DMN Blog: John Madden blames 'Boys woes on defense


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Idgit;2414583 said:
It's not that the defense relies on the cushion of the offense. It's that it's designed to benefit from the game-time situations we expect to be in. The defense sells out to stop the run, funnel receivers inside, and capitalize on pressure on the QB. This is a lot easier to do when playing with a lead and against teams that know they have to score to win.

The problems with the defense have been due to field position due to turnovers, and the impact of injuries, suspensions, and maybe age on the secondary. We've also not had two effective rushers much of the season. Spencer and Newman solve two of those problems.

If the offense can threaten opponents, we'll be in a much better situation to manage games defensively. We're not built to win games the way the Bears/Ravens do. There won't be enough days like the Tampa game.

On a side note, we'll get to see first hand how the Ravens cope with missing their top CB and safety the next few weeks.

And nonetheless, we don't stop it. You want to know what's wrong with the defense, look no further than it's inability to consistently stop the run. That simple.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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windward;2414675 said:
but it's not as if Wade has had one good defensive game in his tenure here.

That is not what I said. I said "truly outstanding". That is nothing like "good". And I will say it again. He's had one truly outstanding game in two seasons with the Cowboys.


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Cowboys2008;2414732 said:
It's the defenses job to keep the team in games, not for the offense to be so great that a defense just never has to worry. And that's what I've felt this defense has been since early last season, underachievers who expect the offense to win the games for them. We shouldn't have to score so many points, but apparently we do. Our defense sucks and it's been overrated since Parcells was here. Weak minded and pathetic.

odog422;2415002 said:
And nonetheless, we don't stop it. You want to know what's wrong with the defense, look no further than it's inability to consistently stop the run. That simple.

It's not really all that simple. We're giving away .2/yard more per rushing attempt this year than we did last year, and we're giving up .2/yard/completion this year more than we did last year.

The bigger difference is the rate we're giving up touchdowns (23 so far this year compared to 36 all of last year) and, more importantly, we've only had 3 picks this year compared to 19 in 2007. We ended last year +7 in TO ratio, and right now we're sitting at -5.

Bob Sacamano

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mboy22;2414608 said:
I have been re-watching most of our games of the season, and one thing I noticed, that is really troubling, is that we hardly blitz on third downs. We only bring a 4 man rush. I think we need to start bringing some of our linebackers up the middle on the blitz on third downs. We blitz more on first and second down than we do on third down.

I would like to see more corner blitzes, we've had success w/ them but Wade hardly uses them


The Duke
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The Defense has been my biggest disappointment by far. They have no excuses not to be good this year and they simply aren't.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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I double checked my previously stated turn-over difference after I saw Idgit's numbers.

I was off on my numbers. I checked the box scores on

Dallas has turned the ball over 17 times, not 18.

The opposition has turned it over 11 times, not 10.

That is -6.

During Romo's three game absence, Dallas turned it over 8 times to the opposition's 4.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Hostile;2415284 said:
The Defense has been my biggest disappointment by far. They have no excuses not to be good this year and they simply aren't.

That and ST's. Dismal. Why is it they don't put more starters on ST's?


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Seven;2415302 said:
That and ST's. Dismal. Why is it they don't put more starters on ST's?

Because you risk them getting hurt. Their regular positions on O and D are more important then ST.
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The defense has a lot of money invested on that side of the ball, they aren't playing up to the paychecks being cut each week!


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Mansta54;2415307 said:
Because you risk them getting hurt. Their regular positions on O and D are more important then ST.

Furthermore, putting starters on special teams is not necessarily going to correct the issue.

The problem we have is that players like Bobby Carpenter and Justin Rogers are not very good special teams players. I realize that Wade Phillips would probably argue that Carpenter is great so we don't continue to lose face with one of our biggest draft busts ever, but I don't see it. There are at least 31 other special teams specialists who are better than he is.

We simply do not have great special teams players and have not made much of an attempt to get them. Getting Polk was a step.

Our best Cowboy teams in the 1990s were not just one quality player like we have now with Davis. We literally had four or five dedicated and excellent special teams stars.


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ThreeSportStar80;2415353 said:
The defense has a lot of money invested on that side of the ball, they aren't playing up to the paychecks being cut each week!

I don't get why fans always complain about this. We don't have cap problems, and we don't personally sign the checks. It's fine to grumble b/c your expectations aren't being met, but it's got nothing to do with their payroll.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Idgit;2415364 said:
I don't get why fans always complain about this. We don't have cap problems, and we don't personally sign the checks. It's fine to grumble b/c your expectations aren't being met, but it's got nothing to do with their payroll.

Part of the expectations are tied into payroll. You would like to think your highest paid players are producing.


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I believe that all of this is going to fall on Wade Phillips soon. Why? For one, this defense that Cowboys have now is more talented than the defense Wade Phillips worked with back in San Deigo (a team that lead the league in sacks and turnovers.)... Okay, where's the pressure?, I believe the Cowboys are really missing a true Nose Tackle in the middle, I believe Ratliff would be a better Defensive End in the 3-4 than a Nose Tackle. I was hoping that the Cowboys would make a move for Shaun Rogers to be the Cowboys next starting Nose Tackle. A big body that can clog the middle and that's what Wade Phillips had in San Deigo that he don't have in Dallas a true Nose Tackle (i.e. Pro Bowl, Nose Tackle, Jamaal Williams, San Deigo Chargers).

So many, questions without no answers...


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Since Romo went down, we've had 32 offensive drives. Of those 32 drives, 8 were turnovers and 11 were 3 and outs.

That means, 60% of our offensive drives end in either 3 and outs or turnovers.

LOL. Yeah, defense has been our problem. :eek::

The Ominous

Dead Man Stalkin
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theogt;2415379 said:
Since Romo went down, we've had 32 offensive drives. Of those 32 drives, 8 were turnovers and 11 were 3 and outs.

That means, 60% of our offensive drives end in either 3 and outs or turnovers.

LOL. Yeah, defense has been our problem. :eek::

That is a very telling stat theogt.

The '85 Bears wouldn't of been able to stop anybody if they had offensive numbers like that coming from the other side. Granted, our defense has looked pretty mediocre at times with Romo, but you can't completely blame one side of the ball when the other side is THAT abysmal.

Just look at the Tampa game...NO turnovers. Even with pretty horrific offense, our defense wasn't put in ridiculous situations and they pulled it out for us.

People don't realize that offensive continuity with sustained drives is probably the defenses best friend.


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Alexander;2415366 said:
Part of the expectations are tied into payroll. You would like to think your highest paid players are producing.

If we were letting players go, or not bringing in needed players b/c we were tight on the cap with underperforming salaries, I might understand it. But we're not. This came in with the offseason Roy Williams debates all the time. It's a weird sort of fan co-dependency with a favorite team that has no basis in reality.


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41gy#;2415295 said:
I double checked my previously stated turn-over difference after I saw Idgit's numbers.

I was off on my numbers. I checked the box scores on

Dallas has turned the ball over 17 times, not 18.

The opposition has turned it over 11 times, not 10.

That is -6.

During Romo's three game absence, Dallas turned it over 8 times to the opposition's 4.

During Romo's tenure, those turnovers were in situations where Dallas was about to score, i.e. in a field position that didn't put the Dallas defense in a bad situation. Two of his INTs were in the end-zone, and so was a fumble. The defense has no excuse.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Idgit;2415413 said:
If we were letting players go, or not bringing in needed players b/c we were tight on the cap with underperforming salaries, I might understand it. But we're not. This came in with the offseason Roy Williams debates all the time. It's a weird sort of fan co-dependency with a favorite team that has no basis in reality.

Correct me if I am wrong, but according to you, everything is okay because we are not cutting players and don't have cap issues?

The whole issue is about value. Yes, to us, it shouldn't matter. It is not our money.

But honestly, the way Jerry Jones pays his stars, he is not getting much return on his investment. If this is a vicarious way to share in Jones' pain, so be it.

Since we, the fans, are what fuels the franchise, there is some interest. It is very much like a taxpayer.


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theogt;2415379 said:
Since Romo went down, we've had 32 offensive drives. Of those 32 drives, 8 were turnovers and 11 were 3 and outs.

That means, 60% of our offensive drives end in either 3 and outs or turnovers.

LOL. Yeah, defense has been our problem. :eek::

Indeed, our defense has been disappointing but our recent woes are VERY much on the offense. We gave our defense absolutely dreadful field position with all the 3 and outs and turnovers.

Anyone have a number on our opponents average starting field position in the last 3 games?