It's a basic human truth that everyone will look out for number one. In his case, it's himself.
You can't say the same about Tony Romo, Terrell Owens, Marion Barber, Demarcus Ware, or anybody else on the team.
If he sees it necessary to blare to the world that he is about himself, so be it. It doesn't make him any more or any less of a character. When you look at him to date, what has he done? Honestly... just talk a lot of trash about this and that. He hasn't thrown Palmer under the bus like T.O. did with McNabb or Garcia. He hasn't made any excuses. He's flamboyant. He has a great time doing what he does. He doesn't make it out to be that football is a chore or even a business. He loves the game and he does what he does to make his mark and make it interesting.
His perceived "divergence'' is between what his team wants for him and what he wants. It creates a conflict of interest and it always gets nasty. Use Owens' departure from the Eagles as a prime example. He wanted out and did what he had to do. Now if he throws signals hoping to flag a team down, you can't blame him for hedging his bets and shoring up some option should Cincinnati actually give him what he wants. You don't quit your job without another one lined up. It's foolish to do otherwise. T.O. did that. Jerry took a flier on him and he's secured a place here. He knew he was out of options and figured out that he can still be about himself and take a team mentality. Chad's ALWAYS had that. He knows that if he wins, his team wins. If he losses, his team losses. T.O. had to learn that by losing favor with two of his former teams and QB's to figure out that it isn't about him.
Chad is NOT in this position. He isn't a head case. He isn't a distraction for the team. He isn't detrimental, that's for damn sure. He is a player looking for a way out. Unfortunately for him, he's stuck in a contract and his boss doesn't want him to leave. Not his fault... it's the boss you should be harping on. And what the boss says, goes. Same goes for any player under contract in the NFL. You wouldn't be saying that about some other lesser-known player.
Can't fault the guy for sprucing up an otherwise dwindling sport because of restrictions on how hard you can hit the guy or what you can do to celebrate getting your team some points. I appreciate what he does. He takes joy in making fans cheer for him. It's what he's paid to do as a player, but as an icon for his team. T.O. does the same antics and I don't see that crap stemming from anyone here.
If he wants to be here and Jerry can get him, I say go for it. It would be interesting to see how he and T.O. interact.
After all, Cowboys brass had the same worry about T.O. and look how he's turned out. Chad has a leg-up on T.O. He's socially mature and still playing on a Bengals team that is one or two good players from a total and all-out social collapse.
He's the real deal folks. He's the kind of player that the Cowboys need. Entertain and be entertained. Not too restrained or too out-of-his-mind. Just the right kind of abnormal.