DMN Blog: New attitude on defense


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
12:44 AM Sun, Dec 23, 2007 | Permalink
Albert Breer E-mail News tips

Dallas' defensive captain Bradie James said this week, his unit's attitude shifted.

No big wholesale changes (they did come in maintaining a Top 10 ranking), just a little tweak that they felt was needed.

"Defense wins championships," James said flatly. "We can’t worry about what our offense is doing. We got into that a little bit last week, where we felt like all we needed to do was get our offense the ball.

"That’s how we’d play, get our offense the ball and they’d make plays. That’s really the basis of how we’d play."

Maybe the change didn't make all the difference in the world, since they did play pretty well against Philadelphia, but the results tonight were better than good. The Cowboys tied a season high with five sacks, forced three three-and-outs, allowed the Panthers just 47 offensive plays and yielded just 216 yards of total offense.

"Championship teams have great defenses," outside linebacker DeMarcus Ware, who had two sacks, said. "We have to step up every week, no matter what (the offense does)."

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Glad to hear it, They are certainly playing well.

anyone else confused in the pregame when marshall faulk said philly took advantage of our defense and that it didnt play well last week?
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Well they got the job done last night with like 220 yards allowed 5 sacks and 1 Int. The defenders did a good job of getting to the ball early. I thought that our secondary played pretty darn well being without watkins and williams. The only touchdown was given up by J Reeves miscoverage on the one play TNew went to the sidelines for because of injury. Other than that it looked like we were knocking Moore around all night. Im glad that James went out there and lead by example he was hitting people in the mouth all night.

Im hoping that a rededicated Williams comes back next week and for the playoffs. I think that he realized that he let his team down on all around. Missed plays, missed coverages, penaltys and now a suspension. I hope that hes taking it all very personally and comes back ready to make some plays.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Yes, I think it's kind of a good thing that the O has sputtered a little bit the last two weeks. It shows the defense that they can't always give up 24 points and win. They need to develop that mentality that they can carry the team if they have to.

And BTW, it's obvious Breer is new in town, isn't it?

Breer said:
Maybe the change didn't make all the difference in the world, since they did play pretty well against Philadelphia, but the results tonight were better than good. The Cowboys tied a season high with five sacks, forced three three-and-outs, allowed the Panthers just 47 offensive plays and yielded just 216 yards of total offense.

He's supposed to point out that they are a terrible team with an undrafted rookie quarterback, so the D's effort meant nothing.

I'm sure Cowlishaw and Galloway will corner him and let him know the right way to do it.


Outta bounds
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theebs;1852548 said:
anyone else confused in the pregame when marshall faulk said philly took advantage of our defense and that it didnt play well last week?

Yes... I said to my wife (who is a member of the media, BTW) that the media is just terrible and that I can find about 10 things every week they say that is just flat-out wrong.

The defense played very good against Philly and if the offense had been half way decent last week... that was a win waiting to be had.


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Ah, the joys of having a complete TEAM.

Hopefully our offense can right ship next week and in the playoffs. But our D has been really coming on as of late.

We can only hope for a GB loss today so we can rest all the ailing starters a full two weeks.


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theebs;1852548 said:
anyone else confused in the pregame when marshall faulk said philly took advantage of our defense and that it didnt play well last week?

I had know idea of what he was talking about. In fact, he had no idea of what he was talking about.:laugh2: