DMN Blog: DC Brian Stewart talks about his D; Newman returns


The Duke
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smarta5150;1831609 said:
I love how so many posters, not just in this thread, KNEW Detroit was going to run all game.

Seriously, I freakin' love it.

Please call Jerry up and tell him you can see the future.

THe Lions have been so PASS happy all-season long but a select group of posters KNEW they would be 50/50 in their play calling against us.

Whats gonna be the New Jersey winning lotto numbers tomorrow night?

If I said it, it would be persecution. You saying it is just the truth.


Mr. Wright
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Hostile;1831785 said:

If I said it, it would be persecution. You saying it is just the truth.


I wish he would get back to me on those lotto numbers though.

Work sucks.


The Duke
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Everlastingxxx;1831368 said:
That’s what i don’t get is...i knew Detroit was going to run in this game. They have been taking so much heat for not being balanced. Reminds me of the Philly game two years ago when the Eagles never ran the ball and ended up gashing the Dallas D-fense on the ground. Also, i thought stopping the run was always top priority?

Everlastingxxx;1831395 said:
I don’t know how you stop the Patriots offense. But the Detriot offense was going to run the ball. I heard it all week in their coaches press conferences and Detriot radio. We were not prepared well for that game. And that same freakin run, i wish i knew what it was called, we keep getting beat on it. Green Bay burned us with it on that long run, Detriot did it at least 2 times for huge gains.
According to you it is stopping the run. Always.

Just busting your chops.



All Star
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smarta5150;1831789 said:

I wish he would get back to me on those lotto numbers though.

Work sucks.

I always thought i was a very lucky person but never played the lotto. But one day i felt a lucky streak coming and bought one. All day i thought about how i would spend my millions. Well, the first 3 numbers i had correct, i freaked out, but after that the wrong numbers kept coming and brought me back to earth. That said...i don’t believe in the lotto! ;)

Hostile;1831790 said:
According to you it is stopping the run. Always.

Just busting your chops.


Haha! You’re good at busting chops!


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Everlastingxxx;1831636 said:
• They had already lost 4 in a row passing all the time.
• Head coach said they needed to be more balanced and media was killing him about it.
• They needed to shorten the game so the Dallas explosive offense has the ball less.
• To keep Kitna alive and hold back the pass rush of Dallas by establishing a running game.
• They just lost their star wide receiver for the season.
• Element of surprise against an 11-1 team would help.

You don’t have to see the future.

Dude they say all those things every week....


Mr. Wright
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Everlastingxxx;1831829 said:
I always thought i was a very lucky person but never played the lotto. But one day i felt a lucky streak coming and bought one. All day i thought about how i would spend my millions. Well, the first 3 numbers i had correct, i freaked out, but after that the wrong numbers kept coming and brought me back to earth. That said...i don’t believe in the lotto! ;)

So no numbers? :mad:


Zone Scribe
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Being a defensive coordinator for a team with an offense that regularly puts up 28+ points a game must be a pretty nice gig. Your unit stinks up the building, and because the offense bails you out and appeases everyone with a win you get to wax poetic about how effective your 'adjustments' were.


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theogt;1831644 said:
Ah...but if it was so obvious that they were going to run, obviously they'd realize that we knew they were going to run, and us knowing that they'd know we knew they were going to run, then it'd obviously be the case that we'd prepare for the pass.


Yet they ran. INCONCEIVABLE!!!!

My name is enigo montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die....



Well-Known Member
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smarta5150;1831609 said:
I love how so many posters, not just in this thread, KNEW Detroit was going to run all game.

Seriously, I freakin' love it.

Please call Jerry up and tell him you can see the future.

THe Lions have been so PASS happy all-season long but a select group of posters KNEW they would be 50/50 in their play calling against us.

Whats gonna be the New Jersey winning lotto numbers tomorrow night?

Go look at the play by play of the GB vs Detroit game and you tell me if the coaches should have prepared for the run. If you watched that game it would be in your mind that they may try to run the ball.

91 Rushing Yards in the first 20 minutes - 111 in the first half!


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theogt;1831644 said:
Ah...but if it was so obvious that they were going to run, obviously they'd realize that we knew they were going to run, and us knowing that they'd know we knew they were going to run, then it'd obviously be the case that we'd prepare for the pass.


Yet they ran. INCONCEIVABLE!!!!

This post has got to go down as one of the HOF "performances" on this forum.. :bow:


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aikemirv;1832370 said:
Go look at the play by play of the GB vs Detroit game and you tell me if the coaches should have prepared for the run. If you watched that game it would be in your mind that they may try to run the ball.

91 Rushing Yards in the first 20 minutes - 111 in the first half!

I guess I don't understand the point that you (as well as others) are trying to make. The play breakdowns show that we were in our base 3-4 for 49 of 69 defensive snaps.

It also shows that the overwhelming majority of their running yardage came against our base 3-4. That is the defense we play to stop the run, so how can it be the coaches fault if the correct defense is called? Do you think the coaches this week told the players that they should forget about stopping the run in our base defense against the Lions?

Maybe the Lions coming out running the ball surprised the players but it doesn't look like it was a surprise to whom ever was calling the defensive sets.


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Next_years_Champs;1832404 said:
I guess I don't understand the point that you (as well as others) are trying to make. The play breakdowns show that we were in our base 3-4 for 49 of 69 defensive snaps.

It also shows that the overwhelming majority of their running yardage came against our base 3-4. That is the defense we play to stop the run, so how can it be the coaches fault if the correct defense is called? Do you think the coaches this week told the players that they should forget about stopping the run in our base defense against the Lions?

Maybe the Lions coming out running the ball surprised the players but it doesn't look like it was a surprise to whom ever was calling the defensive sets.

The point is , and Wade said it himself, they were not prepared for the FB or the 2 TE set which effects there preparation. Now, if the Lions ran the ball against GB without the FB and the 2 TE set then you may say that Wade had them prepared with the base 3-4 but that is not what HE said.


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aikemirv;1832413 said:
The point is , and Wade said it himself, they were not prepared for the FB or the 2 TE set which effects there preparation. Now, if the Lions ran the ball against GB without the FB and the 2 TE set then you may say that Wade had them prepared with the base 3-4 but that is not what HE said.

Yeah I heard what Wade said and I agree that on the first series the Cowboys were caught by surprise, but Wade also said that after that the major problem was that players were over running their gaps and losing cutback containment. After watching the game again I also agree with that assessment by Wade do you? After the half the same defensive calls were able to shutdown the cutbacks except for one run in the fourth quarter, so while the strategy of the Lions did catch the Cowboys off guard early the fact is the defense's called were geared to stop the run.


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I wonder how comfortable we'd be with our coaching staff's admission's in numerous games this season that they were "caught off guard" or some variation thereof if we weren't winning. Would it be too early to start GROS? Who knows?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
superpunk;1832479 said:
I wonder how comfortable we'd be with our coaching staff's admission's in numerous games this season that they were "caught off guard" or some variation thereof if we weren't winning. Would it be too early to start GROS? Who knows?
Winning is the ultimate perfume.

My take on that is that Wade is knocking off the rust of not having ran a whole team in years. Fortunately for him he was handed a pretty great team with which to figure out things.

I think they would go with GROP.


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WoodysGirl;1832492 said:
Winning is the ultimate perfume.

My take on that is that Wade is knocking off the rust of not having ran a whole team in years. Fortunately for him he was handed a pretty great team with which to figure out things.

I think they would go with GROP.

To be clear, I've got no problem with any of them. I think they're great. They've continued to develop players who were already performing at a high level, and they've done a great thing with the James/Burnett mix that has minimized Bradie's problems. Fortunately for them, Burnett isn't so glass-like this season. They haven't been able to turn water into wine with players like Spears and Julius, but I wasn't expecting that anyway. ;P

This coaching staff is 12-1. :D


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superpunk;1832479 said:
I wonder how comfortable we'd be with our coaching staff's admission's in numerous games this season that they were "caught off guard" or some variation thereof if we weren't winning. Would it be too early to start GROS? Who knows?

I don't get involved in that stuff because I think any team which grows into a true championship contender faces the same problems. When a team gets really good other teams are going to throw the playbook at them in hopes of "catching them off guard" its the natural progression of things. The Cowboy teams of the 70's and 90's faced it, The Patriots face it and now the Cowboys are starting to see it. And I believe these coaches are well aware of what to expect from here on out and are telling the players to expect the unexpected as it were.

In my mind that experience is what having the proverbial "battle tested veterans" is all about. Because ultimately it is the players on field who have to respond to those challenges.


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Next_years_Champs;1832468 said:
Yeah I heard what Wade said and I agree that on the first series the Cowboys were caught by surprise, but Wade also said that after that the major problem was that players were over running their gaps and losing cutback containment. After watching the game again I also agree with that assessment by Wade do you? After the half the same defensive calls were able to shutdown the cutbacks except for one run in the fourth quarter, so while the strategy of the Lions did catch the Cowboys off guard early the fact is the defense's called were geared to stop the run.

I would agree with that. I also think Bradie's head was in the wrong place (getting back at Kitna)

All year, especially the Vikings game teams have run pretty well on us very early in the game(usually first possesion) and then we shut them down after that. We have made adjustments pretty well. We ,for some reason, were not able to adjust that quickly this game ( what was different I am not sure) but I refuse to get worked up about a bad run defense that has been stellar all season long.