Jerry should use his extensive Arkansas contacts to check this guy out before even thinking of bringing him in for a talk/look. Would also like to know what WR coach Ray Sherman thinks of this guy after checking out his game film. If Jerry gets enough positive feedback, then bring him in. We've got too many questions at WR not to take a look at him even though it obvious Jax drafted him way too high. Besides Matt Jones stats in his first 2 years are pretty good for a QB turned WR, but admit the high number of passes to him vs number of actually catches is offsitting. But is that due to lack of motivation, transition from QB to WR, poor QB play and/or inadequate WR coaching. In a profile on him before he was drafted, there was a phrase that went something like "if his OC can get it out of him" ..... If we are going to bring him in, he should be sooner rather then later to give him time to learn the playbook & Sherman to work with him. I do realize that Sherman seems high on Austin & feels Stanback will contribute this year so what Sherman has to say on this kid would be worth while listening too.