DMN Blog:Cowboys will have two-a-week workouts


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Dave_in-NC;2397440 said:
I'm sure you had a point to make, but who could read it?
Dave_in-NC!! I'm actually doing pretty good with my spelling...Ive been learning to both spell and speak english.. I think im doing well at it.. If it ain't good enough for you im sorry.. Try not to read my message's next time. This will avoid you from making smart comments ABOUT MY SPELLING!!!!!


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lgarcia792002;2397504 said:
.Ive been learning to both spell and speak english.. I think im doing well at it.. !

if thats true garcia good for you!


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lgarcia792002;2397504 said:
Dave_in-NC!! I'm actually doing pretty good with my spelling...Ive been learning to both spell and speak english.. I think im doing well at it.. If it ain't good enough for you im sorry.. Try not to read my message's next time. This will avoid you from making smart comments ABOUT MY SPELLING!!!!!

LOL I wasn't talking about your spelling. It was all the ++==)) that was in there. I can't spell either but I speaks perfect english.:D


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The players have today and tomorrow off and will get a three-day weekend, when they'll be free to make get-away trips without drawing Wade's wrath as long as they stay out of trouble.

"That's the way we've done every bye week that I've coached and been with other coaches," he said.

Know what you also done everywhere else Wade?

1) Never won a single playoff game

2) Gotten your fat bum canned in the process

"But keep doin' what you been doin' I reckon"


Federal Agent
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bbgun;2397173 said:
This is like putting duct tape on the Titanic.

Not really. Why would the iceberg try and repair the titanic?

Wade = Iceberg


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
How is this team this bad and how is the Tampa Bay Bucs playing this well with a bunch of nobody's?

What I would give to see someone on the sidelines busting blood vessels and turning beat red. I'm tired of the stare at the ground and the shaking of the head.

Let's hope this bye week does the Cowboys some good.


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Bonecrusher#31;2397416 said:
After reading this report, excuse me............


:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:


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WoodysGirl;2397235 said:
I think the point that's loss is that this team is pretty banged up. A couple extra days to heal up isn't going to hurt.

Then you ramp up extra film study for the players. Do not tell me they do not need extra film study or that prevents guys from getting healed up


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Kangaroo;2397678 said:
Then you ramp up extra film study for the players. Do not tell me they do not need extra film study or that prevents guys from getting healed up

agreed, after watching Wash. tonight those guys need to be in there every day this week.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Dave_in-NC;2397356 said:
The players have today and tomorrow off and will get a three-day weekend, when they'll be free to make get-away trips without drawing Wade's wrath as long as they stay out of trouble.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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lgarcia792002;2397436 said:
Not even a 16/0 team gets this kinda bye/ This is funny... MEN everything is working like Wade ---soft---- nice--- and laid back.. Seems like the players=== coaches everything ===gets to do what they want...If the players and coaches do care-- they should be at valley ranch volunterly working on things.. fOR THE TYPE OF MONEY THEY MAKE GOSH I THINK I MYSELF WOULD HAND OVER MY UNDESERVED PAY CHECK BACK !!!!!!!

Please slide your post into his slot.



Randy White

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WoodysGirl;2397282 said:
I know we focus on the guys who have been inactive, but the list is twice as long for those have been playing beat up.

Gurode (ankle)
Flo (stinger and hand)
Tank (ankle)
Bradie (elbow)
Witten (ribs)
Barber (ribs)
L. Davis (and whatever took him out of the game yesterday)
K. Davis (I forget, but he's dinged)
Watkins (neck)

and whoever else is prolly beat up

I think that's a perfect opportunity to put a little extra sauce on this BBQ. If I were in charge, this is what I would do:

We're going 2 a days, full pads on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 1 session/2 hours ( helmet and shoulder pads only ) on Saturday. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday could be their 3 days off.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday:
Each practice will consist of 2 hours each, begining at 9:00 am and 3:00 pm respectively, with 1 hour film session at 1:00 pm. The morning practice shall consist of position drills, full pads/full speed, for 1/2 an hour, and team drill ( defense and offense ) for another 1/2 hour. The second hour will be devoted to special teams entirely, full pads, full speed. The afternoon practice would consist of 1 hour scrimage, full pads/full speed, 1 hour special teams ( full pads/full speed )

On Saturday 1 session begining at 8:00 am half speed ( helmet and shoulder pads only ). First 1/2 hour offense assignment, second 1/2 hour defensive assignment. One full hour special teams.

During the 2 a days, I would take the opportunity to make sure that Doug Free, Pat McQuistan, Montrae Holland, and Joe Berger are prepared to come in and play at any point during the season. That means they would take the majority of the reps on those days and I would create a mini-rotation during the rest of the season in which they see live action in EVERY game.

Roy Williams and, obviously, Bollinger will get as many reps as possibile with the only caviat being Romo's health. If Romo shows he's making progress, I'd bring him on Friday's morning practice for drills, perhaps a series on the scrimage in the afternoon. Otherwise, Bollinger gets all the reps for the entire week.

On defense, EVERYBODY practices, period. No excuses. Full speed, full pads.

Special teams: See defense's schedule.

that's my idea of cupcake practices. :D


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Randy White;2398014 said:
I think that's a perfect opportunity to put a little extra sauce on this BBQ. If I were in charge, this is what I would do:

We're going 2 a days, full pads on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 1 session/2 hours ( helmet and shoulder pads only ) on Saturday. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday could be their 3 days off.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday:
Each practice will consist of 2 hours each, begining at 9:00 am and 3:00 pm respectively, with 1 hour film session at 1:00 pm. The morning practice shall consist of position drills, full pads/full speed, for 1/2 an hour, and team drill ( defense and offense ) for another 1/2 hour. The second hour will be devoted to special teams entirely, full pads, full speed. The afternoon practice would consist of 1 hour scrimage, full pads/full speed, 1 hour special teams ( full pads/full speed )

On Saturday 1 session begining at 8:00 am half speed ( helmet and shoulder pads only ). First 1/2 hour offense assignment, second 1/2 hour defensive assignment. One full hour special teams.

During the 2 a days, I would take the opportunity to make sure that Doug Free, Pat McQuistan, Montrae Holland, and Joe Berger are prepared to come in and play at any point during the season. That means they would take the majority of the reps on those days and I would create a mini-rotation during the rest of the season in which they see live action in EVERY game.

Roy Williams and, obviously, Bollinger will get as many reps as possibile with the only caviat being Romo's health. If Romo shows he's making progress, I'd bring him on Friday's morning practice for drills, perhaps a series on the scrimage in the afternoon. Otherwise, Bollinger gets all the reps for the entire week.

On defense, EVERYBODY practices, period. No excuses. Full speed, full pads.

Special teams: See defense's schedule.

that's my idea of cupcake practices. :D

Thank god your not in charge. You try that and you have a revolt on your hands and your head would be strung up the goalpost.
I think this is a good idea. They need to get away from football for a few days. Hell Terry Bradshaw even said it yesterday after the game. He said they all need to get away for a few days. He even said now would be a good time to go to Mexico. These guys are not only banged up but they have read for the past 5 weeks that they are complete garbage. I think a break is needed. Not to mention I bet if you tried to practice that the union would raise a stink as I am sure this is standard procedure around the league.


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Does anyone really think 3 or 4 extra practices is going to make a difference?

And Wade and Jason don't have anything to teach the players anyway. And the players think they are too good to learn anything.

So, why practice at all.

And Newman would probably get hurt again in one of those extra practices.


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He's already lost the team so what does it matter anyway? This guy is a loser....nice guy....but nice guys finish last!


Vet Min Plus
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Get the o-line to do this together under one harness..