DMN Blog: Nfl bars cheerleaders from distracting players

FCBarca;1667975 said:
The larger issue, for me, is the message it sends to kids...You go to a football game, and there are children there...Little girls seeing that it's 'ok' to use your body to gain attention and money because you're a woman while it has nothing to do with the game at hand...It's oxymoronic at the very best and awfully sexist at the very least.

Makes people think that women are a piece of meat...I don't see it that way.

Yep little children there watching grown men play a Game that is VIOLENT to the point of being paralized at times,broken legs. torn ligaments,brain damage from concusions,etc.I'm sorry what was your message your trying to teach your children again. HIPPOCRIT
Maybe you just have a dirty mind because you see women in this way
I really hate people that demonize the female body. I know many women that watch football games and are attracted to the men that play it. Tony Romo gets quite a few mentions in my living room. I never hear any outcry that the men's trousers need to be looser or less revealing.

However we have women that are clothed simply looking beautiful and instantly people scream that they should be hidden. I dont have children but if i did i would tell them to treat women with respect regardless of what they are wearing and regardless of how attractive they are. i would not teach them that the female body is something to fear or need to hide from.

And lets be honest here, its not like they are in bikinis doing a burlesque show out there.

Really though people that feel that women need to be hidden need to put a burka on and shut up.
LowTech;1668827 said:
Maybe you just have a dirty mind because you see women in this way

Or maybe go post on Oral Roberts University's forum.I'm sure their cheerleaders are dressed like the chicks on HBO's Big Love.Plus they don't have a big sweaty men's football team out there violently trying to knock each other out of their cleats.ARE YOU KIDDING ME...I stole that one from Mike Gundy and this one too,Makes me wanna puke.:cool:
I really hate people that demonize the female body.
People like him just need to keep their views to themselves and not force them onto anybody else.

He has every right to have that opinion of cheerleaders, and if he'd like to shelter his kids with a big giant bubble, so be it. But he'd better not go around trying to force HIS morals onto anyone else. That's where I'd have a problem with it. His morals are no better than anyone else's.

Personally, I think the cheerleaders should all be raffled off to 20 lucky fans to accompany them into a bathroom stall for 10 minutes during halftime. There would never be an empty seat in an NFL stadium EVER AGAIN. :)
I know a cheerleader that was the main cheerleader at a major college and she is far from what your patraying them to be. She works really hard during the week executing moves and dance techinques. She honestly does it because she loves to dance[the real dancing[salsa,etc] not the pole stuff] and not for guys, or to show off her body. You guys fail to see the work they put in during the week just to be sharp, 2 hours a night. Watch the Hard Knocks with Dallas when they did the whole cheerlead thing. As far as cheerleading being the wrong message to children is a bit overboard imo because they have cheerleading at all age levels in football. Basically, its a normal way of life here. Now, with that being said I think the main point that is being argued here is if they are being dressed properly and not the basic argument of getting rid of cheerleaders. Cheerleading is fine just so they're dressed properly and not making them starve themselves.
FCBarca;1667975 said:
The larger issue, for me, is the message it sends to kids...You go to a football game, and there are children there...Little girls seeing that it's 'ok' to use your body to gain attention and money because you're a woman while it has nothing to do with the game at hand...It's oxymoronic at the very best and awfully sexist at the very least.

Makes people think that women are a piece of meat...I don't see it that way.

Yeah like I'm sure you judge women on the size of their brains and not the size of their breasts.
I thought the whole idea of Womens Lib was that they could choose what they wanted to do and do it without limitations? So the cheerleaders have made their choices and you don't like it. So what- like who cares what you like or don't like.
CanadianCowboysFan;1668891 said:
...judge women on the size of their brains and not the size of their breasts.

Before or after talking to them? :D
CBS NFL insider Charley Casserly offered this gem on Monday.

"Sunday night, a memo went out to all 32 teams which said, no longer will the visiting fans be allowed to take-over stadiums late in road games. The reason – some home-team fans may stop supporting their teams if they keep getting their butts whipped at home."
FCBarca;1667975 said:
The larger issue, for me, is the message it sends to kids...You go to a football game, and there are children there...Little girls seeing that it's 'ok' to use your body to gain attention and money

I think almost everyone uses their body to make money except for maybe Stephen Hawking. If you work at McDonald's you aren't flipping burgers with use your hands which are part of your *GASP* body! These women should be ashamed just because their bodies look nice?

And the little kids thing...oh, boy. You don't have a problem with little boys learning to love guys who go out and break legs and heads but God forbid a girl wants to emulate someone dancing and smiling. Yes, some of the dancing looks suggestive. And? Suggestive dancing has been part and parcel of humanity since its inception.

Don't be ashamed of your tumescence!

CliffnMesquite;1668772 said:
Yours is an extremely liberated position. How long have you been a homely woman?

That's just funny, I'm sorry if it is but it is.

Liberated? How is it liberated to tell a woman what she should or should not do. Alot of what passes for Liberated or Liberal today is just a acceptable name for Communism. I know you guys may think I'm over the top but check it out. Not everyone can be beautiful enough to be a cheerleader so Hell it's evil let's ban it all.

My daughter was a cheerleader, Now she 's a honor student, She still wants to and may again but she says she's far too busy.

Porn? Lighten up dude. It's part of Americana. Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water. Football hereos , beautiful Girls, it is what it is. Beautiful girls are always going to like the Football player, the ceo, The singer. They are never going to go for the Geek. It's nature. Vise Versa, Men are always going to go for the Bombshell. Nice when you can find a looker with a soul, but a looker always gets first dibs.

You may see moraltiy as conforming to accepted Norms but a great man said Love your God and Love your neighbor as yourself. Having a superiority complex, even when it is about how good you really are is actually evil.
The greatest Man I know of called them Pharisees I think.

Football is fun, cheerleading is fun, Leave it alone. Don't like it, don't watch. Instead of Soap boxing about cheerleading and trying to be moral, Why not go down to louisiana and tell the judge in the Jena 6 trial how immoral he is?

I thought not.
Boyzmamacita;1668071 said:
NFL cheerleading is just a hobby to these women. They all have careers or are going to school in pursuit of them. It's a choice every young woman faces whether they're an NFL cheeleader or not: Will you or won't behave like a sex object. Personally, I view the Cowboys Cheerleaders as more classy than some of the other squads. They seem to be a more family oriented organization, trying to appeal to men, women and children. Whereas some other squads, say the Eagles or Raiders, seem to be more adult oriented, trying to appeal to the stereotypical dirty old man.
I knew there was a reason i like the eagles cheerleaders better :D .

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