The stats have been posted in here 100 times. I'm not posting them again because I don't feel like getting in an enormous debate defending one of the league's best players from idiotic rhetoric and baseless assumptions - combined with the complete stupidity of the group of people who want to look at player performance in a vacuum. If you want them, search them out. Adam's posted the stuff from STATS numerous times. It's not that hard.
Roy finished the year poorly. That is not a trend. The trend for Roy is being a playmaking, badass safety, that is recognized league-wide by peers and coaches (Galloway even expressed surprise - hint, he's surprised because he's a ****** - when he was contacting coaches for his story about the defense, these coaches were NOT down on Roy Williams' abilities
imagine that!) as being such a safety.
Debates are useless in the Roy area. One group has facts, support, authoritative quotes - the other has "Roy sucks" in neon lights on their tiny buses, and they're wearing earmuffs.