time, pretty much everyone has disagreed or answered in a way that didn't fit in with your notions.

I don't care what color hair my head coach has. It doesn't matter in the least...unless they're a ginger like Garrett. Gingers have no souls. A head coach with blue hair works perfectly fine for me as long as he's doing a good job. I think you'd have nearly universal acceptance from a fanbase if their coach had blue hair and they were winning.

Do you think the Patriots fans would have wanted to oust Belichick if he had blue hair?

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